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E3 2014

Rubin Farr

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Psyched this yr more than usual bc it looks like a lot of surprises. Only thing I've seen leaked so far is "Mario Maker" from Nintendo, looks like a custom SMB level editor for unknown (probly 3DS) system. Predictions? Wish lists?


Kickoff Tuesday!

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Guest jasondonervan

hoping for oculus vs morpheus vs whatever valve is working on.


I just want it to be July already so my DK2 is here sooner (yes, I ordered one...) :cool:

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hoping for oculus vs morpheus vs whatever valve is working on.


I don't understand how you can compare oculus vs morpheus vs Half Life 3, data.






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Guest Gravity



Hopefully Nintendo pulls out a lot of good info to boost Wii U sales. I want more reasons to get one.


Also Data, from what I've read Valve's VR tech is just for research purposes, and they used it to help Oculus. I don't know if they'll be helping now that they have dat Facebook Money, but yeah. (if that's what you even meant. did you mean a game? oops.)

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The Last Guardian or BUST


Alright, so answer me this... no one... NO ONE knows what The Last Guardian is, yet everyone is going fucking bananas over this game. I mean, so far it's only a trailer where you see a boy and an eagle-dog.

Anyway, I want new games... but nothing comes out until 2015.

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Guest Roksen Creek


The Last Guardian or BUST


Alright, so answer me this... no one... NO ONE knows what The Last Guardian is, yet everyone is going fucking bananas over this game. I mean, so far it's only a trailer where you see a boy and an eagle-dog.

Anyway, I want new games... but nothing comes out until 2015.

I think it's more to do with Team ICO's previous games than the trailer. Even before the trailer fans were highly anticipating what they were working on.


Me personally, Shadow of the Colossus is my all-time favourite game alongside Grim Fandango. So I just want another experience that will match or exceed that.

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We really need to see something mindblowing. We need to see something that is pushing technology forward.


It's been so long since we had a Halo 2 or Halflife 2 sort of "holy shit" presentation. Watch Dogs was great at the time but... yeah.

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Guest Gravity

We really need to see something mindblowing. We need to see something that is pushing technology forward.


It's been so long since we had a Halo 2 or Halflife 2 sort of "holy shit" presentation. Watch Dogs was great at the time but... yeah.


I think Valve pairing HL3 up with the Rift could potentially blow minds in the same way HL2 did back at e3 2003. They have the talent to push the tech as far as it can go into "holy shit" territory.

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The Last Guardian would be a prime reason for me to buy a PS4.

I bet they will announce The Last Guardian "transitioning" to PS4... and get delayed again. Or worse, no mention at all.


Nintendo needs to bring out something big, something game-changing to make an impact - SSB won't do it, Mario Kart 8 certainly hasn't, and I'm even beginning to doubt a new Zelda for Wii U will do it (unless it is absolutely astounding and not just "HD Zelda").


Microsoft has a real chance to give people hope that XBONE is worth buying now they wisely dropped Kinect from the package (and somehow back out of all the previous E3 hype how Kinect was "essential" to the XBONE's future.


It's Sony's E3 to lose, honestly - hopefully they are still hungry like last E3 and will come out swinging again - otherwise, something big by Microsoft or even Nintendo (hahahah... no not really, but you never know) could make people on the fence about PS4 reconsider other options.


Honestly, both "next gen" consoles (and the Wii U) could have (and probably should have) spent another year in incubation, allowing developers to create real next-gen experiences versus the "prettier, shinier" experiences we've gotten up until now.

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The Last Guardian would be a prime reason for me to buy a PS4.

I bet they will announce The Last Guardian "transitioning" to PS4... and get delayed again. Or worse, no mention at all.


Nintendo needs to bring out something big, something game-changing to make an impact - SSB won't do it, Mario Kart 8 certainly hasn't, and I'm even beginning to doubt a new Zelda for Wii U will do it (unless it is absolutely astounding and not just "HD Zelda").


Microsoft has a real chance to give people hope that XBONE is worth buying now they wisely dropped Kinect from the package (and somehow back out of all the previous E3 hype how Kinect was "essential" to the XBONE's future.


It's Sony's E3 to lose, honestly - hopefully they are still hungry like last E3 and will come out swinging again - otherwise, something big by Microsoft or even Nintendo (hahahah... no not really, but you never know) could make people on the fence about PS4 reconsider other options.


Honestly, both "next gen" consoles (and the Wii U) could have (and probably should have) spent another year in incubation, allowing developers to create real next-gen experiences versus the "prettier, shinier" experiences we've gotten up until now.


I don't think even a new Zelda would make me jump on a Wii U right now, I'd need a new Metroid along side it.


I'm going to do with the Wii U what I did with PS3, that is, jump in nearer the end of its life, pick up the exclusives on the cheap, and just have a massive backlog to last me for months.


The bold is right on the money, all experiences up to now have been the same experience, but in a shinier/flashier aesthetic. I've yet to see any game which couldn't have been done on the last gen consoles (granted with degraded visuals). GTA V is more of a next gen experience than a lot of supposedly next gen titles.


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Guest Roksen Creek


The Last Guardian would be a prime reason for me to buy a PS4.


I bet they will announce The Last Guardian "transitioning" to PS4... and get delayed again. Or worse, no mention at all.

What would they delay it to? They don't have a release date as it is. If they announce it at all, it will probably be a short teaser without a date or just the year, ie "2023".


They need another big gun to show since Project Beast was leaked. Hopefully this will force their hand.

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Can't wait to see how good Uncharted 4 looks. I'm hoping to see some footage of NHL 15 in action too. There's rumored to be a debut of God of War 4 as well. Bethesda has a new game that will be revealed, which is exciting. I'd give me left nut for a Fallout 4 on the PS4.


Also I'm sure the VR sets are going to grab my attention.

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not exaited about battlefield or cod this year, what i want 2 see is mortal kombat x and the new characters, loved the previous one

and doom 4 and fallout 4, pliss god make it happen

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So here's what I want out of the E3 press conference...


- GTAV for the Xbone and PS4. A Game of the Year-like package with all the upcoming dlc included for free. Also, I want it at a reduced price ($40-50)

- Some kind of Microsoft and Oculus collaboration that'll bring the Rift to the Xbone.

- A REAL next gen game for the consoles. Nothing I've seen in Watch_Dogs has looked truly next gen yet. GTAV was way better looking.

- I want new IPs. I'm still interested in the new ACs and a new Mass Effect that are coming out, but I am dying for new IPs.

- I want Far Cry 4 to blow EVERYTHING out of the water. Far Cry 4 is my most anticipated game for 2014.

- The Division shown on the consoles.


And some predictions...


- Crackdown 3

- Gears of War 4 - which nobody wants.

- Resident Evil 7 (7!!?)

- Some kind of Zelda announcement for the Wii U.

- People are gonna come away from The Evil Within and say it looks clumsy and shitty. The slow death of Japanese games continues!

- People are gonna be disappointed by Destiny.

- Star Wars: Battlefront 3 or a new Star Wars game will be shown.

- Mirror's Edge 2? Maaayyyybe? Maybe just a new trailer showing small glimpses of gameplay.

- Microsoft still doesn't "get it" and continues to babble on about tv shows, "entertainment", and apps, .

- Sales numbers from Sony and MS and everyone except from Sony and MS is bored.

- Sony will gloat.

- Quantic Dreams will announce something pretty.

- That bald scary happy guy from Media Molecule will come out on Sony's stage and announce something cute.

- God of War 4 (or is it 5?)


...and finally...

- Every single game gets pushed to 2015.

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*opens thread*



ctrl+f "half-life 3"


ctrl+f "fallout 4"



*closes thread*





Bethesda has already said tha they won't announce anything Fallout related at E3. And Half-Life3... no way.

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Guest Roksen Creek

- That bald scary happy guy from Media Molecule will come out on Sony's stage and announce something cute.


Media Molecule said they won't be at E3 this year.

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