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Stoner Sloth


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Has anyone seen this? It's an anti-cannabis campaign by some Australian ministerial department, that's currently being panned for its absurd depictions of the effects of cannabis.


The people who commissioned it claimed it was “informed by research conducted by the National Cannabis Prevention and Information Centre.” but they came back saying “NCPIC was not consulted on any of the creative elements of this campaign. They have used our name to cover this campaign … We are going to ask them to print a retraction that it is based on work that we did.”

Either way it's worth watching for the unintentional laughs.
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so pleased with the reaction to this :biggrin:




for me the best part was the intention to force it to go viral in a way that supports the message of the ad, but it backfired harder than even i thought when i first saw it doing the rounds. they were suggesting hashtags after each scenario and they misspelled 'embarrassing' on one of them (left out an 'r'). they seem to have fixed it on the website now.


It's from Saatchi and Saatchi too - you'd think they'd know better, unless they've intentionally made it bad so it goes viral?

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i completely support this message and the moaning sloth is exactly the type of animal i'd imagine myself to look like when blazed on weed. a few weeks ago i visited my high school friend who's a regular smoker, and his wife too, i don't know whatever the fuck weed they were using but it literally knocked me out after just a few tokes, i couldn't construct a coherent sentence, comprehend what others were saying and couldn't lift myself from the couch. usually it just makes me puke or induces a diarrhea but this shit was fucked up. so i fully support australian government in fighting this monstrosity.

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I remember the Talk to Frank campaign over here, the most it done was give you something to shout when the sun was coming up and the comedown was on the horizon.....Frank....someone get me Frank!

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this is pretty accurate, he should become the worldwide mascot for weed.


I'm pretty sure it will become that in 2016!


I find it odd that Australia has anti-weed advertising in this age anyway, booze/hard drugs are much worse imo.

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