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Nevermind - 20 years ago...


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think its a bit ironic to have a guy in the media writing an article about how the media is covering this particular topic too much. why say anything in that case (other than to make a few $$$) ? dont see wqhat the big deal about showing a film at a festival is exactly. if the premise is that people are so obsessed with the past they cant make anything new its a pretty shaky one. there was nothing new about nirvana in the first place. nirvana were ok tho but ultimately had a veeeery bad effect on music with the mainstreaming of all this self pitying emo junk thats basically their legacy( probably would have happened anyway).


what a load of rubbish.


shit attack.

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lol none of those tracks are unreleased just different versions, breed is a little different but not really any better than the album version. talk about trying to get traffic to your dumb ass little blog.

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  • 2 years later...

Blast from the past. Interesting thread to read.


I've never liked Cobain. Waaaay to pretentious for me. He just comes scross like a wanker to me. Never been intrested in him, his opinions or his miserable state of mind. Everything he says seems to be so far up his own ass.


Respect due, he killed glam rock and all the other bullshit rock music, which Metallica, Slayer, Sonic Youth etc etc (and whoever else at the time) rallyed against. Nirvana killed all that stuff dead overnight. Thats pretty impressive. I remember it happening die before my eyes. So fair dues.


Still think Cobain is a cunt though. Some of the music is okay, Bleach being the best. Scentless Apprectice is a sick tune (drunken rambles.....)

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 years later...

Kurt killed himself 25 years ago today. I remember when the news of it broke, it was after school and I was listening to the radio in my room when the DJ announced it. I called my best friend at the time was like oh my god turn on Z Rock (radio station back then). We were both stunned and probably blabbered on about how we couldn't believe it.


Like him or hate him, he and Nirvana made a impact on millions of people. Come as you are was one of the first songs I learned on guitar (it's so easy lol). The Nevermind songs were so incredibly catchy and somewhat childlike. Some of those melodies still pop up in my head once in awhile. 

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If it wasn't for Spotify I'd have never bothered with Incesticide. Wow that's a great album, and by far and away their best album (for me).


I changed my mind on him a little. He was in a desperate mess, was obviously a very sensitive individual and surrounded by parasitic scum bags. I think the only decent person in his life away from the band was his aunt who looked after him for a while. He didn't stand a chance really. 

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Now that you mention it, I think a lot of my early internet days were spent painstakingly downloading 2-second ultra low resolution video clips of Nirvana live shows from Geocities websites that were forever under construction.


Anyway, a talented and often hilariously funny dude, with excellent taste in music and authentically humble enough to use his fame as a platform to turn people on to other artists.


Obviously a cunt, too, but at the time, who wasn't? Glad to see today's kids out in the streets protesting instead of glorifying self-destruction.

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If it wasn't for Spotify I'd have never bothered with Incesticide.

what? when incesticide came out i didn't even knew what was the internet... weird...

I may be reading between the lines here and correct me if I'm wrong but i think he means he did not hear incesticide until after it became available on spotify...

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If it wasn't for Spotify I'd have never bothered with Incesticide.

what? when incesticide came out i didn't even knew what was the internet... weird...

he did not hear incesticide until after it became available on spotify…


Edited by beerwolf
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alright, it's weird tough, i can understand that happening with classics from the 60's and 70's, getting into such albums way latter in life, but with a 90's grunge band like nirvana!?!?... :^)

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let's moonwalk together and just agree that Incesticide is very cool album and we all feel a bit sorry that Mr Cobain killed himself



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If you're into incesticide you can go and cherry pick the good b-sides from that With the Lights Out box set as well. There are some great tracks floating around that never made the 3 LPs. 


I recently bought all these reissued versions with all the unreleased stuff and alternative versions added. Interesting to hear, but it's really hit and miss. Sometimes to the point I get the impression Nirvana was incredibly overrated. Like an uninspired satire of itself.

But then I really do like the good tracks though. And they still sound as powerful as they did back then. Can't help but feel Cobain was both helped and hindered (or inhibited) in his writing by whatever it was what finally made him kill himself. 

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Incesticide a good album? More like a cynical money grab with b-sides and other leftovers.


The only Nirvana that has aged well is a couple of tracks off Bleach - but by no means all of it - ands the faster stuff on Nevermind.


The rest is either metal lite or horribly self-indulgent guitar wankery.


Only band from that scene that’s still worth listening to today is Melvins. At least they weren’t so ridiculously earnest all the time.


Grumpy old grandpa out

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Nirvana were good, def a tad over appreciated though.


I feel the Pumpkins' music was far more interesting, and as musicians they were leagues above on a technical level too.


Corgan was more of a knob than Cobain though so swings n roundabouts I spose


I was also a Pumpkins fan rather than Nirvana. Don't even ask what's going on with Billy Corgan right now though, he's going all David Ike... 

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