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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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People with smartphones... Really, fuck those assholes. All the fucking time with it, in fucking Facebook. All the fucking time watching stupid shit. At school, at dinner, at fucking everything. Fuck them. Fuck them. I hate them so much. Fucking stupid people.


Seems a bit harsh, no?


Sent from my iPhone

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My gf and I are sleeping in my brother's kitchen because realtors lied to us over and over. I was supposed to get a place before the first and last I heard I will get it next week. If any of you are realtors, no offense, but kill yourselves.


NYC is kind of a shithole.

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ugh, I'm looking for a place to live too. Feels like I've been priced out of every neighborhood I used to live in. Going to look at four more places today... this is exhausting. :dry:


Best of luck getting in to the new place asap A/D!

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My cat pissed in my lunchbox.... He pissed in my weight room the other day too, on my subwoofer.


But the lunchbox... he would have had to open the flap, piss in it, and then close the flap (it was closed when I woke up).


I used it yesterday so it's definitely new piss.

But wtf. =(

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if it's a dude cat he might have a urinary tract infection, go get him checked out if so. ours almost died last year from something similar and before we took him in, he was trying to piss in all sorts of places (unsuccessfully, mostly) - anywhere but the litter box. they seem to associate the litter box with their inability to pee and just start going elsewhere to see if that works better. anyway good luck cleaning the lunch box.


and thanks A/D. Being angry does suck. No doubt we'll both have good places to live again eventually. :flower:

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...they seem to associate the litter box with their inability to pee and just start going elsewhere to see if that works better.

Hmm... I wonder if cats would apply this same logic to shitting difficulties and then hold onto that logic long after the problem's been dealt with. My cat didn't shit for maybe three days after we first got him, then took up the habit of shitting anywhere in the bathroom except the litter box(es). At one point he was using the litter box independently about 50% of the time, now he's back to always shitting on the floor unless caught in the act (in which case he begrudgingly wanders over to the litter box to avoid confrontation).

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if it's a dude cat he might have a urinary tract infection, go get him checked out if so. ours almost died last year from something similar and before we took him in, he was trying to piss in all sorts of places (unsuccessfully, mostly) - anywhere but the litter box. they seem to associate the litter box with their inability to pee and just start going elsewhere to see if that works better. anyway good luck cleaning the lunch box.


and thanks A/D. Being angry does suck. No doubt we'll both have good places to live again eventually. :flower:


yeah you could be right, maybe I should get him checked out.


It's still annoying as hell. =(

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I wish there were more hours in a day. Really want to intern at this recording studio but i cant do it because I'm working and doing 15 units

Are you really going to turn that down? Cut your hours FFS. Or if it's unpaid interning it doesn't count towards your working hours (especially if you don't tell them).

Well, i havent even been offered the internship. I just heard about it and it said online you're expected to work 12-16 hour days. They basically make you their bitch, and I'd be okay with that to a degree it's just physically impossible for me to do that and school at the same time.


can't you do it during the holidays? wtf do they expect people to do?

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searching for news articles on a subject and a friggin Daily Mail article was the most balanced and unbiased i found :S the internet is so full of shit

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Guest Frankie5fingers

my super took today off and didnt tell me. so ive got nothing to do all fucking day. debating whether or not i should just duck out and head home.

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just found out i have mice. they ripped up a sleeping bag and made it into some kind of mouse toilet. A TOILET!!! it's all cleaned and chucked out now. need a cat.


But then you'll also have to deal with this:


My cat pissed on my corvette keys this morning.


FWP: it's raining.

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fucking work. as in i don't have any. behind on rent, behind on car payment.

trying to save for spending money for trip to Japan...don't want to have to cancel.


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just found out i have mice. they ripped up a sleeping bag and made it into some kind of mouse toilet. A TOILET!!! it's all cleaned and chucked out now. need a cat.


But then you'll also have to deal with this:


My cat pissed on my corvette keys this morning.


FWP: it's raining.



It stinks and I don't have a second keyfob... all the car settings are stored in the fob IE seat settings, stereo, etc.


I washed it but it smells still. =(


She can have my cat for now it's peeing on everything lately.

Madamechaos we've sent our kitty in the post please be nice to him

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if it's a dude cat he might have a urinary tract infection, go get him checked out if so. ours almost died last year from something similar and before we took him in, he was trying to piss in all sorts of places (unsuccessfully, mostly) - anywhere but the litter box. they seem to associate the litter box with their inability to pee and just start going elsewhere to see if that works better. anyway good luck cleaning the lunch box.


and thanks A/D. Being angry does suck. No doubt we'll both have good places to live again eventually. :flower:


So my girlfriend took him to the vet, no UTI. I'm happy he's not sick but at the same time that sucks because that means this is behavioural and we might have a lot more cat piss on our stuff before he calms down.. =(


Edit: the vet said she didn't feel any stones or anything but I just found a pool of piss full of blood bigger than the palm of my hand. Now I'm really worried.

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Anyone else have those nitghts where you're just irritable as hell? Not even sure what my deal is but I've got like no patience tonight, it was terrible when my girlfriend dragged me to Target to pick up some groceries, I wanted to run over everyone in my way with my shopping cart. But it's not like my day has been particularly stressful other than that. I need to grab a beer, and lay on the couch with some BoC or something simillar and relaxing

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Anyone else have those nitghts where you're just irritable as hell? Not even sure what my deal is but I've got like no patience tonight, it was terrible when my girlfriend dragged me to Target to pick up some groceries, I wanted to run over everyone in my way with my shopping cart. But it's not like my day has been particularly stressful other than that. I need to grab a beer, and lay on the couch with some BoC or something simillar and relaxing


I'm like that for about a week if I don't drink alcohol. Part of withdrawal innit'??

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