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Monogamy and alternatives


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I am very monogamous. I have been in this relationship for nearly 3 years, and I am so happy with my girl that I will not mind if I never get with another person for the rest of my life.

I wrote a long post, but I'll just quote this quote and say "me too", actually to every detail (Monogamous, 3 years, happy, need no other). Hell, I've never had a crush on more than one woman at a time.


Dammit Spanish Guy, you broke the rolling lol.

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Thank you WATMM for reminding me that while I'm sitting on my couch browsing this forum my ex is getting fucked by some guy she has just met who hasn't had to deal with his shit for 3 years, love you all


My pleasure.

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Thank you WATMM for reminding me that while I'm sitting on my couch browsing this forum my ex is getting fucked by some guy she has just met who hasn't had to deal with his shit for 3 years, love you all


So, is your ex a man or a woman?

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Thank you WATMM for reminding me that while I'm sitting on my couch browsing this forum my ex is getting fucked by some guy she has just met who hasn't had to deal with his shit for 3 years, love you all


So, is your ex a man or a woman?


My ex is a female human, to an extent

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I guess you have a lot of "options" depending both on the degree you love / respect her / yourself :P


If there's something very strong between her and you and if you don't want it to stop at least for now you just should control what your cock says.


If it's totally clear for you that having sex with another girl would be completely exclusively sex then you may consider to do it and not telling her but I don't think that's a so good idea unless you have very strong nerves.


Also, maybe the fact you're looking at other women shows that you start to be less interested in staying with your girlfriend. That's a very uncomfortable feeling and it always bring something wrong in the relation so the sooner you handle it the better it is (but I know it's hard I suck at it so much).


I'm personally kind of struggling with different visions of a couple. I think my deep me have a pretty negative vision of the couple that last all life long and don't really believe in it, but in the same time I could imagine meeting a girl I would completely fall in love with and then doing all I can to build something strong. And in another same time this never happens.


The past three years, every time I met a girl, it's been quite weird in the sense that once I'm actually with the girl, I'm starting to realise that she's not my type at all and then one or two month pass, and during that time a true war is happening in my head ; basically a war between not being with the girl any more and just having sex with her. That's pretty lame because I'd love to have that kind of relationships where you can just have good times without thinking further. But for some reason it never works that way, I think it's my fault, as if I manage (without wanting it) to make the girl taking the relation for something quite serious.


The only time it was cool was with a girl who didn't seem to make a big deal about the fact we were seeing each other and that was so relaxing... Like she didn't quite care. I felt good that time because I knew we weren't maid to be together but that was just nice, and we both knew it would stop right after I quit the town (I met her at a job where I made a one month training period).


anyway, just be honest with her and with yourself and think about it twice (but not too much)

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The past three years, every time I met a girl, it's been quite weird in the sense that once I'm actually with the girl, I'm starting to realise that she's not my type at all and then one or two month pass, and during that time a true war is happening in my head ; basically a war between not being with the girl any more and just having sex with her. That's pretty lame because I'd love to have that kind of relationships where you can just have good times without thinking further. But for some reason it never works that way, I think it's my fault, as if I manage (without wanting it) to make the girl taking the relation for something quite serious.


You have to stop overthinking it and give a little love, if just for the time being.

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Well of course I didn't expected that someone would tell me a way to fuck around with woman and also stay exclusively with her. So... after the first few responses I had doubts if I get some useful advice here, but this thread turned out great beyond my beliefs :mu-ziq:


Yeah I'm pretty young, I'm 23. So this makes the question even harder because I will miss a lot of experience and above all fun when stay in a monogamic relationship. My girlfriend even mentioned "Maybe we just met to early?" and maybe that's quite true. And of course it would be better if we talked instead of writing letters, but you know, I talk a lot, but she is a quite complicated person (just like me) and feels very frightened easily. So sometimes she doesn't say anything and there is nothing I can do about it but making it worse.


Well. There is no other girl which I really fancy, but I am a student and there a lot of sexual appealing girls around me which would be quite easy to get I guess :happy: And if I will become the mighty electronic live performer I am dreaming about (and also working a little bit on) of course a lot of groupies and girls will want to do the dirtiest things with me (probably even on stage) :emotawesomepm9:


I guess you have a lot of "options" depending both on the degree you love / respect her / yourself :P


:cisfor: (by the way, why is this smiley all the way on the right? should be on the first page)

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how do you be a slut? How do you sleep around? How do you have one night stands? I can't do it? I want to. I haven't had sex in forever.

Leave your feelings and empathy at home. Don't invest yourself emotionally with the people you hook up with. Usually that emotional attachment is one sided. The more you hook up with a woman, especially in a short period of time, the more likely she is to develop feelings. And stay safe by protecting your goods.
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I've had open relationships/friends with benefits in the past, but men get so clingy (they love to say it's women but trust me it's you guys), these are best dealt with much like a business deal, lay down the rules beforehand if anyone oversteps the mark, see it as a sign it isn't going to work.


I find monogamic relationships more fulfilling, they become an extension of you and a great friend, it allows you to grow more as a person. Sometimes you do think I wish I could be single to do whatever but lets be honest, I doubt you'd have sex as much and the first time you have sex with someone can be awkward/annoying (they don't know the things that make you tick etc) so although the 'chase' is fun it soon gets boring.



But that's just my view.

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Yes, being single can be annoying. If only for the relative uncertainty of when sex will happen next.


I recently had a girl tell me she wasn't looking for a boyfriend, she just got out of a 5 year relationship. So naturally, I back off just a little bit so I don't get attached to her. Then she accuses me of just using her, not enjoying her company, and not appreciating her as a person. Females.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

rixxxxxxxxx and couch are on point.


i can only ever really see monogamy (in terms of a relationship) working for me, though it became clear this year that i need to get out and date more people. i'm the type of person who has typically gone full bore into a serious relationship, but i don't think i totally considered what that really means and what type of person i really get along with, and thus would want to be with in the long term.


but like has been said before, really it's whatever you can agree with your partner(s?) on, whatever sort of situation you or they would want.

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men get so clingy (they love to say it's women but trust me it's you guys), these are best dealt with much like a business deal, lay down the rules beforehand if anyone oversteps the mark, see it as a sign it isn't going to work.


I am not surprised men get clingy like that. We're taught to not show emotion amongst other dudes because it's not "manly". Most dudes do not have anybody to form emotional attachments with. Not the same way women do with their best friends. So many men seek it out in the form of a female companion rather than their bros.


Yes, being single can be annoying. If only for the relative uncertainty of when sex will happen next.


I recently had a girl tell me she wasn't looking for a boyfriend, she just got out of a 5 year relationship. So naturally, I back off just a little bit so I don't get attached to her. Then she accuses me of just using her, not enjoying her company, and not appreciating her as a person. Females.

She's just trying to deflect her guilt onto you.
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Let me help you: How can your girlfriend fuck around while not upsetting you?


When you have the answer to that you will know the secret.

Exactly. Sounds the original poster wants to have his cake and eat it. If you love her then sleeping around shouldn't even be on your mind.

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I'm in a serious long term relationship. I've never cheated on her, but we've both "shared" on a few occasions, with another couple, 4-some style. It's great, and luckily, not weird at all. :emotawesomepm9:

I couldn't do that and there is no way I'd be cool with my girl fucking another guy - no way!

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I see what you're saying, but when you're 2 feet away, on the same bed, balls deep in his wife, it's a lot less of a big deal, especially since they are trusted/clean/etc. EZ.


I'm in a serious long term relationship. I've never cheated on her, but we've both "shared" on a few occasions, with another couple, 4-some style. It's great, and luckily, not weird at all. :emotawesomepm9:

I couldn't do that and there is no way I'd be cool with my girl fucking another guy - no way!

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Yes, being single can be annoying. If only for the relative uncertainty of when sex will happen next.


I recently had a girl tell me she wasn't looking for a boyfriend, she just got out of a 5 year relationship. So naturally, I back off just a little bit so I don't get attached to her. Then she accuses me of just using her, not enjoying her company, and not appreciating her as a person. Females.


another important rule: don't stick your dick in crazy/don't let crazy stick his dick in you.

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men get so clingy (they love to say it's women but trust me it's you guys), these are best dealt with much like a business deal, lay down the rules beforehand if anyone oversteps the mark, see it as a sign it isn't going to work.


I am not surprised men get clingy like that. We're taught to not show emotion amongst other dudes because it's not "manly". Most dudes do not have anybody to form emotional attachments with. Not the same way women do with their best friends. So many men seek it out in the form of a female companion rather than their bros.



You still go into the affair hoping the non-committed person will change their mind. I think men are very territorial when it concerns sex. Its embedded in our genes. Two roosters in the hen house so to speak.

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how do you be a slut? How do you sleep around? How do you have one night stands? I can't do it? I want to. I haven't had sex in forever.

Most men can't be sluts, Braintree is suave and particularly attractive to the opposite sex. Also I think it helps to go to parties and bars and so on.



I am good looking enough. When I open my mouth. When I try and pursue that is when it goes pear shaped. Awkward silences. shyness. etc. Wanting it too bad? I dont know.

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For the ones having a hard time scoring, it's all about confidence. Trust me. You have no idea how hot women you can score.


How do you make yourself confident? Thinking of prior successes? Self validation? Im not naturally confident. It would be fascinating to hear how you turned it around

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