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How To Destroy Angels - Welcome Oblivion

Guest swerZZZ

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I actually kinda like the chorus harmonies, haha.. but then again i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

yeah youre right it is kind of a nice harmony there... if hed combine that with more interesting rhythms and compositions, he might be relevant again.

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MisterE, on 02 Feb 2013 - 16:32, said:

yeah id say you did. the art in the album with the hand holding the bible and the other holding a gun. thats not a thinly veiled shot at republicans/right wing people at all. its pretty well beyond obvious and blatant. the performance he wanted to do for 'the hand that feeds' with bush's image on backdrop behind him at the mtv music awards would be another clue. the fact that lots of special interest based concerns raised in year zero are clearly things the left are typically associated with, and all/most of the behaviors that are portrayed as creating the distopia are things typically associated with repubs/right wingers. the gays in the one video getting abducted and 'dissapeared' by the (right wing totalitarian) swat team as one example. pollution destroying earth is another theme, and is apparently something republicans love, and in the real world left wing people are the ones going around talking about selling carbon credits to save the world from global warming.


in this video he basically says that yes, that album was about republicans destroying the world:



i dont see how anyone could have payed any attention to that album or what he was saying, and miss that it had everything to do with republican/right wing types who are hell bent on persecuting gays, polluting, installing a totalitarian dictatorship, shooting people with guns for fun, dropping bombs because they are cool, etc etc etc.

it was made very clear and i think everyone knew it, but plenty of people still for some reason try to deny that thats what it was about.


which is yet another problem i have with him and his political statements. he made it like 90% clear what he was saying in the lyrics, and all of the supplemental stuff that went with the album, but left that little bit of wiggle room for ambiguity just in case it would hurt sales or ever be used against him if he actually just came out and said what he was saying in a more direct way. thats cowardice. i dont like neil young, but at least he had the balls to come out and put what he thought right in his fucking ALBUM'S NAME. if you think something why not just say it? i guess so that if someone ever points out how ridiculous it is that you think one party is driven to destroy the world and the other is here to stop that, even when basically NOTHING has changed in the last 4 yrs, you can still have that little area of doubt to be able to say 'no, it wasn't about republicans'. but it was. he admitted it in the youtube vid, in other places, just not in the actual album. its like evidence he knew that what he was saying is retarded and was being a little non-committal with it. i mean he actually tried to say that 'signs his name with a capital G' had nothing to do with george bush. thats so fucking hilariously ridiculous. why don't he change his name to 'worlds biggest pussy alive'?


this is all really besides the points i was trying to make previously. i dont really care about the political statement itself, i mean i do and i think its full retard, but that's not my main gripe. i care about the contradictory nature of the guy's stances and the fact that he just clearly paints himself as whatever he thinks will sell, without caring if it contradicts what he was last year. if being a christian (full disclosure- i'm not) had been or became fashionable and hip, he would or will become a righteous holy dude eventually.



even after all you said i still don't agree Year Zero was about republicans, was a response to the post 9/11 Bush era? Absolutely but i think it was just incidental that we had a republican president pulling that type of totalitarian shit. IT's like saying Dead Kennedy's music was all about republicans as opposed to saying it was anti totalitarian government type of activities. Not to knock what you're saying but i think maybe take a step back from how 'politicized' talking about certain issues has become in post 9/11 world as opposed to the 90s. Now any time you mention something remotely seen as 'left wing' you're one of those goddam liberals. It's all kinda bullshitty honestly.

I actually in part thought Year Zero had a stronger political message than most modern generic political music simply because it was a commentary on totalitarian government practices as a whole in the Us, an alternate future dystopia.

To say it's 'anti republican' would be the same as saying that the media is liberal, its just not really true.

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MisterE, on 02 Feb 2013 - 16:32, said:

yeah id say you did. the art in the album with the hand holding the bible and the other holding a gun. thats not a thinly veiled shot at republicans/right wing people at all. its pretty well beyond obvious and blatant. the performance he wanted to do for 'the hand that feeds' with bush's image on backdrop behind him at the mtv music awards would be another clue. the fact that lots of special interest based concerns raised in year zero are clearly things the left are typically associated with, and all/most of the behaviors that are portrayed as creating the distopia are things typically associated with repubs/right wingers. the gays in the one video getting abducted and 'dissapeared' by the (right wing totalitarian) swat team as one example. pollution destroying earth is another theme, and is apparently something republicans love, and in the real world left wing people are the ones going around talking about selling carbon credits to save the world from global warming.


in this video he basically says that yes, that album was about republicans destroying the world:



i dont see how anyone could have payed any attention to that album or what he was saying, and miss that it had everything to do with republican/right wing types who are hell bent on persecuting gays, polluting, installing a totalitarian dictatorship, shooting people with guns for fun, dropping bombs because they are cool, etc etc etc.

it was made very clear and i think everyone knew it, but plenty of people still for some reason try to deny that thats what it was about.


which is yet another problem i have with him and his political statements. he made it like 90% clear what he was saying in the lyrics, and all of the supplemental stuff that went with the album, but left that little bit of wiggle room for ambiguity just in case it would hurt sales or ever be used against him if he actually just came out and said what he was saying in a more direct way. thats cowardice. i dont like neil young, but at least he had the balls to come out and put what he thought right in his fucking ALBUM'S NAME. if you think something why not just say it? i guess so that if someone ever points out how ridiculous it is that you think one party is driven to destroy the world and the other is here to stop that, even when basically NOTHING has changed in the last 4 yrs, you can still have that little area of doubt to be able to say 'no, it wasn't about republicans'. but it was. he admitted it in the youtube vid, in other places, just not in the actual album. its like evidence he knew that what he was saying is retarded and was being a little non-committal with it. i mean he actually tried to say that 'signs his name with a capital G' had nothing to do with george bush. thats so fucking hilariously ridiculous. why don't he change his name to 'worlds biggest pussy alive'?


this is all really besides the points i was trying to make previously. i dont really care about the political statement itself, i mean i do and i think its full retard, but that's not my main gripe. i care about the contradictory nature of the guy's stances and the fact that he just clearly paints himself as whatever he thinks will sell, without caring if it contradicts what he was last year. if being a christian (full disclosure- i'm not) had been or became fashionable and hip, he would or will become a righteous holy dude eventually.


even after all you said i still don't agree Year Zero was about republicans, was a response to the post 9/11 Bush era? Absolutely but i think it was just incidental that we had a republican president pulling that type of totalitarian shit. IT's like saying Dead Kennedy's music was all about republicans as opposed to saying it was anti totalitarian government type of activities. Not to knock what you're saying but i think maybe take a step back from how 'politicized' talking about certain issues has become in post 9/11 world as opposed to the 90s. Now any time you mention something remotely seen as 'left wing' you're one of those goddam liberals. It's all kinda bullshitty honestly.

I actually in part thought Year Zero had a stronger political message than most modern generic political music simply because it was a commentary on totalitarian government practices as a whole in the Us, an alternate future dystopia.

To say it's 'anti republican' would be the same as saying that the media is liberal, its just not really true.

WRONG. it is anti-republican/anti-rightwing. its right there in black and white. clear as crystal. you stole fizzy lifting drinks.


by the way, i think this new thing of trying to pretend that there are no longer 'liberals' or 'conservatives' at all is cute. especially since plenty of people actually identify themselves as such. the dude is right there in the video confirming everything i said and you are still denying it. amazing.



good day sir.

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did you not watch the vid? did you not see how he calls the year zero songs 'outdated music', suggesting that obama and the democrats were going to take us off of this course to year zero world?


everyone knows and knew that thats what it was and is. people were talking about it all over the net as such. HE HIMSELF HAS CONFIRMED IT. in many ways. many times. and for you to act like this is the first time you've ever even heard that this is what it's about when earlier you mentioned getting into the alternate reality promotion thing, indicating you followed the talk about the album, it has me thinking you are trolling me. theres no way you've never heard the album described this way before.


its pretty ridiculous that you are disagreeing with trent himself about what his own album is, to try to protect him.

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Guest trananhhung

The drum sounds and patterns are even more ugly and uneventful than the stuff on YZ. The clash with the "Make the World a Better Place" vocal harmonies is so embarrassing... Good thing I'm hearing this alone.


I love the rant from MisterE. It's like all the shit I think about Reznor these days but don't have the energy to write. I still believe most of the stuff up until The Fragile is pretty good, though. It had character and felt real.

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Guest Lucy Faringold





It's a collabo with his wife/baby mama, who he met on Twitter. Her previous job was call girl and her previous sugar daddy was Tila Tequila from Myspace's former sugar daddy. Her previous band was called "West Indian Girl," which she got hired for at an open audition, because she's Filipina and that looked 'West Indian' enough for her Caucasian bandmates. What did you expect?


i wonder is any of that true? if so more lols to be had.


Shouldn't matter if she used to be a call girl or not.


But yeah, the music is pretty dreadful.

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I think it's quite good if you separate it from NIN and see it as a band in it's own right. I wish it was darker and not as catchy, but it's not NIN, so I'm cool with it. New band new music. There are rumours that NIN is still alive and kicking as well, so if these could live two separate lives that's great. There were some great songs on the first EP and I look forward to finally getting an album!

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  • 3 weeks later...


I think it's quite good if you separate it from NIN and see it as a band in it's own right. I wish it was darker and not as catchy, but it's not NIN, so I'm cool with it. New band new music. There are rumours that NIN is still alive and kicking as well, so if these could live two separate lives that's great. There were some great songs on the first EP and I look forward to finally getting an album!

Trent will stick her on tambourine duty like every good rockstar does with his chicken head.

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Giving this a listen, about 10 tracks in... I'm a pretty big fan of NIN/Reznor but this album is just kinda so-so overall. It's true, Mariqueen's vocals really do clash at times or just seem so lazy and half-asked it's hard to get into a lot of it, and some of it is kinda boring. It's not all horrible though, she has her moments and occasional nice harmonies, and some of the tracks insturmentally do get a good groove going that she falls into well but It's just so inconsistent it's hard to fully enjoy. I also can't help but notice on certain tracks I like the moments where she shuts up and it just becomes instrumental which I suppose isn't a good thing on a project where she's supposed to be the front-runner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ha-ha! Thought i might be, but yeah am really enjoying it think the Production is awesome and I think her Vocals are alright.. The lyrics may suck a little bit in places but really who comes to a Trent album expecting amazing lyrics? I assume he wote most of the lyrics anyway its sure sounds like it but could be his Mrs.

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