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Super Bowl 2013 or XVMVLIVVXXXLLIIMMIIVVIIIVI or whatever.


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I'm having a superbowl party today, mostly because of my goofy wife.

I could give a shit about sports, but she likes football now and I guess it's a good excuse to have a party.


Anyway, just wanted to see what you are all doing today.


I've got a huge pork shoulder (with some homemade dry rub that I prepped last night) in the slow cooker.

Making some BBQ pulled-pork. Glory.

I also made some homemade coleslaw. Shit should be tite.


I'm also routing for the Ravens because I have a lot of good friends from Baltimore... plus a high percentage of their team apparently is criminally insane. I respect that.


Got about 5-7 hours left to cook the pig. Gonna listen to the new MBV - m b v on repeat a few more times and chill.


My friend was telling me that we should play this game his friend made up where everyone at the party brings a stack of ones (like you would if you were going to a strip club) and then you just bet on EVERYTHING you can imagine, during the game: points, plays, injuries, half-time show specifics, commercials... you name it. I think that could be fun.


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I'll be watching the game, not having a party or anything though. Right now I'm sipping some Leopold Bros. New York Apple whiskey, just mashed in on a Milk Stout, and chilling. We just acquired a smoker, but I've yet to give it a shot because of the cold weather. I considered it today, but my gf will be working until half-time at least so I said fuck it.


It's gonna be a good day

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Life's too fucking short for 4 hours of nonsense and advertisements.


Most things in life are a waste of time, very few people live life to the fullest.


Its escapism, who cares man.

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The Superbowl is ace in the UK, because it either involves a really late night party with mates, or desperately trying to stay up and be functioning at work tomorrow.


I'm going for the latter this year. Got some red wine and pretzels to keep me company.

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Bmore all the way baby.



Unfortunately I have a cascade of papers and other things I need to get out of the way for classes, so Ill be sitting at home on my lonesome looking up from the computer screen everynow and then to cheer on my man Ed Reed.

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Guest Hanratty

i liked that McDonalds commercial where the winning basketball team is rewarded with big bags of McDonalds. I'm no athlete but I'm pretty sure they don't eat that stuff. McDonalds just doesn't care.

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the ravens represent all that is evil with the world, the 49er's; all that is good. though, the whole spectacle is evil as it feeds man's most primal desires originating in the reptilian sect of his brain, or sommat. i'm watching only to see if both teams are some how able to transcend this imposing spectacle...


in other words,




edit: i just saw an ad for the church of scientology. i am deeply stirred and disgusted

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Guest RadarJammer

the ravens represent all that is evil with the world, the 49er's; all that is good. though, the whole spectacle is evil as it feeds man's most primal desires originating in the reptilian sect of his brain, or sommat. i'm watching only to see if both teams are some how able to transcend this imposing spectacle...


in other words,




edit: i just saw an ad for the church of scientology. i am deeply stirred and disgusted


they've had a LOT of bad press lately, i'm not surprised at all. they probably sucked a million dicks to get that approved

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