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When ego's go bad!


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I've come to learn recently that the ego plays a huge role in the creation of music but can equally also be it's downfall.


On a local scale I know some really good bands/musicians that won't go any further simply because they are wrapped so much in their own world and think they are sooo good that they can't be arsed with anyone elses stuff and often no one else can be arsed with the attitude hence why they never quite network with the people they need too and get to the right places.

Then there are the quieter more humble musician's who have made shed loads of really good stuff but don't really rate it themselves enough to push it forward but I suppose in a band type of scenario you will always have respected peers on hand to say yey or ney.


At the worse end of this there are far too many dickheads that think playing half arsed cover tunes makes them a rock star and also the 'skilled' performer who is more into playing than the actual stuff they are churning out who tend to be a little too full of themselves for their own good i.e wankers.


On a bigger scale we all know artists who have fucked up thinking that with a bit of success they are automatically gods and can often fly up their own arse and let their persona become a determent to their own creativity or burn out and completely loose the edge they had which can often make them burn out to a self destructive level as they can't seem to reach the high standard they've set.


I suppose the ego plays more of a role with the live musician rather than the studio one but where does one find the balance?



Any opinions on this watmm or good examples of ego fuck ups?

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I would completely agree. The best music is made when your mind is flowing free from thoughts about our society. It sounds silly but the best way to get rid of it is to meditate for a little bit, even just for like 10 mins. Focus on your third eye and get that shit opened up a bit and get those creative vibes flowing.

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I do sound a lot around town and sometimes I get an attitude from a band that thinks they're awesome and I've never heard of them. I hate having to deal with musicians that have huge egos.

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I would completely agree. The best music is made when your mind is flowing free from thoughts about our society. It sounds silly but the best way to get rid of it is to meditate for a little bit, even just for like 10 mins. Focus on your third eye and get that shit opened up a bit and get those creative vibes flowing.


nice advice. i'll need to try this. my mind is clouded these days.

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Pretty much.

I've come to learn recently that the ego plays a huge role in the creation of music but can equally also be it's downfall.


On a local scale I know some really good bands/musicians that won't go any further simply because they are wrapped so much in their own world and think they are sooo good that they can't be arsed with anyone elses stuff and often no one else can be arsed with the attitude hence why they never quite network with the people they need too and get to the right places.

Many many singer/vocalists are like this. I call them hobbyists because that's all it ever amounts to for them.
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the trouble with a lot of these bands is that they are surrounded by the "oh this is awesome" type of people and no one around to tell them otherwise. I have a friend who has tried to mix shoegaze with electronic music and I told him "there are bands out there combining these styles and make it sound good... you? not so much!" And since this dude values my opinion, he dropped the electronic part of his production entirely. but then I haven't hung out with him for like 4 years and he's trying it out again. this time with dubstep... looks like I have to intervene again.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Being on the local DJ scene sucks because most of the other guys think they are amazing and it's just no fun trying to organise anything with these sort of ego pricks. When I've played with more successful people they are often much more relaxed and chilled out about it.


Some people who are smug arseholes still make it though, Salem just popped into my head.

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Guest RandySicko

Not really that huge of a GnR fan, but I know they could have been something much more than what they were if it wasn't for him.

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in after billy corgan


the trouble with a lot of these bands is that they are surrounded by the "oh this is awesome" type of people and no one around to tell them otherwise.

right. I reckon major labels would do this a lot to hit-machine bands like nickelback who crank out the same generic shit but make a ton of money while doing so. label and band get their cash and mediocrity reins free yet again. all in a day's work for our friend chad kroeger





Lol irl


i wish that guy would've blown his head off, instead of Kurt Cobain!

can we do a trade with 'Death' ?? PLEASE !

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i was at a friends the other day and he threw in this movie that apparently was bundled with the "deluxe" or whatever edition of kanye west's latest album (you know, the one with the song that samples avril 14th). some dumb shit about a fallen angel that kanye west discovers on the road and takes care of it until it goes back up to heaven. i didnt want to be rude so i just sat there watching but it was a pretty miserable experience.

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