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Pope says same-sex marriage is destroying the ‘essence of humanity’

syd syside

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when are they going to fucking realize it's IDIOTIC TO TRY AND LIVE A CELIBATE LIFESTYLE. people need to fuck. a lot! and they should be able to. when dumb, archaic traditions like celibacy are imposed against the strongest of urges, then unnecessary abuse occurs, which at this point has damaged thousands of lives irreparably. if the church allowed them to have normal sex lives, maybe they all wouldn't go chasing little boy ass all the time. JUST A THOUGHT

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when are they going to fucking realize it's IDIOTIC TO TRY AND LIVE A CELIBATE LIFESTYLE. people need to fuck. a lot! and they should be able to. when dumb, archaic traditions like celibacy are imposed against the strongest of urges, then unnecessary abuse occurs, which at this point has damaged thousands of lives irreparably. if the church allowed them to have normal sex lives, maybe they all wouldn't go chasing little boy ass all the time. JUST A THOUGHT


One of the biggest derps the church has commited. I think they originally didn't want the clergy to have sex because if they had a family, all their money would go to them when they died, instead of back to the church. Maybe when they realize the church has effectively cut their balls off for greed and control, the preists try to exert some control themselves by raping kids. Lawyers are pretty expensive, so maybe it has backfired a bit?

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when are they going to fucking realize it's IDIOTIC TO TRY AND LIVE A CELIBATE LIFESTYLE. people need to fuck. a lot! and they should be able to. when dumb, archaic traditions like celibacy are imposed against the strongest of urges, then unnecessary abuse occurs, which at this point has damaged thousands of lives irreparably. if the church allowed them to have normal sex lives, maybe they all wouldn't go chasing little boy ass all the time. JUST A THOUGHT


I read about this recent study about celibatic life and its conclusion was that there was no relation between the celibatic life and sexually frustrated priests fucking whatever they can get a hold on. THIS STUDY WAS BEING DONE BY THE FUCKING CHURCH.

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good. let them fuck boys all they want, until Catholics can fucking admit how fucking disgusting and morally abhorrent their own institution of higher morality is.



My family is fucking Catholic and they still cannot publically admit that this is a completely fucked up and systemic problem within this church.


How many more little kids need to be raped and molested before they start confronting this?


Fuck government welfare, fuck ending wars overseas, and most definitely FUCK LITTLE BOYS WITHOUT LEGAL PUNISHMENT



"The Higher Calling"

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i highly doubt celibacy makes people pedophiles (maybe in some cases...similar to "situational homosexuality" in prisons...) but overall I think pedophilia is likely most closely linked to child abuse...ie., pedophiles molesting and thereby creating new future pedophiles.

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I'm pretty sure it's more that having an institution that requires one to give the appearance of being "celibate" (so it would help if one has no problem with not being attracted to comely Jane Layperson when she seeks out your priestly counsel, because she would fucking notice that pointing at her accusingly from under one's frock), but puts one in constant contact with small children, and which has a history of covering up child sex abuse, actually selects for horrible pedophiles

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these people should be prosecuted and punished by society. period. anyone that believes they deserve special treatment because of their religious beliefs are monsters. im dead fucking serious.

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i highly doubt celibacy makes people pedophiles (maybe in some cases...similar to "situational homosexuality" in prisons...) but overall I think pedophilia is likely most closely linked to child abuse...ie., pedophiles molesting and thereby creating new future pedophiles.


I think the mandatory celibacy and guilt tripping is the biggest culprit here. They have no liberties in their sexual life, so after years of supression and dogmatic fire and brimstone threats on it, they are helpless. They try to take control by using helpless kids. Remember, rape isn't about getting your rocks off, it's always about control. They probably receive counseling to supress their normal sexual urges and over time, they begin to feel more and more like they are being held captive. And they never get to date, flirt, get to know women or men the way normal people do. So they never develop a normal sense of attraction or preference. In practice, they are neither gay or straight, but it's sort of ironic that they always seem go for the lil' boyz. Maybe it's because the little boy represents them at a certain time of their lives entering the preisthood, young and helpless, at the mercy of a warped institution that took away their right to a real love life. WHooooooaaaaaaaaa


For real.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He said gays were working for satan in the war against god.


I couldn't care less about this whole pope catholic bullshit but as soon as i turned my tv on i see everyone orgasm over this fucking idiot cotton head dinosaur, and then people wonder how the pope has so much power (enough power to cover up pedophile rings), STOP PUTING THE POPE ON A FUCKING PEDESTAL YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!! BE REAL JOURNALISTS AND INVESTIGATE THIS GOD DAMN PEDOPHILE ORGANIZATION!!!!!

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From all the information I've gathered Pope Francis (this alone is funny to - "Pope" and "Francis" are the surnames of two good very-not-Catholic friends of mine) is apparently very progressive when it comes to social justice and helping the poor - his rhetoric on the "sin" of wealth and corruption that front is the antithesis of many on the right politically. But he's pretty conservative on issues of sexuality and gender equality. I mean it's great that a very humble leader who cares about the underprivileged has been made pope, but that's really the one aspect the Church isn't behind on - when it comes to actual moral and social change being made by the Catholic Church - well, they've essentially elected a status quo leader. Hell, at his old age he's basically an interim Pope.

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He said gays were working for satan in the war against god.


I couldn't care less about this whole pope catholic bullshit but as soon as i turned my tv on i see everyone orgasm over this fucking idiot cotton head dinosaur, and then people wonder how the pope has so much power (enough power to cover up pedophile rings), STOP PUTING THE POPE ON A FUCKING PEDESTAL YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!! BE REAL JOURNALISTS AND INVESTIGATE THIS GOD DAMN PEDOPHILE ORGANIZATION!!!!!






am I wrong in wanting this Pope held for counts of sabotage against every single state in which a molestation case has occurred? can we at least nail them with something, so that they might stop nailing other children?

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Guest Iain C

new pope is from Argentina...would be funny if it turned out he wasn't a pedo, but a nazi


Well there are allegations that he collaborated with the Junta in the kidnapping of a couple of Jesuit priests.


I think it's safe to say that narrow-minded, dark-age-mentality cults are falling apart from the inside. Makes me feel better about certain things.


CHATMM is as popular as ever.

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