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Ricky Jay's card manipulation is insane.



just imagine receiving a handjob by such hands, damn...




I don't know, man... all of a sudden your dick would be gone.



Edited by auxien
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^ Not bad. The real magic trick is why it takes 2 minutes for a 20 second gif to load fully, but a 20 second video of about the same quality will load in about 5-10 seconds.



The guild will have my ass for this, but the trick is done by having a good wifi connection.

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^ Not bad. The real magic trick is why it takes 2 minutes for a 20 second gif to load fully, but a 20 second video of about the same quality will load in about 5-10 seconds.



The guild will have my ass for this, but the trick is done by having a good wifi connection.


My wi-fi is generally a-ok. Like I said, I can watch videos just fine, at non-peak times of day even HQ will work pretty consistently, but load a fucking gif that's more than 2 seconds long? Who knows how long it'll take. Especially like gif-walls on Tumblr, my fucking god, that'll lock my shit up. I can stream two-three videos in the house at any time between me and the gf and we're totally cool, though. Fuck a HQ gif is what I'm saying. Back to real magic, the guild will hear nothing of this. 





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Child, return to the hipster wilderness. The tricks in this thread are great, just can't find any new ones to post up.



the greatest trick i have seen a magician pulled is make my care and attention for their art disappear 

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I've always thought that magicians ruin their own acts by doing all that fancy trickery with cards. The showy shuffling and shit. When I see that it just tells me that this is someone who clearly dedicates crazy time to practice.

If they were to come out and be totally fucking cack handed and shit then suddenly their head vanishes and reappears out of their japs eye I would think that was real magic. Instead of just thinking oh he's obviously practiced that head from the japs thing for years.

Edited by A Reggae Lee Bowyer
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