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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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did anyone see the ridiculous photos 50 Cent has been posting after his bankruptcy hearings? Posing with stacks of $100 bills he hid in his refrigerator. He does realize his bankruptcy judge has internets too right? durrrrr






What a dumbass.

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50 Cent should be rotting in jail for murder, conspiracy to commit murder, public endangerment, arms trafficking, and a host of other gang-related activity


Hopefully he gets thrown in jail for all this goofy bankruptcy shit

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That's probably prop cash or hundreds on top of small bills, guys.


Edit: lol he's got a one dollar bill in his hand

I'm betting hundreds on stacks of cut newspaper, but yeah I didn't notice the singles in his hand, classic.

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Thing is, that actually happened... =/


Almost more sad than it is funny.



hey, check your bigotry

all beliefs about reality are equally valid

please, respect their faith


geez, why do you guys hate Africans?

(it must be their skin color)






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