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Dave Mustaine Accuses Obama of Staging Recent Mass Killings


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Not to mention the significant amount of innocent deaths happening on our bordering country Mexico due to failed drug war policies. If we wanna talk about terrorists lets look at the cartels who killed 50,000 people over a 5-6 year period.



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What an idiot.

another utter waste of space glorifying conspiracy theory culture, why don't they all move to their unvaccinated carcasses to the fucking mountains with their efoods and shotguns?

fuck any "red pill" talk...

lol at this dickhole conspiracy nutter.

mustaine is an idiot.

Fuck Mustaine and fuck Randy.

Thing is, they are all seriously crazy and mentally ill and what have you.



if you're going to believe that the government is here to just rape the absolute shit out of us, which is reasonable to believe, stop having faith that an armed citizenry is even a remote threat to their plans.



And that the government would have to stage mass shootings in order to take away guns from the "last hope for freedom" that stands in their way



I think you are bit too concerned with disassociating yourself from the Alex Jones crowd than with the truth.

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Guest RandySicko

I think you are bit too concerned with disassociating yourself from the Alex Jones crowd than with the truth.


I would be too if I wasted four years of my life listening to Alex Jones yell and wave his dick at me.


:facepalm: lol you're all fucked. It makes sense though, seeing that this entire message board is filled with a bunch of queer, drug using, television addicted, depression pain med gobbling schizoid twats.

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lol that pic rules also randy why do you keep calling people television watching as if its a bad thing? is it all tv or just tv news etc

and whats wrong with drugs

and whats wrong with being queer


for someone so open minded u seem simultaneously closed minded :()

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lol you're all fucked. It makes sense though, seeing that this entire message board is filled with a bunch of queer, drug using, television addicted, depression pain med gobbling schizoid twats.

If you were to present your homophobic conspiracy theories in the form of a triple disk psychedelic ambient album we'd all listen to you, though

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I've only known one conspiracy theorist in real life & he


A. thought the Toronto Public Library was monitoring him with spy satellites for some reason

B. claimed he wrote the script to the matrix in the 70s & the Wachowskis stole it from his house

C. lives in his car most of the time

D. lives with his mom the rest of the time (he's 60 years old)

E. got arrested for taking a dump behind an elementary school during Recess. Says this was a plot against him

F. lies naked on picnic tables & yells at those passing by

G. claims he is more black than people who actually are black

schizophrenia is fun

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i never understood how a country as civilized as USA was so "middle age" (or perhaps 'Conan the Barbarian' [i love the original movie by the way but what looks awesome on the big screen gets nightmarish in reality]) towards guns control. at first, i'd thought the mass killings would have make things change but its like the opposite. obviously if, in the near future, some matrix weirdo would shot 200 students with guns easily bought in walmart, no one would think about changing the law. perhaps i'm being pessimistic but gun control is, to the Us, what justice is to Russia : a reccurent disaster.

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:facepalm: lol you're all fucked. It makes sense though, seeing that this entire message board is filled with a bunch of queer, drug using, television addicted, depression pain med gobbling schizoid twats.


I lol'd


lol, there it is

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Guest Frankie5fingers
lol you're all fucked. It makes sense though, seeing that this entire message board is filled with a bunch of queer, drug using, television addicted, depression pain med gobbling schizoid twats.

If you were to present your homophobic conspiracy theories in the form of a triple disk psychedelic ambient album we'd all listen to you, though

i don't think hes ever put up music. has he?
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Randy, honest question, do you believe any/all of the following:


-certain famous people are reptilian hominids from space

-2012 is gonna happen for real

-there are spy cameras monitoring you, specifically

-Jews are evil space aliens who secretly control the world

-when people aren't around dogs put on sunglasses & do-rags & talk & go on adventures


If so please explain your reasoning

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Guest RandySicko

Randy, honest question, do you believe any/all of the following:


-certain famous people are reptilian hominids from space

-2012 is gonna happen for real

-there are spy cameras monitoring you, specifically

-Jews are evil space aliens who secretly control the world

-when people aren't around dogs put on sunglasses & do-rags & talk & go on adventures


If so please explain your reasoning


I didn't know this was an ask me anything thread... but i'll play along


I dont believe in reptilians

I dont believe in the 2012 doomsday hoax

No spy cameras monitor me specifically

Jews don't run the world ..only the media

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Randy, Randy, do you have a pistol permit and license to carry?


This isn't facebook.


Well you've already spouted more asinine bullshit than facebook can allow. The question is: Do you actually own a gun?

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Guest RandySicko

Randy, Randy, do you have a pistol permit and license to carry?


This isn't facebook.


Well you've already spouted more asinine bullshit than facebook can allow. The question is: Do you actually own a gun?


Why do you want to know?

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Seeing that he was just interviewed by Alex Jones, his words should not come as a surprise. Congrats to Dave though... looks like he chose the red pill.


RandySicko; critical thinker.

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