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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Left the butter out cos it was getting cold, you know, it's nice to act according to perceived trends, have your butter ready to go. Yesterday hit 90 degrees and the butter got really soft. Used it anyway because I like a little pat of it in my Cream of Wheat, which I had for dinner last night with my wife. The butter is back in the fridge, but I woke up feeling a little weird, kind an achy throat. Not the esophagus, just the inner neck/throat(?) muscles. Feeling okay, but could be better.


Also, the water I am drinking right now is room temperature, and I had to carry it up to my office (1 gallon jug!). It's usually cold since I keep it in the mini fridge, but I was thirsty and couldn't wait for it to cool down, plus I don't have easy access to ice. It's in the lounge on the floor above me, but I rarely go up there. It could actually be a nice place though. That is another problem: the lounge has potential to be a chill hangout but it is just not there yet and I don't know anyone in the building who will help me get it there.

Brilliant. Thank you.

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My PE class (which is now way better than my original one cause i finally got to switch - awesome) sprung the mile run on us today. I have yet to get proper attire for class as my sweatpants have gone missing, so i've been wearing loose elastic-y jeans for now.


I had to run a mile in jeans and a small tight shirt that i'm basically ready to throw away.

Gained almost a minute extra compared to my latest mile - ugh.

Whatever... At least I'm in a good class now, and I'm glad I got the exercise.

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this morning on the ride to work, I was doing about 75ks on Hume Hwy when the car in front of me slowed suddenly and sharply. I hit the brakes and managed to stop in time, and I was all "wtf are you doing" until I saw the car swerve and reveal a small brown creature - a possum, I suspect - cowering on the asphalt. I barely missed the little guy myself, I was still doing about 40ks and flicked to the side just in time. I caught a glimpse of its face, it was terrified. I feel like a twat for not stopping my bike on the grassy median and going back and helping it off the road but it all happened so quickly I didn't think. plus I was late to work and blah blah blah excuses. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a line of cars slowing to avoid it but I am doubtful it lived. sadfeels.jpg

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this morning on the ride to work, I was doing about 75ks on Hume Hwy when the car in front of me slowed suddenly and sharply. I hit the brakes and managed to stop in time, and I was all "wtf are you doing" until I saw the car swerve and reveal a small brown creature - a possum, I suspect - cowering on the asphalt. I barely missed the little guy myself, I was still doing about 40ks and flicked to the side just in time. I caught a glimpse of its face, it was terrified. I feel like a twat for not stopping my bike on the grassy median and going back and helping it off the road but it all happened so quickly I didn't think. plus I was late to work and blah blah blah excuses. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a line of cars slowing to avoid it but I am doubtful it lived. sadfeels.jpg


and then this happened



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cheers amber



this morning on the ride to work, I was doing about 75ks on Hume Hwy when the car in front of me slowed suddenly and sharply. I hit the brakes and managed to stop in time, and I was all "wtf are you doing" until I saw the car swerve and reveal a small brown creature - a possum, I suspect - cowering on the asphalt. I barely missed the little guy myself, I was still doing about 40ks and flicked to the side just in time. I caught a glimpse of its face, it was terrified. I feel like a twat for not stopping my bike on the grassy median and going back and helping it off the road but it all happened so quickly I didn't think. plus I was late to work and blah blah blah excuses. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw a line of cars slowing to avoid it but I am doubtful it lived. sadfeels.jpg


and then this happened





it could have been a very shrunken, brown esper for all I know

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bought a 3.5' usb disc drive to read old Amiga 500 discs, found out they can't be read on pc's without installing additional hardware such as a special floppy disk controller or a second floppy drive.. fml.

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I'm always covered in cat fur.

The reply box is adding what is most likely an illusion of there being a tab space before each of these sentences.

*edit: the tab space is real, and inexplicable, and I'm afraid of what I don't understand.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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People are asking for mac version of this windows VST plugin my company just made. ran out of corn chips for my salsa. double whammy :(

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love/hate relationship with everything/everyone :cool:


that about sums it up, yeah



except for maybe baby goats. i don't have any hatred at all for baby goats.

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I've become more and more introverted over the last year and it's starting to cause small conflicts with my very outgoing, social girlfriend and I.

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When TV chefs make food their kitchens always stay so clean. After I have done cooking the kitchen looks like a bomb went off there.

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my new roommate wanted to bring 10+ people to our place tonight. he just moved in so i'm getting to know him but i wasn't down with those plans because, well many reasons, he doesn't know the majority of them, i don't want a party, he says it's a "get together". i mean, our place is so small it's hard not to bump into each other.i'll admit, i'm a loner, so his plans were hard for me to be cool with... but i think i'm being reasonable. he was saying how he was going to talk it over with me me cause we're roommates and he respects me etc but as soon as i laid down the law he dropped the niceties and was straight up irrational. luckily i'm a good arguer... like he says his friends are older so they are more mature, but the real truth is they just wanted a place to drink and if i said it 's cool then i could expect them every weekend, coming over here, drinking, acting like punks.

the day i met him i tagged him as overly extroverted guy, and i knew we might bump heads , but really, why party HERE?

maybe i need an introverted roommate like myself lol . actually i've gotten along with most roommates, i'm quite a nice guy :flower:

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I don't like my avatar anymore but I haven't had it too long and I hate to be one of those people who changes it too often.

I've disliked my username for years but I can never think of a better one, plus I've noticed we can't change our display names anymore anyway.

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Guest disparaissant

I got into work today and was informed that i was 3 hours late. Turns out, they changed my schedule two days ago and didn't bother to tell me. Fuckers.

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