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The minor epiphany thread


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Confidence is 100x more important than looks.


(Another lesson I keep learning over and over and over...)


yeah, women are disgusting. They will fuck anything that makes them laugh.

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Confidence is 100x more important than looks.


(Another lesson I keep learning over and over and over...)

yeah, women are disgusting. They will fuck anything that makes them laugh.


hahahahaha! *dry humps computer monitor*


*aquires a new specific niche fetish*



now look what you did

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Confidence is 100x more important than looks.


(Another lesson I keep learning over and over and over...)


yeah, women are disgusting. They will fuck anything that makes them laugh.



what about your penis tho lmao

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Confidence is 100x more important than looks.


(Another lesson I keep learning over and over and over...)

yeah, women are disgusting. They will fuck anything that makes them laugh.

what about your penis tho lmao

Genuine lol

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Confidence is 100x more important than looks.


(Another lesson I keep learning over and over and over...)


yeah, women are disgusting. They will fuck anything that makes them laugh.



what about your penis tho lmao



Do you mean like using it for standup comedy or puppetry etc?

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While biking uphill I realized why bicycles are so popular in places like Copenhagen and Amsterdam. They are almost completely flat.

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A lot of art is totall bullshit. Your plumber might have better artistic sense than a lot of so-called artists, but he was more motivated to do something practical for a living. We romanticize artists too much.


A lot of them must think they automatically deserve a reward by taking a risk and doing something less tangible with their time. I see this sense of entitlement with a lot of self described creative types.

Best post.



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So like...what DID come first: the chicken or the egg?


When I was 8 or so my father would pose this (and similar questions) to me

And only in the last couple years did I realize that there is actually an answer...


A near-identical question:

Who was the first human (and why were her parents not human)?


Now, these questions are indeed puzzling at first

Until you frame them in more familiar terms:

When does a child become an adult?

(18th birthday, perhaps? Then what about the day before that?)


Now, I actually understand (and partially sympathize)

with people who don't believe in (i.e. understand) evolution

Because this stuff is kinda oblique and counter-intuitive

It should be explained like

Imagine you take a photograph of yourself

Every day for your entire life

And then on your deathbed someone asks you

to point to the first picture where you were an adult

Or the first picture where you were middle-aged or elderly

Obviously every photograph is indistinguishable

from the ones before and after it

So this is impossible


But instead if you take a photograph of your self every 10 years

This suddenly becomes possible


The terms 'adult' and 'chicken' and 'human'

Are just approximate, course-grain categories

You will never have parents giving birth to baby of a different species

But the genetic drift over time blah blah blah...


So the answer to "chicken or the egg"

Requires conceptual analysis to answer

Not empirical analysis


So the (decidedly unsexy) answer is:

Depending of course on how you define 'chicken'

For instance if 'speciation' requires no longer being able to breed with recent cousins on the evolutionary tree

Due to genetic drift

(Although your parents still could)

Then the answer is 'the egg'

Even though you're still the same species as your parents

Which isn't the "chicken" species per se

Rather "chicken" is an approximate category like "adult"

Which is only useful for course-grain analysis and contrast






Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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After realizing that my grandmother can rip bigger farts than a 300 lb redneck wearing a beer helmet at an NFL tailgate party, I've hypothesized that there comes a certain age in life where you stop giving a fuck altogether, and everyone else will perceive that as an endearing quality.

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A lot of art is totall bullshit. Your plumber might have better artistic sense than a lot of so-called artists, but he was more motivated to do something practical for a living. We romanticize artists too much.


A lot of them must think they automatically deserve a reward by taking a risk and doing something less tangible with their time. I see this sense of entitlement with a lot of self described creative types.

This, omfg, right here is why I'm self conscious about identifying as a creative type.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I present to you, stress free jenga, risk of triggered 0.


when people play jenga, they should always take blocks off from the top, then there's no risk of making a mess by having it fall everywhere and as a bonus you can use the blocks removed from one jenga pile to build another, or perhaps put them back in their box as you go.

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