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Massive Successes From Artists you Hate


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not particularly an artist I hate, but I know a lot of people who would like this song if they didn't know coldplay recorded it


Viva era including all the b sides and eps had some cool stuff. 



I was into Coldplay as a youngster, still a handful of songs from the first three albums I like, but totally with you on this. Viva La Vida / Prospekt's March has some really strong songs and excellent / intriguing production and arrangement choices. I got really annoyed when they decided to do a U-turn and go full on pop afterwards as it was the last chance they had of being a credible band. 

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I really like 'young kid with an mpc' kanye

That stuff is legit

The 'I'm gonna solve the world's problems by designing sneakers' kanye is playing some other game that I have no interest in


Very much this.

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Probably already been said, but anything by Kanye West.

that's impossible cause kanye west is a popular funny man with a twitter that releases awesome albums that shit allover everything else that is popular


*hands over watmm badger and gum*

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I hate all the bands that remind me of high school, slip knot, korn, limbizkit, system of a down etc, now i am an IDM SUPREMACISTS, i do not listen to music with guitars drums or singing , i spend my days listening to the most insane shit imaginable just to rebel against those bands, Second Bad Vilbel is better than anything john lemon ever did , thats my opinion

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i generally find the popularity of tim hecker befuddling - at least here in the states. his lives in that bizarre zone - one "of those artists" that "music fans" namedrop as "really good, challenging ambient" while I find his music in fact quite rote and uninventive but not bad or offensive in any way. I was buying two or three supersilent releases once at a record store and then this hipper than thou asian dude behind me called out to either me or the cashier "yeah i'm trying to book *tim hecker* to come here" lol ok.


His releases always get pretty serious online music journal fanfare but there have now been at least 4 or 5 albums since HiU (which was pleasant) that have done next to nothing for me. So why then, does your average american "concerned music listener" seem to know the name TIM HECKER even over similar artists like stars of the lid or your stable of Raster-Noton artists that consistently crank out far more interesting minutia-filled ambient music? How has he come to be selected from this group as "the namedropper" Is it because he is Canadian and so his support in the states is some sort of misguided North American camaraderie?

lol this is so spot-on. back in my bookseller days there was this couple from new york (they let me know they were from brooklyn pretty much right away) that used to come in and no matter what music i was playing the dude would invariably bring the discussion to tim hecker, who was his "favorite artist." once he told me he had graduated from art school and was trying to book tim hecker at the art school so he could perform for an "art audience."


i'm preparing my memoirs and am considering the title "booking tim hecker." perhaps i'll arrange the index such that the entry for "hecker, tim" will say "see lovesliescrushing."



to be fair I heard his shows are really good. I did enjoy the music the few things I listened to but nothing to obsess over.

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