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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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This sentence doesn't sound right to me but I can't seem to make it proper....


"...historically a large concentration of wealth is placed in real property"


can someone english for me


Change the "is" to "has been" and it sounds right (prob because "historically" refers to things in the past).


that actually does sound better.



Also, some prof's love commas whenever they're applicable, in which case "historically, a large..." would be the way to go. Personally I think too many commas make writing seem choppy, so I'd stick with the way you have that part. But my gf's old writing prof would disagree.


i think using a semi colon; always makes you appear smarter.

Edited by yek
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A client came by with some of them new fangled Skullcandy phones that turn everything into a rumbly nightclub. I was hoping they might be useful for finding issues in the bottom end that might get missed on regular monitors, like maybe a guitar chord is activating the subs when it shouldn't, and that sort of thing. It seems for a lot of albums they just freak the hell out everywhere, but on the Prince tracks I tested them on, every bit that should have a bit of extra rumble had it and everything else was clean. Now the question is, can these nightmare headphones actually help me achieve the perfect, tight bottom end sound on my mixes? I had hoped someone in the know already had insight on this, but my googling only lead me to the expected (and well deserved) ridiculing of SC headphones. They actually add reverb to low end frequencies! Like if I press stop on a track, the bass resonates for a full second afterwards. Stupid! Yet I still think they could be useful for my purposes... I'm just not sure I want to subject the bones in my ears too much more to find out.

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I keep typing in forum.awtmm.com by accident. This is a new thing, but since I started doing it it's a frequent recurrence.


*band name: Mistaken Muscle Memory


i had the same for a while. i hope it doesnt come back now that youve said it

i always imagined it as an acronym for antiwatmm. one day it would not give me a dns error but actually lead to the antiwatmm forums

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FWP 1: I slept on my neck weird last night and it's been hurting all day.

FWP 2: most of the problems on my mind lately have been too serious for the FWP thread, but there's no serious problems thread and I'm too passive to start one.

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this thread has seen suicide talk, career problems, marriage/divorce, etc. you can post anything itt, it's what it's for. "srupid" = all-inclusive.

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this thread has seen suicide talk, career problems, marriage/divorce, etc.


I've been a part of all three of those topics.


Sorry if I made the FWP thread too serious over the years, I've just had nowhere else to vent really and this thread has been a lot of help.


srry srry srry.

most of the problems on my mind lately have been too serious for the FWP thread


What's on your mind? I'm here to chat if you need to vent, PM if you want. Always helps to have someone to vent to. Figured I'd offer anyways.

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That's kind of you to offer, much appreciated. I'm actually terrible at venting, i think because I'm used to keeping to myself in general. I tend to put it into music, or bottle it up, keep myself distracted with mundane things, work... If I suddenly feel the impulse to do some venting, I'll keep the PM offer in mind. Cheers man.

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this thread has seen suicide talk, career problems, marriage/divorce, etc. you can post anything itt, it's what it's for. "srupid" = all-inclusive.

My favourite moment was when someone posted "I think I might have cancer", immediately followed by someone posting "I queefed in yoga class"

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Got roped into consulting for a job that lasted from 6am until now at 2am. It needed to be done for the inspection tomorrow (or today) at 9am and the owner didn't really let us know how non-functional the space was as it was super last minute. I hope to god I've programmed that stupid German HVAC correctly... if not, may god have mercy on us all...


This is one of those situations where the bill is going to be for the job done, not the hourly rate we normally charge. Hope they're okay with that lol.

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I'm supposed to have a Power Point presentation due tomorrow, but the instructions from the professor are so vague... Myself and a bunch of classmates don't actually know wtf specifically she really wants us to do...

"Do R&D on some new or out of the box technology and create a PowerPoint presentation for the creative director"


She's a new professor and it shows sometimes, the other problem with this is she just assigns it and never actually goes over wtf she's looking for. It's only worth 10 points overall for the class though, so I may just say fuck it since I'm doing well in there already.

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I'm in 4 classes this quarter in university. 3 of these classes involve final group projects. It's a goddamn nightmare coordinating meetings and waiting for responses to questions. 2 of the groups are fine, everything is running smoothly except for a few bad apples that choose to edit the Googledoc at the very last moment before turning it in. One group in particular isn't engaged at all so I'm unofficially the leader/dictator telling people what to do.


Really wish i could just worry about myself for school.

Edited by Danny O Flannagin
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I'm in 4 classes this quarter in university. 3 of these classes involve final group projects. It's a goddamn nightmare coordinating meetings and waiting for responses to questions. 2 of the groups are fine, everything is running smoothly except for a few bad apples that choose to edit the Googledoc at the very last moment before turning it in. One group in particular isn't engaged at all so I'm unofficially the leader/dictator telling people what to do.


Really wish i could just worry about myself for school.


Ugh, I've always hated school-related group projects.

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I'm in 4 classes this quarter in university. 3 of these classes involve final group projects. It's a goddamn nightmare coordinating meetings and waiting for responses to questions. 2 of the groups are fine, everything is running smoothly except for a few bad apples that choose to edit the Googledoc at the very last moment before turning it in. One group in particular isn't engaged at all so I'm unofficially the leader/dictator telling people what to do.


Really wish i could just worry about myself for school.


I fuckeeng hate people too.

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