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Disney buys Lucasfilm

Rubin Farr

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Thrawn trilogy would have been cool in theory but it's going to take a lot of work to make the Jedi not boring again. The way George portrayed them in the prequels made them seem like a bunch of impotent boring fools with no actual discernible ideology just randomly pulling from religious code like not being able to 'fall in love' and a bunch of other non nonsensical horse shit. If they do focus on the jedi again they have a lot of work to do in repairing the damage they did to what the Jedi are supposed to be.


besides Annakin skywalker, the Jedi who got the most screen time came off at best as a wooden plank where after 3 whole movies we have really no idea what his motivations are or who the fuck he is besides a young version of Obi wan

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  • 1 month later...
Looks like Zack Snyder is directing his own Star Wars movie spin off based on Seven Samurai? Lol



...Which Lucas based the Star Wars trilogy in part on.


There's also mention that the Star Wars television series (of which 50 episodes were written, which supposedly centers around warring families on Courscant) penned by none other than the guy who revived Battlestar Galactica into a successful series I personally have no interest in watching.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm glad i was never a star wars fan because this would actually be bad news. this guy is the seth macfarlane of hollywood. and the sad part is that he's also signed up to do another star trek movie. might as well just throw every other remake his way so we get massive box sets of crap rehashes on blu-ray

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There. I just saved you guys a couple of hours.


Now that the flare jokes are out of the way can we say that JJ Abrams is a shitty filmmaker?

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he's a total hack and only seems to know how to market a film, not make one. so he's probably the perfect choice for star wars.

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he's a total hack and only seems to know how to market a film, not make one. so he's probably the perfect choice for star wars.


you've just pinned down a fundamental problem with modern film and music as a whole. I (if you've seen me bitch on other parts of this forum already know this) feel this way about most of the new music coming out, the marketing for it is brilliantly done, so good in fact that you can't help but be underwhelmed by the actual content of what their marketing.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i think youve all forgotten the fact that the three prequels were fucking horrible. anyone would be a step up from those shitty ass movies. granted JJ may not be the best choice, but its still better than what George Lucas was doing.

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he's a total hack and only seems to know how to market a film, not make one. so he's probably the perfect choice for star wars.


you've just pinned down a fundamental problem with modern film and music as a whole. I (if you've seen me bitch on other parts of this forum already know this) feel this way about most of the new music coming out, the marketing for it is brilliantly done, so good in fact that you can't help but be underwhelmed by the actual content of what their marketing.


i see it more blatantly in film than music, but i know what you mean. it doesn't help that the way in which music is reviewed is essentially one large content farming industry to market a select few buzz bands and artists. seems like diminishing returns.


the tone of almost every film trailer, for that matter every major film, is one of almost ceaseless longing for a payoff that won't be fulfilled. abrams knows exactly how to capitalize on that. he knows the specific geek pleasure centers to hit. let's vaguely reference khan in the next star trek because it will sell tickets to nostalgic nerds. he'll do this on an absurd scale with star wars. i don't even want to know what the marketing will be like.

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The guy that wrote "Little Miss Sunshine" is writing the script?


Not sure if lol


To be fair he also does sci-fi.


Another "to be fair" there are plenty of screenwriters out there who write for different types of film genre.

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