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Funny Pictures Part IV - Funny Harder


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Some tips to start

Staying with your pet when food is offered

Petting, in conjunction with vocal reassurance, may be all that is necessary to induce eating

Mixing a highly palatable canned food with their usual food will often increase palatability enough to induce eating

Warming the food to body temperature will enhance the aroma of the food and also directly improve the palatability. Warming dry food for a few minutes on low heat (75c) in an oven or warming wet food in a microwave (6-10secs) will help. Do not over heat the food as you can "zap" away the essential nutrients

Oregano, basil or parsley can be mixed in with dog food to improve palatability

If necessary, cleaning the pets' nose to improve its ability to smell the food may be helpful, particularly for cats

Trying different foods may also be helpful. Some cats prefer a dry food or a canned premium food

Most dogs can be enticed with a good quality cat food (this is only a short term alternative as the protein levels found in cat food are too high for dogs)

A pet that will not eat from a bowl may take food from your hand, and once they begin eating, they will usually continue voluntarily (from their bowl)

Place the food in a "happy environment" that is in a quiet, traffic free area of the house or yard. Don't place their food bowl in front of the stereo speakers.

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