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ya, salvia is not fun at all!

zeffolia, ever done mushroom or mescaline? My fav is t. peruvianus (mescaline) that you order from peru and then make tea.

where can you order it from?



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ya, salvia is not fun at all!

zeffolia, ever done mushroom or mescaline? My fav is t. peruvianus (mescaline) that you order from peru and then make tea.

where can you order it from?




I know of a Peruvian source that does kilos at a time - probably best to not put that info on here though. Fuck the teas as well, no offense, they're great in a pinch, but that flavor with haunt you and my stomach hates the cacti IME. A simple acid/base extraction with a clean-up and re-crystallization to acetate or HCl can be done in less than 12 hours. Last time I did it, I was hitting 1g per 100g starting material hitting a pKa of 9.56- making for optimum extraction from the base.


Sounds scary? Like the other dopey alkaloids present in the cactus? Run an extraction using d-limonene, vinegar and calcium hydroxide - it's all food-safe materials and you'll precipitate the acetate salt of not only mescaline but some of the other sleepy, dopey, feel-good phenethylamines that also hang out in the cacti.


Mescaline is a different beast. The visuals are very akin to DOM and the halogenated amphetamines but with a really organic feel. Body feels is pretty much on there with a solid dose of MDA when you hit 350+mg. Sex on mescaline is really lovely too, the tactile sensations are mind-blowing.

Edited by Audioblysk
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ya, salvia is not fun at all!

zeffolia, ever done mushroom or mescaline? My fav is t. peruvianus (mescaline) that you order from peru and then make tea.

where can you order it from?




I know of a Peruvian source that does kilos at a time - probably best to not put that info on here though. Fuck the teas as well, no offense, they're great in a pinch, but that flavor with haunt you and my stomach hates the cacti IME. A simple acid/base extraction with a clean-up and re-crystallization to acetate or HCl can be done in less than 12 hours. Last time I did it, I was hitting 1g per 100g starting material hitting a pKa of 9.56 and achieve optimum extraction from the base.


Sounds scary? Like the other dopey alkaloids present in the cactus? Run an extraction using d-limonene, vinegar and calcium hydroxide - it's all food-safe materials and you'll precipitate the acetate salt of not only mescaline but some of the other sleepy, dopey, feel-good phenethylamines that also hang out in the cacti.


Mescaline is a different beast. The visuals are very akin to DOM and the halogenated amphetamines but with a really organic feel. Body feels is pretty much on there with a solid dose of MDA when you hit 350+mg. Sex on mescaline is really lovely too, the tactile sensations are mind-blowing.


I must have! lol


Mescaline is one of the psychs I have not tried, ever.

Edited by StephenG
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ya, salvia is not fun at all!

zeffolia, ever done mushroom or mescaline? My fav is t. peruvianus (mescaline) that you order from peru and then make tea.

where can you order it from?




I know of a Peruvian source that does kilos at a time - probably best to not put that info on here though. Fuck the teas as well, no offense, they're great in a pinch, but that flavor with haunt you and my stomach hates the cacti IME. A simple acid/base extraction with a clean-up and re-crystallization to acetate or HCl can be done in less than 12 hours. Last time I did it, I was hitting 1g per 100g starting material hitting a pKa of 9.56 and achieve optimum extraction from the base.


Sounds scary? Like the other dopey alkaloids present in the cactus? Run an extraction using d-limonene, vinegar and calcium hydroxide - it's all food-safe materials and you'll precipitate the acetate salt of not only mescaline but some of the other sleepy, dopey, feel-good phenethylamines that also hang out in the cacti.


Mescaline is a different beast. The visuals are very akin to DOM and the halogenated amphetamines but with a really organic feel. Body feels is pretty much on there with a solid dose of MDA when you hit 350+mg. Sex on mescaline is really lovely too, the tactile sensations are mind-blowing.


indeed. I cant drink the tea anymore.

what I do however is reduce the tea to tar, then mix the tar with flour until I get a texture that allow me to make small balls the size of pills. I then swallow the pills. NO TASTE! I do need to make a lot of balls and to swallow about 50 small balls, but I just cant drink the tea anymore.

extraction is also great but as always, it leaves other goodies behind.

at 350mg, visuals are not truly developped but the body high is orgasmic. at 500mg, everything look like under water and paitings becomes to be animated and body high far surpass mdma in that it isnt pushy. its true bliss at that dosage.



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I wish all drugs were legal and mass produced in perfect, pure form, and you could just buy a little box, a "Mind Expansion Pack" for $100 consisting of:


-Jar of freebase DMT

-Jar of liquid LSD

-1,000 sheets of LSD

-Packets of spores from every major psilocybe mushrooms

-Jar of ground peyote with pill capsules

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When I was in college I synthesized the amine oil intermediate to TMA-2 from calamus oil for a final. It showed every step one would be required to take to fulfil the techniques/reactions requirement of the final, was fairly hard compared to other students proposals, and most of the things I needed were already in stock. My professor was a demure and smart old guy who I figured was a little less than 100% professional. I showed him the proposed synthesis and he chuckled and told me I picked something way too hard for what he wanted us to demonstrate. After setting me up with extra hours to work on the long ass synthesis he deems that as long as I stopped short of the final step at the amine oil he didn't see a problem with what I was doing --and-- I'm fairly sure knew full well what I did when he left lab that day. He didn't discard of the sample, left it for me, and told me to clean up. It took 30 minutes to finish the last step


TL:DR - dude turned a total blind eye to me making over 17 grams of a very nice psychedelic in an academic setting.

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Salvia is great.

Your of the lucky ones. most people are scared of the experince, I sure was.

Id be interested in taking it fresh.

ive heard that the best way to take it is fresh by tea. that the experience is much less intense an dmore controllable

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Salvia microdose #1 and final


All the bad parts of coming down without any of the "good" (lol arguably psychedelic visual but not really "good") aspects of higher doses


Coming up:


Couldn't get any puffs in and coughed a lot, really noticed how horrible this smoke is

Few seconds later: pins and needles all over my entire body, I was a pin cushion made of layers but only the middle (vertical layer) was loose enough to split, and my body kept splitting over and over along that plane. Wavy feeling with each split as if the split was being rolled to the side. Pins and needles pretty intense and not pleasant




Same thing as above but minor disturbances to the dancing red snowflakes you always see when you close your eyes, they were swaying back and forth. That's the extent of my visuals, mental or eyeball or otherwise, that occurred




Short term memory loss throughout but not very intense, maybe every 30 seconds. I tried jumping jacks because I wanted this shit to sort of burn out of me (not that that'd really work but hey my salvia mind thought it might)


Now have this weird feeling where I feel like I'm inside my head looking out upon the world rather than integrated with my eyeballs


Don't plan to do this again it's honestly not pleasurable. Only reason I kept it around was because it's all I have atm and would really love some nice sativa (not salvia if your eyes aren't paying attention) right now to relax my mind.


Lesson: don't microdose salvia unless you want to skip the "okay" part and go right towards the shitty comedown. Not doing this shit anymore.

Edited by Zeffolia
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  • 1 month later...

any advice on good choice of iddims for one's first LSD trip? (100ug) or what to do in general




Listen to anything you love and eat a bunch of fruit. Citrus fruits on acid are fucking amazing

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I tripped with a friend this past weekend and it was nice. Started at 6:30am, and just hung out in my living room the entire time. Played with the Volca Bass for some of it. Unfortunately, I had to mix my friend's band later that night and really didn't have any patience for drunk assholes.

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there is no way i could have pssibly prepared myself rfor the immense beauty of lsd

this is the greattest crime against humanity

literally literally listen to me this is the greatest crime against humanity that lsd is illegal, we all need to make it legal



this is truly a fucking tragedy that lsd is illegal holy mother of fucking shit this has to literally be a conpsiracy


this is literally a cionspiracy


holy fuck OHL>LY FUCK

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Meditation while in the midst of a 'WHEN IS THIS GONNA END?!' scenario is probably the most effective thing I can suggest to anyone that doesn't involve cramming more drugs into your system. Focus on centering all thought or energy into one point of the body (easiest to do with your 'third eye') and focus on creating a steady tempo of breathing in and out slowly and steadily with deep breaths. After about 5 to 10 minutes of doing that, your anxiety will go down, then immediately focus on something simple and positive. Citrus, berries, bubble gum, water, fruit juice and surprisingly the show Futurama have all helped me for focusing on something positive and simple. Sometimes just talking about something everyone in the room likes is enough to get your thoughts out of the dark.


Another thing to keep in mind is that what you are experiencing, positive or negative, is all just the effects of a chemical you and many others throughout history have taken. Psychedelics (excluding some of the weirder phenethylamines that were never meant to be used outside of research purposes) are incredibly safe for your body and can be very effective tools for the mind and I think people get caught up in feeling like they'll never come down or that they're permanently fucked instead of knowing that the state of mind they feel is purely temporary.


Zeff - did you take it alone? Were you outdoors or indoors? What activities did you have for yourself? Did you test the starting materials? Hope you're alright.


P.s. if all else fails, benzodiazepines, opiates ( <----DO NOT COMBINE THE TWO ) and lots of meditation and stretching can really knock a trip back to normal or completely take it away.

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