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Things you are looking forward to

Rubin Farr

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With the approach of the Fall season and holidays that go with it, what are you looking forward to in your life this year? Sometimes the monotony and banality of everyday life make one day seem just like the next.


It's little things that make us excited when they're on the horizon. It can be anything, material, relationships, work related. What keeps you going?


and yes the world ends on Dec 21st, so that's a given.

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I'm just excited about what the future holds for me. Today I've been contacted twice about doing music and sound for various projects, so it'll be interesting to see how many projects I'll be working on 3 months from now.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

ive been impressed with how my music has evolved over the past couple months. so i can't wait to see how that turns out for me. other than that there really isn't anything happening in my life that grants me any form of excietment for its eminant arrival. other than the whole 2012 doomsday thing. i so want that to happen. first on a personal level and because how cool would it be if we were the last ones on the earth? so many people peredicted it but we got to experiance it. so fucking cool in my eyes.

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Teaching the cat to answer my mobile 'phone so that when I'm out and realise I don't have my 'phone on me I can call home and the cat will answer and go "WAAAOOOOOOGGGGHHHH!" (which is cat for "COME HOME AND FEED AND LOVE ME!") and I will then know that I haven't lost my phone but simply left it at home.

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Guest Xenblake

after a huge spicy veggy + beef pizza & bottle of cobra beer, plus half a tub of neopolitan ice cream, I'm looking forward to my next latrinal visit.

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I'm just excited about what the future holds for me. Today I've been contacted twice about doing music and sound for various projects, so it'll be interesting to see how many projects I'll be working on 3 months from now.


The creative stuff for me, too. I'm playing a festival next month. An artist friend is collaborating on a comic book with me. I'm getting into doing some film stuff, too. Last night we had this great, weird idea for a youtube channel or website.


I also started a new job in an art museum, and I really like it.

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- Going home this evening and working on music

- Fall itself, it's my favorite time of year

- Using some of my vacation time, hopefully during fall

- Work being less crazy

- Finishing a decent track again

- Finishing enough decent tracks to finally make an album

- Turning 30 (yeah, I'm actually looking forward to it now)

- The day I magically have enough money to get something from my gearlust list (esp. an Elektron)

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and yes the world ends on Dec 21st, so that's a given.


i'm very much looking forward to December 22nd this year, when the world hasn't ended and everything's exactly the same as it was on December the 20th.

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:: two gigs coming up in the next month, playing my music the way I want instead of pandering to the style of the other performers

:: the company I work for is moving office next week, closer to the city, gonna be awesome

:: going to see Earth this sunday!

:: interstate travels in november, gonna try to play some gigs while i'm away too


The future is bright!


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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Looking forward to autumn/fall very much. first summer in LA has been pretty brutal.


Looking forward to the master


Looking forward to my bday tomorrow and my bday thread and going to disneyland for my 33rd year on earth celebration and feeling young again for a few minutes

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