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The Thing 2011 prequel


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Dunno if this has been mentioned yet but....




the first thing (ahem) I thought was another Predators but apparently the script got totally rewritten to tie into Carpenters film perfectly and the SFX are real animatronics tweaked with CGI so the actors interacted properly however the cast does look a bit lame but we'll have to wait and see.



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Uhm... not exactly our finest actors. I love the john carpenter film to bits, but this looks miserable.

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I'm a fan of the original, so I'll probably see this. The trailer looks okay.


First thing that jumped out at me was that there are women in the cast. Part of what made the original what it was was the complete absence of women.

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are you talking about the fact that it looks like 2011, and not 1982? If so, yes. it does.

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I'm curious to see what happens in this one and how they do the aliens with modern fx... I loved the first one so they better do it right. Apparently this one is supposed to be what happened to the Norwegian camp, they discover in the original film.

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How could they get some of the details right (set looks like it was re-used from the original) and get everything else so wrong: the lighting, the HORRID dialogue and delivery (her line "someone is not who they say they are" and her delivery made my head want to sprout legs), the complete unoriginality in terms of the dog nipping at the wire, hell the people even seem to be playing variations on roles from the original. So bad...

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hell the people even seem to be playing variations on roles from the original. So bad...


Yeah, this is what bothers me the most. Plus, the fucking flamethrower. I hate prequels/sequels where it seems as if the director is actually talking to you going, 'hey, remember this fucking thing? Well, you're going to love my movie then because that fucking thing is in MY movie as well. YEAH!! High fives all around!'

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looks like it's going to smell like a really bad-smelling bull pizzle









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yeah, exactly. And does the thing squeal like a velociraptor in this one, just like every other movie creature these days?


Well, the trailer definitely IS full of stock sound. Not that that's a bad thing because everyone uses that but they've not hidden very well.


By the way, now that you mention the velociraptors... don't the horses (or whatever they are) from Avatar make the exact same sound as the velociraptors from Jurassic Park? You know, that sound they make when they enter the kitchen in the first movie. I haven't bothered watching Avatar since it was in theatres so I have yet to find out whether or not I'm right.


EDIT: Nevermind...

Thank you INTERWEBS!



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