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Mr. Corbyn speaks out:





And then there was more. He also accused the Remain side of making a series of "catastrophist" warnings about the risk of leaving the EU and conceded that the debate has been "poisonous".


Add to that his boast that his "socialist views are totally unchanged" and his head "has not been turned by anything - my head doesn't get turned" and some viewers might have wondered which side he's on in the referendum campaign.


Basically - this is the referendum in a nutshell.


Shit slinging, vague and infuriating.

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you cant really compare the Greek & British economies

even Yanis thinks the Brexit is a dick move https://yanisvaroufakis.eu/2016/03/04/brexit-will-hasten-collapse-of-european-union/



Well thats not quite what he says:-


While Mr Varoufakis said that he would be tempted to vote to leave the European Union, were he to have a vote, in order to give Brussels and Cameron a bloody nose, he said that a vote to leave would turn Europe into that kind of divided continent that would become a black hole that would consume Britain as well.


So it is not in the interest of Britain to get out of this terrible Europe,

He thinks Europe is shit and us leaving will make it worse for everyone else - especially Greece. Can't blame him for wanting us to stay in though for personal (national) pride issues.


this is a mischaracterisation, it's not that simple.


a move like this towards a more divided Europe has just as serious political and social consequences as economic. it undoes the work towards stability and unity that was pursued with such vigour after the horrors of two world wars. it's a bad move. to stay and help fix the EU for everyone's sake is the sensible option. pressurise the EU leaders, the more voices there are the quicker reform can happen.

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did you even read the rest of the article?


Mr Varoufakis said that Europeans have a moral duty to resist the disintegration of the EU. “Last time we crashed and burned in Europe we produced the Holocaust, we produced tens of millions of dead people.

Europe, perhaps minus Russia and occasionally Britain, has generally been a bastion of sensibility and calm in a world full of American warmongering and military/political aggression for the last 60 years, precisely because of the kind of unity that was seen as necessary after the end of WW2, unity which would be undermined by further fragmenting the EU. the EU is admittedly broken, lopsided and inefficient, but you've got to fix it, not allow for the vacuum its absence would create which would surely be filled with ultranationalism, social unrest and probably war down the line.

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people have the collective memory span of gnats when it comes to certain issues, ironic given its the centenary of The Sommes on July 1st


as a remain-voter the thing that spooks me is the date of the referendum on the 23rd, William Burroughs would be laughing in his grave


reform, yes


stir the pot, god no

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I think the momentum/attention generated by Brexit ought to be channelled into pressuring for reform and not wasted. after the Leave/Remain posters are taken down, with hopefully a Remain result from the referendum, Reform posters ought to immediately start going up. ordinary people from across Europe ought to be marching in the streets to call for more democratic processes within EU institutions, especially the ECB. their leaders are totally fucking around with political games and not taking the consequences of a collapsing eurozone seriously.

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wankers are more likely to follow some social media trend of #somethingpointless @apathynow


instead it will sharpen on immigration, the lifeblood of righteous Euro indignation and the people in most need will consequently suffer (there's a huge blast of right-wing scare-mongering about Turkey currently, cos they're fuckin IS to halfwits in regional Euro-hellholes of extended ignorance)


gimps galore here these days

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Imo, for the eu to move forward it has to drop the UK. Even if they vote to stay in. Up until now the UK has continually blocked almost any type of progression, to the point where you can call it saboutage. And if they vote to remain with only a small majority, this will probably get worse and worse. Didge the dodo. In a friendly way. Anything but this obstructionist nonsense.

Ironically they're already a union (united kingdom). But when it comes to being part in a bigger union, they just dont want to cooperate. Fine, lets just give them the polite Norway option. I really don't see a problem for the EU. Well, except that it would have been handy to have the UK on board with leveling out the playing field between Germany and France. A competitive big third economy would be better. But only if the UK would actually start to play that role and believe in the EU. Which is something different to voting against a brexit out of self-interest, btw.

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Yep, too much shit slinging going on.

There are far too many issues that will get affected that we havent even thought about yet - but as it goes I'm still voting Leave as I believe the EU is going down the pan and is a non-sustainable model that is beyond reform.

well, you're in good company.



Seen this posted all over facebook. It's as biased as you could get




howso? who is it missing from the leave side?



Rupert Murdoch

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I'm kind of peeved because I won't actually be able to vote- I'm working Thursday daytime and gigging Thursday night. Can't pop in before work because I'm registered in the town my parents live in rather than where I live now. Really meant to get back and vote in this. Oh well.



just get someone you know to vote for you - you don't need ID or even your polling card - just need to state a name and address (as long as it's on the electoral roll)

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polls are putting leave 10 points ahead at the moment, its looking fairly grim.


average of the recent polls are neck and neck, bookies saying 80% likely to remain.

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did you even read the rest of the article?


Mr Varoufakis said that Europeans have a moral duty to resist the disintegration of the EU. “Last time we crashed and burned in Europe we produced the Holocaust, we produced tens of millions of dead people.

Europe, perhaps minus Russia and occasionally Britain, has generally been a bastion of sensibility and calm in a world full of American warmongering and military/political aggression for the last 60 years, precisely because of the kind of unity that was seen as necessary after the end of WW2, unity which would be undermined by further fragmenting the EU. the EU is admittedly broken, lopsided and inefficient, but you've got to fix it, not allow for the vacuum its absence would create which would surely be filled with ultranationalism, social unrest and probably war down the line.


this is so fuckin bang on 5/7

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I'm kind of peeved because I won't actually be able to vote- I'm working Thursday daytime and gigging Thursday night. Can't pop in before work because I'm registered in the town my parents live in rather than where I live now. Really meant to get back and vote in this. Oh well.



read this https://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0008/177407/FORMS-Emergency-occupation-Proxy-MAY16.pdf

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Last post before I hop, skip and jump merrily off to the polling station for 7am in the morning.




^ Well worth a read, covers plenty of bases and reinforces most of the reasons I am voting LEAVE.


Dang, never thought I would have so much in common with a Labour member :emotawesomepm9:

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So by leaving, you lose any opportunity to shape the rules and operating methods of the EU that the author of that piece complains about.

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lol'd at "I'm a vegan, so let's look at animal welfare"


There is not one solid reason in that article that justifies leaving and being excluded from the opportunity to develop solutions to all those problems.

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it is completely unsuprising to learn that someone who has read the papers, learnt of all the conservatives achieved and tried to achieve 2010-2015, and then voted for them again, would find the idea of increasing their level of power appealing. i have absolutely no idea which way this one is going. friday will be interesting. honestly, leaving the EU will be fascinating by itself if it happens. im on the other side of the vote this time, i was hopeful for scottish independence because i respect their parliment and politicians 100 times more than i have respected a tory or blue labour MP, but this time, the boring, stay the same vote is the one i believe to be beneficial to me, my friends, and the general working and middle class of our country.

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also, huffpo is such a piece of overrated ... there are exceptions, but more often than not it looks like it tries to be a liberal/progressive Fox. the other side of the same coin of stupidity.

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