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stupid first world achievements and successes


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According to work HQ, with whom I called and carefully checked, I am entitled to claim £50 worth of expenses for the two day training course I just attended in which I spent precisely fuck all.


Unless you count the beers I bought for the train home.

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My diarrhea instantly killed the insect that was trapped in the toilet bowl.






was it steaming? like it incinerated him?



I'm not sure, it was Pad Thai induced, so a possibility.

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Got wet walking to station in the rain.


Browsing watmm on my phone on the train home and a text message comes in from my lady (who's working late):


'Couple of Brooklyns in the fridge for yoo'






I got 100s on some night school homework and my wife bought me a 6-pack of craft beers, including a Brooklyn Lager Oktoberfest. Yay for our better halves!

Beer: 1st world solutions to 1st world problems.

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Guest disparaissant

I found out my credit is good enough to get an iPhone on contract. So I got an iPhone.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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My close friend was murdered about a year back.... (see... fwp thread). They've finally laid charges. I knew it was this stupid piece of shit the whole time but they've finally laid charges.


I doubt the guy lives to see his trial.



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My second precis got an "A"! and the professor said I made good insights during discussion.



Also I'm almost done my first friggin book report in 3 years, wrote 6 pages in a flurry of hyperactive thinking, now the difficulty is concluding it and fixing up all the word salad.

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My close friend was murdered about a year back.... (see... fwp thread). They've finally laid charges. I knew it was this stupid piece of shit the whole time but they've finally laid charges.


I doubt the guy lives to see his trial.




jesus christ how could I miss this post....shows how self-obsessed we are at times.



Im fucking happy as shit that this is happening for you and I hope the POS goes to jail.


This is coming from a man who had a friend murdered.



You know, looking at the first world problems thread, it seems like you and me have a LOT of similar life situations Stephen. We should talk.

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My close friend was murdered about a year back.... (see... fwp thread). They've finally laid charges. I knew it was this stupid piece of shit the whole time but they've finally laid charges.


I doubt the guy lives to see his trial.




jesus christ how could I miss this post....shows how self-obsessed we are at times.



Im fucking happy as shit that this is happening for you and I hope the POS goes to jail.


This is coming from a man who had a friend murdered.



You know, looking at the first world problems thread, it seems like you and me have a LOT of similar life situations Stephen. We should talk.



Thanks! It's a huge sense of relief for me and lots of my friends, and definitely his family.


It sounds like he is going straight to the slammer. He was just picked up by the cops and it's going straight to trial, first degree murder!


Such a sense of relief!


We can talk anytime Smetty!

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My close friend was murdered about a year back.... (see... fwp thread). They've finally laid charges. I knew it was this stupid piece of shit the whole time but they've finally laid charges.


I doubt the guy lives to see his trial.




jesus christ how could I miss this post....shows how self-obsessed we are at times.



Im fucking happy as shit that this is happening for you and I hope the POS goes to jail.


This is coming from a man who had a friend murdered.



You know, looking at the first world problems thread, it seems like you and me have a LOT of similar life situations Stephen. We should talk.



Wow, I'm glad there's some resolution to that, especially after a year and you knowing who it was! I can't even imagine that feeling.


I hate to ask, but I tried searching for the original story...could you link to it? Totally understand if you can't be bothered. Just glad to read that fucker is being charged.

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Thanks! I didn't... KNOW 100%. I just had a nagging suspicion and had heard this guys name thrown around as a suspect and thought he looked kind of familiar in the surveillance videos that were released. Now that they've caught him I've had an "ah ha!" moment where it all makes sense... if that makes any sense lol.


Here was one of the original links:



Here is the guy they have in custody:


Edited by StephenG
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