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Conspiracy Theories are true! mmm not so much?...


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Found the article interesting & figured it made a good read for some of us tinfoil hat types.



It is impossible to keep a major conspiracy under wraps for long because secrets have a way of escaping, an Oxford University study has found.
British physicist Dr David Grimes found that the more people involved in a conspiracy, the shorter its lifespan will be.
Dr Grimes, who also works as a science writer and broadcaster, said: ‘It is common to dismiss conspiracy theories and their proponents out of hand but I wanted to take the opposite approach, to see how these conspiracies might be possible.
‘To do that, I looked at the vital requirement for a viable conspiracy – secrecy.’
He developed an equation involving conspirator numbers, length of time, and even the effects of conspirators dying, whether of old age or non-natural causes. Also required was a realistic estimation of an individual disclosing a conspiracy.








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Guest Chesney

The trouble with Conspiracy theories is that the people who go for them defunkt any legitimacy so it's safer for them to be out in the world whether they are fact or fiction.

Nothing will ever be a fact if many people disagree.

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lol, there are a myriad of things that we have partial evidence for the truth of, BUT, the media refuses to publish the evidence of, and if they do it is quickly downplayed. The system of control is more sophisticated than this sophist is willing to allow for and evidence of his fallacy is all around. The second Iraq war was sold on all lies, hussain was not in league with bin laden, he did not have weapons of mass destruction etc, the invasion was a war crime under international law and authorisation illegal under local law, same with the first and now the new reinvasion, and yet no one has been punished and the media still goes and asks for the advice from the same war hawks, be they pundits, academics or government officials.


Therefore you are continuing to be lied to on a massive scale with no consequence for the bad actors, there are conspiracies of silence, they may be leaky, but it doesn't matter if state power in league with financial power and the media downplay, ridicule or ignore their existence, does it, my naive little friend. There are conspiracies, they are usually pretty obvious to anyone with an historical sense and skeptical mind and guys like the one so pointlessly parroted are part of them.



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The second Iraq war was sold on all lies, hussain was not in league with bin laden, he did not have weapons of mass destruction etc, the invasion was a war crime under international law and authorisation illegal under local law, same with the first and now the new reinvasion, and yet no one has been punished and the media still goes and asks for the advice from the same war hawks, be they pundits, academics or government officials.



But it's not a conspiracy theory that persists like the others cited. What you have pointed out has all been pretty much proven to be true, hence nothing to cover-up.

And as for punishment, well,... 'murica mate.

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delet what yr talking about is less of a conspiracy and more just power maintaining itself and making sure no one fucks with it


basically everyone on this forum is very aware of what you're talking about, which is good news i guess.


conspiracies in this context are like aliens n chemtrails n shit, right?

where is forum member ET?
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The second Iraq war was sold on all lies, hussain was not in league with bin laden, he did not have weapons of mass destruction etc, the invasion was a war crime under international law and authorisation illegal under local law, same with the first and now the new reinvasion, and yet no one has been punished and the media still goes and asks for the advice from the same war hawks, be they pundits, academics or government officials.


But it's not a conspiracy theory that persists like the others cited. What you have pointed out has all been pretty much proven to be true, hence nothing to cover-up.

And as for punishment, well,... 'murica mate.

there was a cover up, the media is still covering it up, they lie by omission, you are lying to yourself if you deny this. They have been trying to declare not believing the official dogma as a mental illness you know, this is all part of the groundwork to the crack down on free thinking.


Next is the official secrets act, various nations have had vast undertakings carry on invisibly, to all but other security services, those directly involved and those skeptical observers out there able to join the dots from info leaked anonymously, or by the occasional brave soul. Nothing is ever mentioned in the corporate media about these operations, information on it is actively supressed wth quite harsh penalties for those that go off the reservation, from wrecked careers to death.


Then there are conspiracies where truth is actively managed out of sight for a perceived higher purpose, like global warming fraud. Academics and professionals are altering data and fudging formulas to fit a narrative and this is seen to be an altruistic endeavour because the unquestionable truth of future climate disaster is too important to let be curtailed by 'obviously' insignificant 'problems' with the data set that they must correct for now because the need for action is just too urgent. These people don't see the bigger picture and are further corrupted due to the fact that their careers are built around providing the 'right' answers. It is not unusual for academics and the intelligentsia to be critically misguided in this way and has occurred multiple times through the ages, pushback for a paradigm shift taking a long time and by only the few and the brave.


Most people are dead weight, the ballast of society, they travel whichever way the ship is headed, and they are handed loaded terms like 'conspiracy theory' as an anti-intellectual weapon, to bludgeon anyone that gets out of line. Start asking where our ship is headed and whom is plotting it's course and you'll unchain yourself and come up on to the deck where you'll find a storm raging and things altogether more displeasing than you could have ever have imagined.

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yeah even government classified documents become public after a certain period of time.


apart from the ones about aliens living on the dark side of the moon.


and footage of this being captured during the moon landing.


and Stanley Kubrick being hired to "remake" it.


everything apart from that.





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What about that CIA narco trafficking stuff, eh? Pure ducktales, I tell ya.


edit: Delet, I think you're underestimating the American public's ability to disregard any and all unpleasant realities.

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The second Iraq war was sold on all lies, hussain was not in league with bin laden, he did not have weapons of mass destruction etc, the invasion was a war crime under international law and authorisation illegal under local law, same with the first and now the new reinvasion, and yet no one has been punished and the media still goes and asks for the advice from the same war hawks, be they pundits, academics or government officials.

But it's not a conspiracy theory that persists like the others cited. What you have pointed out has all been pretty much proven to be true, hence nothing to cover-up.

And as for punishment, well,... 'murica mate.

there was a cover up, the media is still covering it up, they lie by omission, you are lying to yourself if you deny this. They have been trying to declare not believing the official dogma as a mental illness you know, this is all part of the groundwork to the crack down on free thinking.


You may want to google "Iraq war a mistake". I don't think anybody is trying to cover-up anything in that regard. Obviously Bush & his core cronies aren't going to say "oops", but pretty much everyone else has. Even the turds running for presidency here have said as much. Congress went through the ringer on this years ago.

But as for punishment, ain't going to happen.

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The second Iraq war was sold on all lies, hussain was not in league with bin laden, he did not have weapons of mass destruction etc, the invasion was a war crime under international law and authorisation illegal under local law, same with the first and now the new reinvasion, and yet no one has been punished and the media still goes and asks for the advice from the same war hawks, be they pundits, academics or government officials.

But it's not a conspiracy theory that persists like the others cited. What you have pointed out has all been pretty much proven to be true, hence nothing to cover-up.

And as for punishment, well,... 'murica mate.

there was a cover up, the media is still covering it up, they lie by omission, you are lying to yourself if you deny this. They have been trying to declare not believing the official dogma as a mental illness you know, this is all part of the groundwork to the crack down on free thinking.


Next is the official secrets act, various nations have had vast undertakings carry on invisibly, to all but other security services, those directly involved and those skeptical observers out there able to join the dots from info leaked anonymously, or by the occasional brave soul. Nothing is ever mentioned in the corporate media about these operations, information on it is actively supressed wth quite harsh penalties for those that go off the reservation, from wrecked careers to death.


Then there are conspiracies where truth is actively managed out of sight for a perceived higher purpose, like global warming fraud. Academics and professionals are altering data and fudging formulas to fit a narrative and this is seen to be an altruistic endeavour because the unquestionable truth of future climate disaster is too important to let be curtailed by 'obviously' insignificant 'problems' with the data set that they must correct for now because the need for action is just too urgent. These people don't see the bigger picture and are further corrupted due to the fact that their careers are built around providing the 'right' answers. It is not unusual for academics and the intelligentsia to be critically misguided in this way and has occurred multiple times through the ages, pushback for a paradigm shift taking a long time and by only the few and the brave.


Most people are dead weight, the ballast of society, they travel whichever way the ship is headed, and they are handed loaded terms like 'conspiracy theory' as an anti-intellectual weapon, to bludgeon anyone that gets out of line. Start asking where our ship is headed and whom is plotting it's course and you'll unchain yourself and come up on to the deck where you'll find a storm raging and things altogether more displeasing than you could have ever have imagined.


i'm in a good mood so i won't just call you a fucking hopeless retard that you are this time and explain the major problem with modern conspiratardism: the main problem is that conspiratards' methods of attaining knowledge are extremely weak. there's no problem with constantly doubting or suspecting whatever authority or anything else as vigorously as you want, but constructing knowledge from fucking conjectures of youtube videos is a serious problem. that's the thing that you, bobbie martin (may he rest in peace) and lesser figures don't seem to realize. and when people begin to scrutinize whatever conspiracy theories you bring up in a serious manner you get all defensive and scream about how they're brainwashed or whatever and usually quit. this is not the way to conduct a fruitful argument or to convince anyone of anything. or perhaps you think scientific method is also some kind of authoritarian tool for hiding the real truths™ about the world?

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yeah even government classified documents become public after a certain period of time.


apart from the ones about aliens living on the dark side of the moon.


and footage of this being captured during the moon landing.


and Stanley Kubrick being hired to "remake" it.


everything apart from that.






ayyy lmao


"declassified" files look like EXAI cover art with 90% of the text blacked out most of the times anyway

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yeah my main issue is the whole i WANT to believe. Like wanting something to be true reeeeaaallly hard doesn't make it true. Like falling in love or out of love or something. You can't clench your butt and grit your teeth and somehow you're in love/not in love anymore

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yeah my main issue is the whole i WANT to believe. Like wanting something to be true reeeeaaallly hard doesn't make it true. Like falling in love or out of love or something. You can't clench your butt and grit your teeth and somehow you're in love/not in love anymore




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who are you talking to?

gamergate was a conspiracy to get neckbeards laid.



Am I the only one who doesn't shit about gamergate? I haven't even been bothered to get a primer on it.

FYI I'm like decidedly indifferent and by de facto not in agreement with those trying downplay the sexism/harassment stuff. I'm not pro-PC or SJW but that said I find those who actively fight against it like it's a huge issue delusional and misguided. I just don't get that crowd at all.


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What about that CIA narco trafficking stuff, eh? Pure ducktales, I tell ya.


edit: Delet, I think you're underestimating the American public's ability to disregard any and all unpleasant realities.


This could apply to the whole world. No one wants to spend time and energy on problems that don't pertain to them. It could be said even of those in developing countries, especially relatively off the grid ones. I remember being Roatan Honduras and CNN was on at a bar we were waiting at and my brother in law were talking about that, like, do these folks even know what's going on in Syria? Why would or should they?


Albeit it's more damning that Americans and other 1st World countries (major economic powers, former colonial powers, etc) have this trait, considering how much power we our leaders/governors/rulers yield, good or bad, on other nations and their policies. Just this weekend I came to figure out a very intelligent and generally informed friend of my, a typical liberalish college grad, had no idea about what was going on in Crimea and Ukraine. She caught up on it fast but I had to wonder, how many people even have a clue about this kind of stuff? How distracted are we, even from basic world events?

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delet what yr talking about is less of a conspiracy and more just power maintaining itself and making sure no one fucks with it


basically everyone on this forum is very aware of what you're talking about, which is good news i guess.


conspiracies in this context are like aliens n chemtrails n shit, right?

where is forum member ET?


he's with me on funtime twink & bear unbirth island

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