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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Need a new job. Two of the few decent people I work with for in this stupid company handed in their notice this week. Working without them is going to make it all the more shit. I've been looking for other work but have been turned down a few times due to lack of experience (nothing outside retail and no proper qualifications). Anyone else who has worked in retail will understand what I mean when I say I think this coming Christmas is going to finish me off... Dayum.


I've just had a glorious week off and am really not ready to face work tomorrow.

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Vaporware is the least interesting subgenre in the world to me. I don't understand why people take it so seriously. Whenever I start listening to it I zone out and start doing something else, I think I have a 15 second attention span when it comes to that stuff.

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Got a phone call about 20 min ago, and in my haste, I knocked over my laptop like a drunkard falling off a bar stool backwards, as it was laying on its monitor. It looked ridiculous.
Once I finished the call and picked it back up, it froze, and then about 3 minutes later the infamous BSoD came up. Then it "rebooted" and displayed some strange error message that said something like "error: boot device missing"

I bought this laptop new in August 2009, then bought a desktop in October 2011, which I had to sell last May because I was getting broke. My next computer will probably be another HP laptop, but one with an i7 processor once I can afford it, which prolly won't be until next year some time. I gotta save like a fiend first.

Also Baph, I'm sorry to hear about your cat's health issues.

And Steve-O, that would be cool if your dad can get the prosthesis. I remember you posted about three months back and weren't sure if he was gonna make it, so I guess things could be worse right. My dad was in a similar situation just over a year ago.


Is a despairing, soul-crushing sense of uselessness and futility a FWP?

Ugh, this one hits close to home for me as well. Just know that you're not alone.

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700mb rar file of 32 bit 48khz .wav remix stems for a song, with some separate track renders only featuring one kick drum or one cymbalcrash etc. Redundant silence data ftw.

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Yeah, I have a ticket for sunday's show in melb so I might as well go.. Maybe they'll put someone good on in his place, here's hoping. I still haven't heard any Andy Stott stuff, but I borrowed a couple of his records off pigster so I should give them a listen!

fake edit: I'm also unfamiliar with Shed..

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Also Baph, I'm sorry to hear about your cat's health issues.


Thanks, man. He went in on Monday and got most of his teeth pulled. Might have to take out the canines too if the disease keeps progressing, but for now he still has a mean set of fangs on him. He's a tough little feller, though, and is in mostly good/playful spirits except for a constant tail swishing which I figure might be due to discomfort, or maybe the drugs haven't worn off enough for him to realize he's smashing the tail into the wall loud enough to hear across the house. Or maybe he's just not in pain for the first time. I dunno. He remains fairly ridiculous.

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Vaporware is the least interesting subgenre in the world to me. I don't understand why people take it so seriously. Whenever I start listening to it I zone out and start doing something else, I think I have a 15 second attention span when it comes to that stuff.


In terms of artistic merit, vaporwave is about as FWP as it gets.


(I still don't quite get what it is, and what it isn't TBH: it's just that a few slivers of it perk my interest a lot for some reason)


Or maybe he's just not in pain for the first time. I dunno. He remains fairly ridiculous.


I think it's safe to assume that's a good sign for a cat.

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Guest disparaissant

they started playing christmas music at my work today. they play like 12 songs total, but have about 5 different versions of each song they play. and man, each of those versions seems to be competing to be the most depressing funeral dirge version of a christmas song ever. it's awful. how many fucking versions of "i saw mommy kissing santa claus" do we really need as a society? really now!


not to mention they played that godawful proto-"blurred lines" garbage "baby it's cold outside" 3 times in an 8 hour shift. i cannot even begin to describe how much i loathe that creepy fucking song. IT'S A CHRISTMAS SONG ABOUT DATE RAPE FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

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Something about Christmas music all day long at work drove me mad when I was employed at Fred Meyer a decade ago. It wasn't even the lyrics, it was just the same old generic shit being repeated day after day that tested my sanity.

My current FWP is that I'm just too damn tired to do anything, but it's a bit early for bed. Screw it, I'll just go to bed early.

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they started playing christmas music at my work today. they play like 12 songs total, but have about 5 different versions of each song they play. and man, each of those versions seems to be competing to be the most depressing funeral dirge version of a christmas song ever. it's awful. how many fucking versions of "i saw mommy kissing santa claus" do we really need as a society? really now!


not to mention they played that godawful proto-"blurred lines" garbage "baby it's cold outside" 3 times in an 8 hour shift. i cannot even begin to describe how much i loathe that creepy fucking song. IT'S A CHRISTMAS SONG ABOUT DATE RAPE FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

Santa Baby. Santa Baby pisses me off so much. I had almost forgotten that tis the season to be subjected to Santa fucking Baby. Which, admittedly, isn't as bad as a song about roofied nog.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

the trans-pacific partnership. i fucking hate secret trade agreements in my democracy.

your democracy? that would lead one to believe that you had a voice in the first place. :cisfor:

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Knowledge of the TPP has been available for years. The exact details might not have been known, but the process has been pretty public since the beginning of negotiations.

As I stated, the exact details were not known until now, but did you really think that governments negotiating huge trade deals would go backward on "Intellectual Property"? In April of this year the US government trade website explicitly stated they would strengthen IP protection and enforcement: http://www.ustr.gov/about-us/press-office/fact-sheets/2013/april/non-tariff-measures-consultations-japan

This is still a draft resolution and is hardly concluded. Besides - if China doesn't hop on board, the TPP is useless, as they are the ones who are being targeted with various provisions.

Additionally, the rules on "IP" shouldn't be the ones to worry you - it should be the removal of nation's ability to restrict capital flows.


So it's hardly what I would call secret. The NSA wire-tapping program, that was secret. Just because the general public can't be bothered to read about it, doesn't mean it's a secret.

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