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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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Is your computer monitor the side of a building in Times Square, wtf is that resolution... What're you- from the future? What is this forum- We Are The 16K Monitor Makers? What am I- in the Renaissance looking through a Wizard's portal into a unicorn's VR helmet? Who are you- Mr. Monitor Fancy Pants? What're you- SEGA doing what Nintendon't?

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you can get dell monitors that can turn 90 degrees, so widescreen in the middle and two portrait ones either side, good for code and graphics programs, can have a model humanoid full screen one side, or lines of code. or mesage boards by the looks of things.

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Guest bitroast

I love how happy he is gettin down in his sand bed


it looks like he's thrusting his way in. finding a warm little thrust pocket of sand to leave his seeds.

Edited by bitroast
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