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yes it all builds on earlier Works, like all art tend to do, implementing New elements, sometime in an conservative or in an radical fashion, but in general, now art in its fractal meta tendency of constanlty borrowing, is very conservative. nothing wrong With that, but i Guess i miss a real radical change, and i dont see that coming before we change as human beings.

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Guest viniciuscabral


how can you guys tell apart the new original compositions from the cacophony of sampled stuff on this genre?

here's the secret: it's all the latter


Well, I really don't believe that. One of the beauty of today's eletronic (and why not, even pop) music is that it's pretty hard for anyone to pin what was entirely built by sampling and what was not. I remember the first time I heard "Person Pitch" by Panda Bear...I thought it was all original composition, and it it's 99% sampling, with melodies created on top of that (almost following the method of hip hop compositions). I know it's not electronic music and all, but it's a good example. I don't believe in vaporwave as a musical genre. For me it's an aesthetic that derives from varied audiovisual material, and finds it's (perhaps) weaker manifestation in musical albums, that always sound more like extended mixes ... When I was creating "Hi mom!" I recurred to influences such as aphex, daft punk, old house, italian disco, and also hip hop and other experimental "scenes", such as punk rock and no wave. For me, it's music creating narratives. I think vaporwave is just a tag to categorize generic "nostalgic-sampled" electronic audiovisual experiments...maybe, in future days, it will break from the necessity of catching source material out of VHS stuff, and all. Let's give vaporwave some time to grow...

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"Vaporwave" is pretty much over, and it died around the time it got a name, its epitaph being its wikipedia article. It's like witch house and seapunk. But the styles that follow through and from it are certainly not over. Vaporwave is just a small part of a larger movement of netart that has been going on for awhile. I posted an Adam Harper article that I think pinpointed some of the stuff that flows from vaporwave that moves beyond its boundaries.

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new donovan hikaru EP completed tonight ya'll... excited to share it with ya! release is coming asap

:beer: spritzers (and non alcoholic beer) all around!


p.s. do you guys think i should post it under the regular New Releases or the EKT New Releases? I ask b/c it'll be out on a label- Ailanthus Recordings... although that's a netlabel and not sure yet if we'll be doing a physical release for it.. anyway, what's the standards on this? or am i just overthinking it?

Edited by Lane Visitor
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Guest viniciuscabral

"Vaporwave" is pretty much over, and it died around the time it got a name, its epitaph being its wikipedia article. It's like witch house and seapunk. But the styles that follow through and from it are certainly not over. Vaporwave is just a small part of a larger movement of netart that has been going on for awhile. I posted an Adam Harper article that I think pinpointed some of the stuff that flows from vaporwave that moves beyond its boundaries.

Couldn't agree more, dude. It's a sticker, a tag, as I said.

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Lets put it this way: vaporwave doesn't mean what we think it means. The rush to vaporwave is due to our appreciation of certain aesthetics and dimensional weather patterns and our attributing those aesthetics to what we think/thought was a larger, recognized whole.


I have never made vaporwave, but I'm dealing with things that vaporwave tried/tries to address. I have been and I will be. The problem with people rushing to say vaporwave is dead is there is the feeling that they are saying "you can no longer appreciate those aesthetics genuinely, because they are expired, and by my proclamation of their expiration, I am expressing my initial ownership and recognition of them, that I was first and you missed out." This is why people get hurt by those statements. But it is the reason people say them too. All of the RIP vaporwave charts and articles are really just a way for certain people to assert themselves over what they deliriously thought was a movement that was at an apex.


The web is an accelerant, this comment is an accelerant. People abandon aesthetics because they want to be ahead of everyone else. But that is a delusion. The movement is made reductive by digital alpha syndrome (DAS), the rush to be ahead, first, most in-touch, that is spurred by the instant nature of the web. We have to try to resist DAS.


In the end, vaporwave was coined by a depressed writer/musician who only feels fulfilled 10% of the time. The main reason most of us are here is this: it feels like a violation to have something we appreciate, or more so something we create, be defined by someone else. Definition is reductive, hostile. Those who define do so as their only means of power. But just realize that no one has summed it up, not even close. The truth of the art will move forward even as that little twink behind spf420 and those like him retreat. They retreat because when you attach a coined term to yourself, your art is usually doomed to die with it.


Just make what you can genuinely make. That's it.

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Please excuse my fleeting cognition, Shea, but I thought you were DAS, and I've read you as DAS, can it be that You're both DAS and not DAS at the same time, and does it even matter?


It's very interesting for me in any rate, because I think DAS is inherent in nature. It's a part of progress, but you can't just be DAS, because then you'll be ungrounded and forever fleeting. Its a Balance between the relative and the absolute. I still believe in the dualistic and non-dualistic, as parts of metaphores as Tools for at least Our Reality as humans.


I used to Battle With definitions as well, because it initially feels like pigeonholing, but there is truth to definition, as there is truth to the absolute. We just seem to view them in different way, and ultimately, they are two sides of the same coin.


The bridge though, between them,

for that, I will forever search, at least in this life.




The Nice thing about internet is the ability to be live-edatory.


I hereby edit my former statements about the evolution of art, because it was incomplete,

but, at this stage, I havent the energy, or cognition, to continue that analysis.


In any case, it's fun and hell at the same time. (Personalism)

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砂漠のカメラレッスン by Famicom\\Fountains


01. Soft Drink Purchase

02. リン1ゴソーダ

03. 豚肉の香りの衣類

04. パーティーへようこそ

05. Escalator On/Off

06. Autoexec.bat


08. 逃げる

09. 14.4 F O R E V E R

10. マスターシステム


12. Aqua Chat IM



good stuff. sounds like it was sourced right off of thrift store tapes. there are loads of great midi stuff out there on casette

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shea you are too cool


that vid


those e-cigs


those flame shorts


so late nineties, early 00's super meta-ambiguous/oh shit wait is it regional or the old boys aint lookin cool through analysis, but anyways it might be accepted now?



in any fucking RATE, NIGGA



those guys doe,

funny, but not really good looking


in any regards, more plastic in fashion, yes

tired of the earthyness something like that, something about the fabrics,

street fashion blogs up to here na men

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Out now on Ailanthus Recordings, ya'll! <3








1 Corporate Safari (Dance Mix)

2 East Parking Structure, L2 (0103)

3 CEO Potion #9

4 High End Donovan In Indonesia

5 New Office Furniture

6 Seattle Developers Summit (ft. Brian Park)

7 Stargazing WIth The Company

8 San Tablos, Revisited

Edited by Lane Visitor
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