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In America...

Guest skibby

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Hey Im all for people learning English when they migrate over here, but it would make far more sense to put THAT statement in the list. Pressing a "1" on the phone is not inconvenient whatsoever. I actually imagine people calling an automated hotline and becoming enraged by the language prompt and it seems rather ridiculous.

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You know, one time I had to press 2 (TWO!) on a phone just to get Ingles, err, English. Guess who I was calling? One of them commie pinko income-based medical clinics, which of course are run by freedom-hating mexicans. They probably just keep you listening in Mexican so you can't hear em offer you abortions. You tell 'em, Big Jeff!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You think so?




The Budget continues our commitment to keeping that promise alive by creating an economy thats built to last with good jobs that pay well and security for the middle class.


Its a commitment that starts with jumpstarting job creation so that our economic recovery quickens and more Americans are able to get back to work. The Budget proposes more than $350 billion in short-term measures for job growth starting this year. These proposals include the extension of the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance benefits for rest of 2012; an upfront investment of $50 billion from the surface transportation reauthorization bill for roads, rails, and runways to create thousands of quality jobs in the short term; continuing to allow businesses to write-off the full amount of new investments; and $30 billion to modernize at least 35,000 schools, and $30 billion to help states and localities retain and hire teachers and first responders.

Plus, from what piece of the 3.7 trillion pie do those foreign billions come from?



Again, it's not the money going to other countries that's the issue, or relevant, in the 1%-99% gap thing.


Edit: f@ck, wrong pie

It should be the one on this page


But google search wont show me options i actually can link to...



There's no "foreign-country destabilization and strategic black ops, n%" piece of pie. It's already counted in the military budget. Along with NSA and CIA.

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