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El Shaddai is an awesome looking game. The story did nothing for me, but damn, dwm viauals.

yeah, the visuals look really cool. but the gameplay looks a little "flat."

It's pretty much a generic hack and slash. Only one attack button if I remember correctly. Play it for the visuals, not the gameplay.

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Oh boy Antichamber is definitely a king head fuck of a game. Trying to make your brain not to think in conventional euclidean space is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

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Been slowly finding time to play a bit of Arkham City here and there....and....I cant help but think that Asylum was way better thus far....hopefully it'll pick up a bit.

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Guest Pennywise

Been slowly finding time to play a bit of Arkham City here and there....and....I cant help but think that Asylum was way better thus far....hopefully it'll pick up a bit.

just make sure you do the vr flying missions asap. you get a gizmo that changes the game for the good a lot (its to do with your grapple) you'll fly around a lot quicker.

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i did get that grapple modification but have absolutely no idea how to use it correctly....the on-screen says to tap x, then tap and hold x....but it only seems to randomly work when I don't really need it.



well, played a few more hours and it was fun beating up people and hunting down cameras....but my god are some of the riddler trophy puzzles annoying.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i absolutely loved the Riddler side quest in City. it was so much better than asylum. actually i kinda felt that City was better. mainly cause i loved that they added more characters in it. but really i guess i wouldnt compare the two cause both are pretty amazing games.

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Oh boy Antichamber is definitely a king head fuck of a game. Trying to make your brain not to think in conventional euclidean space is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

Just got it. Love it. But what is with the timer? Does that mean it will restart all my progress when it runs out? That would be really lame because as great as it is I would hate to have to restart from the beginning to finish it.

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Oh boy Antichamber is definitely a king head fuck of a game. Trying to make your brain not to think in conventional euclidean space is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

Just got it. Love it. But what is with the timer? Does that mean it will restart all my progress when it runs out? That would be really lame because as great as it is I would hate to have to restart from the beginning to finish it.


Just saw the vid for Antichamber. Looks pretty dope. I'll have to wait at least another week to buy it though.


No doubt in my mind Portal had an influence on this game's development. More proof that not all first-person games have to be about killing things.

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Oh boy Antichamber is definitely a king head fuck of a game. Trying to make your brain not to think in conventional euclidean space is proving to be harder than I anticipated.

Just got it. Love it. But what is with the timer? Does that mean it will restart all my progress when it runs out? That would be really lame because as great as it is I would hate to have to restart from the beginning to finish it.



Yeah I'm concerned about the end result of that timer too - I'm only 40 minutes in so I've nearly an hour of game time to find out how angry I'm going to get. Maybe later on there will be time based puzzling and it keeps cycling round with events happening at certain time slots, not sure.


It sure stuck with me when I turned it off last night, my mind was still working out potential solutions to the unsolved problems.

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...so... PlayStation 4, huh?



Feb 20.

Probably a slightly different shape of PS Vita in a last ditch struggle to rescue it. Or a less shit version of the 'new' Playstation Network (how they managed to cock up an online store so spectacularly I have no idea, just the thought of having to [struggle to] buy something else through it angers me)
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I had no idea that this had come out today, I know what I'll be buying when I head home -




Now THAT is what I'm talking about! I need this game in my life. I love you Pete, you know how to make me happy

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Guest Aserinsky

Been slowly finding time to play a bit of Arkham City here and there....and....I cant help but think that Asylum was way better thus far....hopefully it'll pick up a bit.


To be honest I feel the same way, I think it's more because Asylum was more linear which immersed you in the game a lot more. If felt like you were actually playing a Batman graphic novel, rather than in City where the focus shifted a bit towards having the ability to 'be' Batman by having an open world where you can act as a spontaneous crime fighter. In honesty that lost the immersion a bit for me, I just didn't feel that the open world was as detailed than the story. That's just my opinion though.


Will say that at least City doesn't have the same fault as Asylum ending wise, I won't spoil anything but City is definitely worth playing through to get to the end.

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...so... PlayStation 4, huh?



Feb 20.

Probably a slightly different shape of PS Vita in a last ditch struggle to rescue it. Or a less shit version of the 'new' Playstation Network (how they managed to cock up an online store so spectacularly I have no idea, just the thought of having to [struggle to] buy something else through it angers me)


They're not gonna redesign the PSN this late in the cycle... unless they actually still believe in their 10 year cycle they promised back when they launched the PS3. But you're right. The PSN and the PS3 menu system makes no sense. I tried setting up Netflix on a PS3 not long ago and I ended up giving up. And the Vita... that shit is fucked and I don't see why they would want to waste any more time on it... unless it's a PS Vita Go - lolzwtfbbq.


Anyway, I don't have any interest in the PS4. I don't care for Japanese games.



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They're not gonna redesign the PSN this late in the cycle...

Ugh, I hope they do. I mean it was mediocre (but usable) before but now .... just, ugh:



Usually I can't even get that far when buying stuff nowadays and 9 times out of 10 get this oh so helpfully descriptive error:



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<p>Microsoft owns the console market now because of their investments in Xbox Live from ways back. Just look at the monthly sale figures. Once you're inside a community and make friends etc etc you remain there. </p>

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They're not gonna redesign the PSN this late in the cycle...

Ugh, I hope they do. I mean it was mediocre (but usable) before but now .... just, ugh:



Hahahaha, well, that's the first time I see that new PSN. How can a designer lean back and think, "Yep, this is the best solution I can come up with"? I mean, wow... You actually have to check out when you want to download a demo? Ha!


PS. I'm not saying that the XMB has gotten better and better over the years. The last two dashboard updates have been a bit gnarly.

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Microsoft owns the console market now because of their investments in Xbox Live from ways back. Just look at the monthly sale figures. Once you're inside a community and make friends etc etc you remain there. 

Ugh, lets not descend this into a console war topic especially when what you said seems rather contradictory to sales figures (penultimate paragraph)
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<p>Microsoft owns the console market now because of their investments in Xbox Live from ways back. Just look at the monthly sale figures. Once you're inside a community and make friends etc etc you remain there. </p>

Ugh, lets not descend this into a console war topic especially when what you said seems rather contradictory to sales figures

Well for US sales what I said is accurate : Below are Decembers 2012 sales, and for the past year or two this has been the case. Wii had a very strong start cause of a very low entry price, PS3 did horrible from the start because of the $599 disaster and have not exceeded 360 sales at any point. 360 on the other hand has had the more consistent sales with an overtake of the Wii probably around 2 years ago (not entirely sure). This success can be attributed greatly to a superior online service, best third party support, and reasonable price tags.




Xbox 360: 1.4M (-17.6%) ["More than double the amount of the second place console in the U.S. in the month of December."]

3DS: 1.25M (-21.8%)

Wii: 475K (-55.2%)

DS: 470K (-25.4%)

Wii U: 460K [The Wii launch was 604K]

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