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how many of you are unemployed?

Rubin Farr

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having been layed off (again) this year, i'm wondering what percentage of us are looking for work. i'm in the US which seems to be having a tough time, but of course Europe has caught the fever as well. are we in a global recession? discuss.

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having been layed off (again) this year, i'm wondering what percentage of us are looking for work. i'm in the US which seems to be having a tough time, but of course Europe has caught the fever as well. are we in a global recession? discuss.

i was just discussing employment with one of the supervisors where i work (i'm a technician at an electronics manufacturing facility). we're extremely busy right now, and we've got so much dead weight, really worthless people who obviously don't realize how hard a lot of people in the world have it right now. many times each night i want to grab people and yell at/ask them if they don't understand how lucky they are to have a job.


it seems to be a shitty time for many.

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Not me, thankfully, but a lot of people close to me are. I have nothing but empathy for anyone struggling to find a job at the moment - it's a shit sandwich here in London and I hear the rest of the country has it even worse. Every day I feel grateful to have a good job... which is why I spend so much time slacking on WATMM.

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Guest kokeboka

Things have gotten pretty bad in my country as far as unemployment goes. I'm still finishing my masters degree, but I'll be in trouble if I don't have friends pulling favours for me soon. What is really frustrating a lot of people in Europe is that it feels like it doesn't matter if you've spent years of your life studying and working hard, you're still looking at minimum wage jobs (which is very low, at least here). And politicians generally don't seem to be concerned about people anymore.


It's probably just a matter of time before things bounce back. Problem is, how long will that be and how much more of this can people take.

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Every day I feel grateful to have a good job... which is why I spend so much time slacking on WATMM.


Same. But I'm constantly looking for another job or a way out. LOL.

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I am. was made redundant at the end of August and am struggling to find a job. had 5 interviews so far, 3 of which were really positive and called me back for a final interview - only to be told on the day of the interviews that unfortunately there is no longer a position available due to either having zero budget (after some kind of review) or that they have incorporated the role into someone else's job to save money. am keeping positive and still applying, but there isn't much out there that is genuine - a lot of recruitment agencies are advertising false jobs in order to collect CVs so they can be the first to react when they do finally get some jobs to recruit for. am having to look at stuff paying much less than I was on and have been to an interview which turned out to be for a "boiler room" type sales position flogging dodgy land investments in brazil. it's a fucking nightmare.


anyone wanna buy any synths?


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I am. was made redundant at the end of August and am struggling to find a job. had 5 interviews so far, 3 of which were really positive and called me back for a final interview - only to be told on the day of the interviews that unfortunately there is no longer a position available due to either having zero budget (after some kind of review) or that they have incorporated the role into someone else's job to save money. am keeping positive and still applying, but there isn't much out there that is genuine - a lot of recruitment agencies are advertising false jobs in order to collect CVs so they can be the first to react when they do finally get some jobs to recruit for. am having to look at stuff paying much less than I was on and have been to an interview which turned out to be for a "boiler room" type sales position flogging dodgy land investments in brazil. it's a fucking nightmare.


anyone wanna buy any synths?


What've you got? My housemate has ridiculously high synth turnover, and if you've got anything he'd like I'll put you in touch.


PS, good luck mate.

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I'm employed but as always, looking for work. Earlier this year I had to take a pay cut. (it was a nice way for them to say, we need you here but don't want to fire you.) The people that refused a pay cut were let go. I negotiated compensation after a certain amt of time.


But regardless, I'm usually looking for other opportunities anyways.

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I am. was made redundant at the end of August and am struggling to find a job. had 5 interviews so far, 3 of which were really positive and called me back for a final interview - only to be told on the day of the interviews that unfortunately there is no longer a position available due to either having zero budget (after some kind of review) or that they have incorporated the role into someone else's job to save money. am keeping positive and still applying, but there isn't much out there that is genuine - a lot of recruitment agencies are advertising false jobs in order to collect CVs so they can be the first to react when they do finally get some jobs to recruit for. am having to look at stuff paying much less than I was on and have been to an interview which turned out to be for a "boiler room" type sales position flogging dodgy land investments in brazil. it's a fucking nightmare.


anyone wanna buy any synths?


What've you got? My housemate has ridiculously high synth turnover, and if you've got anything he'd like I'll put you in touch.


PS, good luck mate.


cheers man...


sold quite a lot already, but still trying to get rid of my MFB SynthLite II, Roland TR-626 and Jomox MBase_01... if he's interested (or anyone else) PM me and I'll sort some pics and prices etc

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It's probably just a matter of time before things bounce back.

Prepared yourself to wait.


Problem is, how long will that be and how much more of this can people take.

Shit is going to hit the fan.


I feel lucky to have a relatively stable, well paying job, although Mrs. Dob and I are currently getting ass-raped by negative equity.

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Guest disparaissant

unemployed for the last few months, but it's because i'm at school full time and in a shitty area. hoping to transfer and work part time as well.

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basically trying to string a bunch of part=time jobs together. it seems the only openings anywhere in terms of the job market are in the service industry...thought id never wait a table again..

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no job but it's ok.... I'm a student

Same. 3rd year of university, and have realized I still have no idea what I'm going to do.


I'm going for an Urban Studies degree and Non-Profit Certificate. I'm not going to be an Urban Planner though, so I hope I can actually find a job with those degrees. I remember me and the rest of my classmates in highschool assuming the economy would pick up once we graduate college, but as I near the end of college, I don't think that's going to be happening.

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no job but it's ok.... I'm a student

Same. 3rd year of university, and have realized I still have no idea what I'm going to do.


I'm going for an Urban Studies degree and Non-Profit Certificate. I'm not going to be an Urban Planner though, so I hope I can actually find a job with those degrees. I remember me and the rest of my classmates in highschool assuming the economy would pick up once we graduate college, but as I near the end of college, I don't think that's going to be happening.


im in the same boat with you lad. cant tell you how depressing it is to excel beyond your wildest dreams in academia, work to the point of exhaustion and mental breakdown, and then be told that work was completely worthless.

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i'll be unemployed by the end of januari, which isn't too bad considering how much i hate being a goddamn cab driver, but im not sure what i'll do next. i was thinking of going back to school (im 31 now so i feel like im gonna be too old soon), but i dunno ..

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i think the problem im realizing is everyone is moving into grad school...but there is no social mobility that was long associated with earning such a degree...data id read up as much as possible on your possible area of focus, whether its marketable or not....you dont wanna be in the hole for nothing.

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