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New Gescom release?


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After everyone was offered a refund by Bleep I accepted the offer and got a refund. I didn't want it anymore after hearing the samples and the potential for it to rise in the future didn't seem that high


After I requested the refund through email they gave me it


But now they sent me a mass-email saying they will ship it to me soon


Guess they don't keep records on who they give refunds to

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Well, seems that actually boomkat cancelled my order because it was waiting over 30 days to process. :facepalm:


What a fucking shambles.

mine was announced that transaction is in process and to be completed

If you preordered a month ago like me, you should have an email saying its cancelled.


aug-5 isn't a month ago??

Well i preordered a month ago apparently.

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I recieved my Gescom today after cancelling it with with Bleep and then emailing them to make sure they had cancelled it! I will check my account later too see wether it's a freebie or not.


Either way I can't be arsed to send it back to 'em. Looks like I got Gescomed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mine finally came yesterday and for some reason they sent me two copies. Posted separately, even...

Can I buy one from you, provided we can agree upon a price?

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I absolutely love this release. It expresses really cool musical ideas in a really fun genre. What's not to love?


I obviously don't know this, but I suspect ae was heavily involved. It just seems to have ae written all over it.


Has anyone brought up the Anvil Vapre connection in the track names?

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Yeah there are a lot of subtle Ae elements in these tracks. Great EP, I'd really love to hear a full length album from Gescom though!


I think I'm gonna try mixing these tracks with some hiphop acapellas. Actually, a full length album with guest vocalists would be amazing..

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I absolutely love this release. It expresses really cool musical ideas in a really fun genre. What's not to love?


I obviously don't know this, but I suspect ae was heavily involved. It just seems to have ae written all over it.


Has anyone brought up the Anvil Vapre connection in the track names?


Anvil Vapre connection? Is this the Second/Seventh correlation? Otherwise I'm struggling to see it...

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Mine finally came yesterday and for some reason they sent me two copies. Posted separately, even...

Can I buy one from you, provided we can agree upon a price?

For sure, if you pay shipping.

How much were you thinking?

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Finally listened to this today. I actually like this quite a bit so far. Sounds like Rob going solo with an MPC (and maybe the RZ-1?) and a stack of vinyl. Made me want to fire up mine, anyway. Feels like a sort of loose homage to their 80s hip-hop influences.


Reminds me of some of Quaristice and Draft texture-wise and the 2010 stuff structure-wise. My only complaint is that it feels pretty simple, so it might not have much replay value. Still, there are some nice hazy, murky moments and moods in here.

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noticed the same - sounds all manual / on the fly




I don't even hate Seventh Ace Deuce anymore. I think this is primarily because it's not the first track. It makes a horrible opener, but it makes more sense in the context of the rest of the EP. I still think the melody is annoying but the production has that same raw, live, on-the-fly vibe that just about makes up for it.

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