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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Alcofribas" data-cid="1922772" data-time="1356450488"><p>

bro hugs, od</p></blockquote>


Cheers dude, fuck that chick who wished cancer on me I'm just trolling her now. Take THAT *words over the internet*

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me and my sis were trying to tell my dad on the phone how good our indulgent christmas dinner was and he told us about a phillopedo guy who was on the bus in the devon countryside with bags of food that he was taking back to the philippines for his family just so they can eat and apparently all the neighbours are dead.. a woman he knows who was incredibly stressed about getting xmas dinner done, even IF everything went wrong it wouldn't actually fucking matter at all (grow some balls woman!) his wife's 85 yr old mother having a heart attack so she's in hospital for xmas (she's fine though, fucking amazing)g jesus man, that's why i never call.. why can't we just have a light hearted chat? my sister asked if he'd ever had guinea fowl but he's been vegetarian all his life. problems!

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had to stay overnight at hospital because of a cycling accident which sent me flying over the handlebars, smashing my face on the curb.

20 stitches and 3 broken bones, probably going to leave a nasty scar there too. could have been much worse but still shit sucks.

trying to keep myself entertained over the internet!!

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had to stay overnight at hospital because of a cycling accident which sent me flying over the handlebars, smashing my face on the curb.

20 stitches and 3 broken bones, probably going to leave a nasty scar there too. could have been much worse but still shit sucks.

trying to keep myself entertained over the internet!!

shitty. i guess my situation could be worse but i still feel sick.

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i fear the same thing about one of my closest friends. she's very underweight, has rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, and doesn't even get her period. whenever we go out to eat together she tells me she hasn't eaten all day, then she gets the smallest portion available and doesn't even finish it. i have no idea how to approach it without offending her, though. about ~7 years ago she used to complain about people asking her if she was anorexic. she claims that she just likes bland food.


all of my friends have exhibited disordered eating at some point. it's fucked up. i think i'm the only one who can eat a giant meal and not complain afterwards. but then i feel some amount of guilt for not complaining. what the hell is wrong with us.

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I can't find the DJ Hardcode introduction thread :(


edit: Oh man, that's tough, my gf sister is pretty much the same, helping her is pretty damn impossible, since she "doesn't have a problem".

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My mother does NOT have cancer. It was just something with her spleen, not sure how to explain it in english.


I'm so happy today :happy:


Had a similar situation with my mom, the doctors thought she had breast cancer but it turns out she has problems in her spine that gives her lumps in the breast (i don't know the doctors terms thats kind of how it was explained to me).


For a long time i thought my mom had cancer once i found out she didnt it felt like a huge heavy dark cloud was lifted off my body.

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My grandpa (her father) died of lung cancer 3 years ago. So I was almost certain she had it as well.


I've been in a very depressive mood these last couple of weeks. But what a relief it is to find out it's not cancer.

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replaygain is truly ridiculous when albums are mastered loud as fuck (like Supermeng, -11dB are you kidding me?).. makes it all silent as fuck

sir, you're out! welcome ear bleeding. :music::crazy:

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