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took the words out my fingers, Chen, regarding Native Merkins terrorists, not that its funny either more the context of it in this discussion popping us was


i thought "what, surely???,,,,,,,,", which gave way to a grin


mood lifts on this the shortest day are reasonable goals


happy winter solstice to you all

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np man

You think I want to eradicate people?

Are you fucking serious?

How in the fucking world do you make the leap from criticizing religious beliefs to wanting to eradicate Muslims?

Are you fucking stupid, mate?



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the quote mentioned eradicating the religion. eradicating the religion is not the same as eradicating the people. i could ask if you are fucking stupid but that would be rude


so is it reforming all of islam that you are after, rather than eradicating it?

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Lol no Native American terrorists. There are virtually none left to organize a terrorist movement. Im sure you are well aware of the historical reasons why there is not a Native American terrorist movement.


If your theory is that Islam lends itself to terrorism then you have to ignore the IRA, Buddhist terrorism in SE Asia, acts of Christian terrorism, secular terrorist organizations, and last because it's specific to America, but certainly not least, the very real possibility of being a victim of a shooting, disproportionately carried out by white males.

Stop being scared of the "monster".

Well yes now there aren't many Native Americans left

But luckily we have all of recorded history


And yes IRA and all of those are good examples

(Except a few that have nothing to do with failed multi-culturism)


But my point stands that terrorists don't appear to be evenly (and randomly) distributed among disenfranchised sup-populations



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IS couldnt even give Homeland a plot boost


if you've ever been lucky enough to holiday around some of the Greek islands off Turkey, these places have been transformed by recent events


what i find frightening is how migrants, after all the trauma & exploitation of fleeing certain regions, are further exploited by police forces in countries such as Hungary etc, eg the Police robbing off the homeless, beatings, incarcerations, talk about a swamp of trauma.....


then David Cameron stands up @ PM-Questions and reaffirms British aid contributions by underlining that we rehoused 1000 Syrian refugees. Wow Dave, a whole 1000? My God man, that amazing of you and your party pandering to its right wing anti-immigration bs. Why not send them to Orkney, or do a deal with the Faroe Islands and dump them all completely "out of sight"


we could take ten times that and more, but instead of boosting aid we pour resources into a bombing policy where theres no actual coherent strategy

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limpy allow me to lay this out:


it's just a matter of delicacy. look at this. that's a muslim coalition that was just formed and very well may end up putting an end to isis. the historical import of this is staggering as it pertains to the exact concerns you have about interpretations islam. you like philosophy, did you read what nietzsche said about how the course of history is not written in fate and it could have gone vastly different ways? well events from here forward could go in vastly different ways.


i am aware that almost certainly no muslim heads of state are going to read your posts on watmm and make decisions based on them. i'm also aware that probably no potential terrorists/isis militants will read your posts and make decisions about their future based on them. however consider this very real phenomenon: people read things and parrot them, and this amplification perpetuates itself. i see it sweep across the internet like waves. sure your posts are just a small part of it but nevertheless... are you part of the solution or part of the problem?


this isis conflict needs to be over, so lets address your qualms with islam separately, as linking the two is not, in reality, going to help at all.

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I totally agree, VH

Muslims are stepping up in all sorts of ways against ISIS et all

(Although Muslims are not responsible for each other's behavior

It is heartening to see)



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you talk about rubber spines Limpy, you know the Kurds are always recruiting foreigners who wanna take on IS head on


more than a few foreign nationals/ex service folks are fighting w/them........where theres a will eh.........they'll train you, feed you and they rotate front line battalions......


or there are any number of International Aid organizations operating all across the region where you could make a genuine difference, as opposed to typing on a screen


if it means that much to folks there are far more direct ways of contributing

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If I was a healthy 20-year old, I would consider it

I'm not afraid to die and there are causes that are indeed worth fighting and dying for

But I think if I sent them my mental and physical specs

They'd surely say 'thanks but no thanks'

It'd look like an outtake from Love and Death



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Sorry JE, your tweets scream to be posted here. Not fair to just blag about it on Twitter after you left here without giving people the chance to react to it. High horse and all.




P.S. It does prove again that this ol' fill out form still is flawless in making your own JE argument:



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Some worrisome poll numbers:






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What's worrisome about that? All that guy is doing is trying to redefine radical.


Justification for that in terms of foreign policy is easy to understand. Remember, the US bombed Iraq heavily in December of 1998, causing dozens of casualties - this in addition to continuous sanctions and intermittent bombing/cruise missile strikes throughout the 90s. The US media continues to paint this as a war against Islam, and a large percentage of Americans still believe both that the war on Iraq was justified and that US troops found WMD when they invaded.

Are those radicalized Americans?


When you define the issue in simple terms (like "Muslim terrorists, OMG"), it's easy to put large groups of people in one category. The reality is though that the issue is highly complex, and simple labels don't fit.

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Sorry JE, your tweets scream to be posted here. Not fair to just blag about it on Twitter after you left here without giving people the chance to react to it. High horse and all.




P.S. It does prove again that this ol' fill out form still is flawless in making your own JE argument:




lol...sorry JE, got no beef with you at all, but this is a bit pathetic. also, why would RDJ be doing the house cleaning? unless he's a mod i wasn't aware of...in which case, hi richard.
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Sorry JE, your tweets scream to be posted here. Not fair to just blag about it on Twitter after you left here without giving people the chance to react to it. High horse and all.




P.S. It does prove again that this ol' fill out form still is flawless in making your own JE argument:





This feels like one of those break ups where your ex is still stalking you. Creepy...

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Sorry JE, your tweets scream to be posted here. Not fair to just blag about it on Twitter after you left here without giving people the chance to react to it. High horse and all.




P.S. It does prove again that this ol' fill out form still is flawless in making your own JE argument:





This feels like one of those break ups where your ex is still stalking you. Creepy...


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hi JE

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P.S. JE I've literally never heard you criticize Islam even once

That is highly suspicious

You're implicitly supporting the oppression of women, fascism, blasphemy laws, the murder of cartoonists, superstition over science, etc etc

Simply because you can't seem to distinguish between criticizing religious beliefs and hating people for their skin color (as you proudly admitted)



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