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Second Wachowski Comes Out As Trans


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Oh great, watmm's take on trans-related stuff...always a blast


But anyways...it is quite astonishing to see how much happier, more confident and more outgoing Lana became after transitioning. Certainly not a coincidence.

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it's interesting 2 me how liking/being open to/being member of a forum devoted to unusual/different music ideas does not translate into being a tolerant non-dickhed person tho

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Is being trans, as in, feeling the gender you were born with does not correspond (I don't know how to phrase this you know what I mean though) something you're born with or is it acquired? Or can it be any of those? My completely blind uneducated first guess after knowing that this 2 brothers both came out as transgender woman is that it was a result of external factors, but maybe them both being brothers means the opposite, that their mother is predisposed to chugging wrong-gendered babies... Sorry if this is offensive or something I know pretty much nothing about transgender-ism and where it comes from

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Is being trans, as in, feeling the gender you were born with does not correspond (I don't know how to phrase this you know what I mean though) something you're born with or is it acquired? Or can it be any of those? My completely blind uneducated first guess after knowing that this 2 brothers both came out as transgender woman is that it was a result of external factors, but maybe them both being brothers means the opposite, that their mother is predisposed to chugging wrong-gendered babies... Sorry if this is offensive or something I know pretty much nothing about transgender-ism and where it comes from


Seems like no one really knows at this point. In my opinion it doesn't matter either way.


Had a F2M transgendered boy come into the shop i'm working at the other day. I felt like shit because it didn't occur to me at first that Peyton was formerly a girl. His ID was made pre-transition. Not paying attention I let "she" slip a couple times and when I realized my mistake they were already gone.


My point is that sometimes transgendered people are difficult to spot because they make no scene about it. They're not vying for attention and really, really just want to blend in and be normal. I think Peyton was this kind, who probably just never felt right inside or something. He was really nice and had great manners.

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We can't answer that, Spaniard. It's a brotherly connection beyond our comprehension.

I don't understand how siblings can work to that capacity with each other, must be being brought up so closely together from a young age. Same with the Coens.

I have a younger sister and if she ever interfered with my scripting i'd help her on the way to writing her own script.


Edit: rather than collaborate.


Uh, ehm.

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Your heart is the gender that is not your body's.


Imagine you're wearing a pair of jeans and just feel that they're not right. Sure, they might be a fully functional pair of jeans, but inside they don't match the jeans in your heart. 'These are not the right jeans', you think.

That's transgender. Your body just don't feel right.


It's not so much acquired as slowly realised, like how some people don't realise they need glasses and that the world being blurry isn't normal. Some people know real quick, some people take years.

Maybe the Wachowskis knew for ages or it took them time. It's different for everyone.


Also, the bigger issue for me is that Lilly came out because the Daily Mail were threatening to expose her. What a bunch of cunts!

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it's interesting 2 me how liking/being open to/being member of a forum devoted to unusual/different music ideas does not translate into being a tolerant non-dickhed person tho

This, I thought those two go hand in hand.

also, gender is an illusion.

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it's interesting 2 me how liking/being open to/being member of a forum devoted to unusual/different music ideas does not translate into being a tolerant non-dickhed person tho

This, I thought those two go hand in hand.

also, gender is an illusion.




maybe i'm wrong but aren't you contradicting yourself here?

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i suppose one thing that confuses me is the contradiction between gender being an illusion / fluid and yet also operating within the binary while choosing / knowing what gender you are supposed to be. just genuinely curious, someone fill me in on what someone might say in response to that?


That issue was what I found the strangest (well, apart from two brothers who obviously are close and work together/etc. both having so similar of paths in life, to that extent... that's quite odd). Obviously it's possible to say "people should feel free to live at any point within or entirely without the commonly excepted gender binary, and I happen to choose to identify as a female." Nothing wrong with it, just a touch unexpected. Then again all of this is unexpected.


edit: (mostly unexpected because I don't really care about them as people because I don't know them or am more than vaguely aware of their existence)

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i suppose one thing that confuses me is the contradiction between gender being an illusion / fluid and yet also operating within the binary while choosing / knowing what gender you are supposed to be. just genuinely curious, someone fill me in on what someone might say in response to that?


That issue was what I found the strangest (well, apart from two brothers who obviously are close and work together/etc. both having so similar of paths in life, to that extent... that's quite odd). Obviously it's possible to say "people should feel free to live at any point within or entirely without the commonly excepted gender binary, and I happen to choose to identify as a female." Nothing wrong with it, just a touch unexpected. Then again all of this is unexpected.


edit: (mostly unexpected because I don't really care about them as people because I don't know them or am more than vaguely aware of their existence)



The obvious answer is that gender is, in reality, typically very binary, whether it's induced by social pressure or genetic expression. I see people who are born with physical characteristics that do not align with their mental characteristics. The desire to be feminine, submissive, an object of beauty, etc.. It would be so strange to look in the mirror and see a man and then put on some jeans, boots, and go interact with society in that way when inside is the total opposite. Having to pretend constantly to avoid ridicule and scorn?


I don't know where the "gender fluid" idea came from.. maybe it's just a reaction and actually a bit silly. Humanity really tends to just like binary things. This or that. Red or blue. Big and small. Wouldn't gender norms be our own creation? As if we have collectively over the years developed a sense for what gender means and how gender operates.. I'm not really all that surprised that transexual people also fixate on this.. I am a GIRL, i am a BOY. It's in our very nature to choose sides here?

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Kinda off topic, but I feel like this is as good a place as any to ask this: Why do you think so much emphasis is put on knowing the exact correct pronouns to use to describe trans people? I've been chastised for this when talking about someone who was transitioning... I didn't even realize they had begun to go through with it, but they looked, acted, and generally seemed to be a girl. I referred to the person as "she" and a trans person I work with got upset and told me it is incorrect (I think they wanted to say ignorant) to call such a person a girl when they are becoming a boy. On another occasion I heard two people (not trans, but supportive of it) talking about how it's so dumb that people can't figure out how to refer to trans people, it's offensive when they don't "understand", etc... I mean, most people can't even use regular pronouns correctly... why is this such a point of emphasis among LGBT(Q)(L*) social circles? It confuses me, and seems to be such a fringe part of the whole tolerance issue that I'm surprised to hear it labeled "offensive" to misuse a pronoun (in such a nuanced context especially). I mean, maybe if I did it on purpose...





*The last L is for Lumbersexual

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Kinda off topic, but how come so much emphasis is put on knowing the exact correct pronouns to use to describe trans people? I've been chastised for this when talking about someone who was transitioning... I didn't even realize they had begun to go through with it, but they looked, acted, and generally seemed to be a girl. I referred to the person as "she" and a trans person I work with got upset and told me it is incorrect (I think they wanted to say ignorant) to call such a person a girl when they are becoming a boy. On another occasion I heard two people (not trans, but supportive of it) talking about how it's so dumb that people can't figure out how to refer to trans people, it's offensive when they don't "understand", etc... I mean, most people can't even use regular pronouns correctly... why is this such a point of emphasis among LGBT(Q)(L*) social circles? It confuses me, and seems to be such a fringe part of the whole tolerance issue that I'm surprised to hear it labeled "offensive" to misuse a pronoun (in such a nuanced context especially). I mean, maybe if I did it on purpose...





*The last L is for Lumbersexual


If you accidentally used the wrong pronoun (or any type of name or label, really) and someone was a jerk about correcting you, that person is just being a jerk. It's just like any other linguistic/grammatical/whatever/ mistake; correct the person in a respectful way (actually, my son's name is Arrdeejayy, not Ayyephecks) and that's the end of it. I'd guess the LGBT community makes this a point because it can be often abused (the 'well he has a dick, idc if he's wearing a dress and kindly asked to be accepted as a female! HES A DUDE HERPYDERPY) type of thinking.


My own personal take: naming and language is HIGHLY influential, much more so than many out there give it credit for, and so making the pronoun-ing/name acceptance/etc. a sticking point is a great tactic to try and sway the culture away from binary, traditional type thinking of such things. The flipside is those wonderous Tumblr-types who take such things to extremes (to which the ridiculous 'trigger warning' shit likely owes its origins) and super-sensitive similar nonsense.

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