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I look like the rapiest serial killer in all of Canada on my new photo ID.

serves you right you rapiest




Wow a hip hop serial killer, he likes big trunks he can not lie.



(cause they fit more bodies in)

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Garlic smell still lingering on my fingertips 2 days later. Garlic is an excellent cooking agent, but damn is it potent for such a small bulb


Try washing your hands, i hear it has all sorts of benefits (de hand washing, not garlic (although dats de goodsness too)).

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Garlic smell still lingering on my fingertips 2 days later. Garlic is an excellent cooking agent, but damn is it potent for such a small bulb


Try washing your hands, i hear it has all sorts of benefits (de hand washing, not garlic (although dats de goodsness too)).


Yeah I've done that multiple times already, but there's still a subtle garlic stink on my fingers. Oh well, it's gonna happen again sooner or later anyway.

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Garlic smell still lingering on my fingertips 2 days later. Garlic is an excellent cooking agent, but damn is it potent for such a small bulb


Try washing your hands, i hear it has all sorts of benefits (de hand washing, not garlic (although dats de goodsness too)).


Yeah I've done that multiple times already, but there's still a subtle garlic stink on my fingers. Oh well, it's gonna happen again sooner or later anyway.



If you keep eating garlic apparently you don't smell it anymore, well you're not as sensitive. Or it could just be that you're anglo saxon, so there's got to be some sort of issue the hap with garlic, i'm sorry about that man. ;-/ heeh.

OR it was the most fresh amazing garlic ever and i want some !!

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amber, rub a stainless steel knife along your hand under cold water (dull side, don't die plz). it's a trick i used to use when i worked in pizza places - helps remove the sulfur in the garlic from your skin.

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If you keep eating garlic apparently you don't smell it anymore, well you're not as sensitive. Or it could just be that you're anglo saxon, so there's got to be some sort of issue the hap with garlic, i'm sorry about that man. ;-/ heeh.

OR it was the most fresh amazing garlic ever and i want some !!


Yeah I'm a white boy I admit it. But that still doesn't deter my love of garlic. Garlic is lovable like a cute little chihuahua that poops everywhere.



amber, rub a stainless steel knife along your hand under cold water (dull side, don't die plz). it's a trick i used to use when i worked in pizza places - helps remove the sulfur in the garlic from your skin.

Cool, never tried that method b4. Thx for the tip brotha

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Bro Safari. friends were going there for someone's bday, otherwise i wouldn't have gone. the good news is that someone busted out pepper spray so we had to leave early because a bunch of people were puking and freaking out. the bad news is that i tried to enjoy myself, but i got kicked in the face by a crowd surfer and glared at by some mean bitches, so it's not like i went there expecting to be grumpy.


Sounds like the same kind of crowd. All 12-17 year olds. Also - no acne. Rich kids maybe? My other theory is that they all use smartphones so much they don't touch their face and/or get all moody like teens in the past. Some glared at the people (often the more punk-y kids or late 20-somethings like my wife and I) who were actually dancing. It was amazing how little they knew about anyone they were seeing and none of them really seemed to have a good time. A lot of the Grimes audience was camped out for Kendrick Lamar later. In fact, a huge pack of bros bumrushed the stage as we tried leaving. Before the show a bunch of bitches tried cutting through the crowd (we'd been waiting 30 minutes to an hour) before it started and one of them was like "uhh, so like what kind of band is Grimes?" And I was like "you probably shouldn't try going close then" and she was all pissy and like "then why aren't YOU up thur!?" I was dumbfounded at the illogic. It felt like a scene from Louis CK's show.


I'm getting old.




If you keep eating garlic apparently you don't smell it anymore, well you're not as sensitive. Or it could just be that you're anglo saxon, so there's got to be some sort of issue the hap with garlic, i'm sorry about that man. ;-/ heeh.

OR it was the most fresh amazing garlic ever and i want some !!


Yeah I'm a white boy I admit it. But that still doesn't deter my love of garlic. Garlic is lovable like a cute little chihuahua that poops everywhere.



amber, rub a stainless steel knife along your hand under cold water (dull side, don't die plz). it's a trick i used to use when i worked in pizza places - helps remove the sulfur in the garlic from your skin.

Cool, never tried that method b4. Thx for the tip brotha. It's gonna take a lot more than that to kill le Damnbremonque ;)



Cool tip. We eat a fuckload of garlic at home. And onions. So much so that the cat will start doing a teary eyed stink face from like 10-15 feet away.

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My 160gb ipod classic that I've had for less than a year and was nearly full wiped itself yesterday and now refuses to reformat.

I now can't find the receipt as my retarded past-self decided the box would be a too obvious safe keeping place.


This happened at the end of what had been a great birthday when I was attempting to put my new purchases on said pod. :dry:

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7am flight after partying up at a gig the night before, aargh. Why do I do this to myself?!


Edit: aaaand the taxi driver charged me almost $90 for a trip that has never been more than $50 every other time. Fucking asshole.

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Don't feel like going through the What.CD interview again, but trying to find rare stuff on lossless is a real hassle, and finding invites is near impossible. I just wanna download shit and I'll keep my ratio, no need for a shitty ass interview

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I look like the rapiest serial killer in all of Canada on my new photo ID.


I didn't know you lived in Victoria. I pass through there once a year.


I'm pretty rapey looking myself.



I shall keep my eyes peeled for my fellow rapey looking brethren (and if they don't like the IDMs I shall murder them, just like the guy in my ID would).

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western union has banned me from sending money anywhere in the world. They won't tell me why either (they say it's company policy that they can't say why.. wtf). I've only ever used it to send my dad money in the united states for medical costs (I send about $900 monthly...).


Now my dad needs his prescriptions and supplies to go with a prosthetic leg (leg was amputated a few months ago) and I can't send money.


Considering seeing if the media will run this story because it's absolute BS. He could die without insulin?

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Thanks man! I'll look through those. By the sounds of it I think I will be able to use moneygram, I'd just never heard of it before.


I'm really pretty upset by the whole thing. I've never been involved in fraud or anything like that so I don't see how they could justify cutting me off like that. A guy at work says he sends around the same amount of money back home to Somalia every month.... and maybe it's a bit of a stereotype but Somalia doesn't have the best reputation (piracy and terrorists and whatnot)...


Somalia + terrorists + piracy = ok send money no problem

Oklahoma + dying family member + money for medicine = banned from using service all over the world


doesn't add up =(

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