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the watmm GAS thread


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can you talk about the appeal of video synths from your perspective? i want to mess with video stuff, but the synthesis side seems really sterile and boring (from my limited perspective), i'd much rather 'sample' and affect existing video. can you post a mindblowing video example to change my mind pls?

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I was working completely OOB with an MPC 2000 based setup (the MPC, one keyboard, a mixer and a few rack synths) and I could finish an entire alum worth of stuff in the time it takes me to finish one track since I moved back to using a DAW, and I feel like I was working to a higher standard in terms of writing and arrangement.

I still have my MPC1000 and I agree, that MPC workflow is exceptionally efficient. I think it has a lot to do with what you can't do on an MPC, where you have to suck it up and say, well, how can I at least get close or get the gist of the idea down? Because unless you have a very specific (i.e. brittle) idea, you can probably get pretty damn close.

if the PO-33 can do what an Akai s5000 can do then I should get one, because that's pretty amazing. The Octatrack certainly can't do what an s5000 can, not even close (although it can do some things the S5000 can't, too, they're just completely different tools that don't even make sense to compare)

Definitely not. I was comparing them to the phrase samplers of the 90s - the cheap, limited, often battery powered ones. The PO33 has no MIDI, is mono, and has 40 seconds of sample time. But it's more immediate than just about anything but an SK-1, and it literally fits in your pocket. Similar to the MPC but obviously stripped way down (which often makes it even more immediate)


Totally agree on working with what's comfortable. I just have no interest in craning my neck to menu dive on a rack module anymore.


It is too bad that there isn't really a modern polyphonic/multitimbral standalone sampler (except maybe that MPC Live which is too computer-like to appeal to me, or maybe a synth like the Blofeld or that new Dave Smith thing) but there's lots of good reasons for such a thing to be integrated with a sequencer.

Oh yeah, I was being sarcastic about the po33. I agree, 90s phrase samplers are crap for composing on unless the limitations of the sampler itself become kind of the focus of your project. Dome of them sound cool though, I use the sp303 constantly for sampling stuff, manipulating it and then resamplimg it again into something else. Likewise I absolutely love the Akai s612 but would I pay $250-$400 for one? Nope. but mine was being thrown away when I was in college and was free and I will never get rid of it unless It's down to that or homelessness, because it hardly does anything but what it does is so much fun.


But yeah, new phrase samplers are definitely more capable than old ones.


Sorry to be kind of a dick earlier, It's been, and still is, a really rough day.

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It really is and to be honest, the majority of people that used it may have not taken it into the crazy territories it's capable of.


Edit, i'd say all the machines are similar. The MD drums are pretty bland, the Mono is kinda flat, the raw oscs on the A4 are really uninspiring and not had enough time on the Rytm. If you are using Elektron machines for standard dance music, I can see why people can't get on with them, on the face of them, they are pretty meh. But we all know that they come alive very quickly when you veer off the beaten paths.

There's a similar thing with people complaining about the Octatrack sounding bad because the timestretch isn't perfectly tranaparent, or the reverb isn't a Bricasti or something, and It's like, why would you want the stuff you record into the Octatrack to sound the same coming out? That thing cam make some of the most unique sounds of any piece of hardware I've ever heard and people are still getting into corksniffing debates about subtle loss of soundstage or whatever. seems like missing the whole point to me.

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@ polytrix - afaik you can plug an external midi keyboard/controllers to all of them


P.s. Mnm is so deep that sometimes i have a feeling that itz all ill ever need, that i could easilly make 74 totally different sounding albums. Sometimes it even makes me think if i shoul continue to learn maxmsp...cause im still happy with mnm. But the more i know max the more im aware of how hw makes no sense anymore...especially if i add a good midi controller like behringer bcr2000.

Also, as of recent i started to record and mix mnm separate channels in daw and with all those millions plugins floting arround only the sky is the limit. Now i can really make mnm sound great, unique and totally unrecognizable.

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can you talk about the appeal of video synths from your perspective? i want to mess with video stuff, but the synthesis side seems really sterile and boring (from my limited perspective), i'd much rather 'sample' and affect existing video. can you post a mindblowing video example to change my mind pls?

I just love old analog Scanimate style stiff, but I would absolutely only get in to those in combination with some kind of video feedback or something. I get bored of pure abstraction in modular synth music pretty fast these days but for video I love it. Not going to take the plunge because of cost, space and just not having time, but I like it. Maybe It's because modular synthesis has been relatively widespread for 60 years but until very recently there were maybe a few dozen analog video synths in the entire world, so it still feels really novel and exotic.


Anyhow, It's possible to integrate a Raspberry Pi or similar into a modular video system, so you could do at least some degree of triggering clips.

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Totally agree on the interestingness of the MnM although it's definitely the kind of veggie that needs a little seasoning to bring out its juicy flavors. There's so much going on there that few things can begin to touch.


Sorry to be kind of a dick earlier, It's been, and still is, a really rough day.

No worries, your definition of kind of a dick is obviously much different from mine! Sorry about your day. I hope it gets better.
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In my meditations I have dreamed the perfect studio for me consists of having a good master keyboard, Live controller (track eqs, sends, parameters and clip triggering), some bread and butter synth (where I can just select random presets so I don't need to start herding goats in order to get a drum sound), some "analog" synth/processing thing that I can route stuff through to mess with the aforementioned presets or just to have a bunch of easy-access knobs to turn.


Right now I have cheap digital gear (MicroX, MS2000R) to fulfill all those roles, but if I wanted I guess I could use some top end rack sampler as my preset bank (or just some VST like Komplete, but they always sound too shit in my opinion) and a rack full of euro to do the "analog" processing (I just have the Koma Field Kit now).


So far I really haven't aimed towards getting any "vintage" stuff or anything, I just keep an eye out in Craigslist for stuff under $200 and then spend a couple of weeks before each purchase really convincing myself that I need it. I think the price limit I have set automatically disqualifies most true analog gear that is not in dire need of extensive maintenance, and even if someone sells something like that for cheap, it's gone before I can even google the thing itself.


Comedy option is of course that I do own a Ludwig drum kit with a 24" bass drum and same drum heads/cymbals as John Bonham so I got my vintage quota nicely fulfilled. However all that's packed away in a corner on the other side of the planet so it doesn't really count. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



I couldn't find a demo of that model but this one is similar and it is amazing:



I have a feeling the one you posted is more Casioesque.



EDIT: here's an ST-10:


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Also, as of recent i started to record and mix mnm separate channels in daw and with all those millions plugins floting arround only the sky is the limit. Now i can really make mnm sound great, unique and totally unrecognizable.



Lets ave a listen guvnor! 


I believe that a lot of Autechre's Max based work is using it to sequence/choose sounds in hardware. 

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Also, as of recent i started to record and mix mnm separate channels in daw and with all those millions plugins floting arround only the sky is the limit. Now i can really make mnm sound great, unique and totally unrecognizable.

Lets ave a listen guvnor!


I believe that a lot of Autechre's Max based work is using it to sequence/choose sounds in hardware.

Soooooon ...buying new comp in the next week or 2 so i can mix it properly. Stay tuned and prepare yo self for d mind-blowing mediocre music! ;)


Edit: agree about ae

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Finally bit the bullet and bought a copy of Pianoteq Stage, holy shit, wish I'd done it ages ago. Ridiculously gorgeous sounding and I'm between jobs at the minute so have some time on my hands... going to get up tomorrow and play keys all day :nyan:


Can't stress enough how great it sounds, especially after coming from various shit free piano VSTs; like going from a £20 Argos guitar with rusty strings to a Lowden. Only thing is I'm now GASing hard for some weighted keys...


All in good time innit


Edit: my (admittedly fairly untrained) ear is blown away by Stage, which is the cheap option, I can only imagine what the more expensive versions sound like, fuckinell

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I caved and ordered that TG-33/Midisport 8x8 combo, since I really needed one and really wanted the other and it's only once or twice a year (if that) that I have spare money to buy some gear, plus there are some things changing at work that might impact how much freelance stuff I get to do on the side, so this could be the last chance for quite a while for me to get anything. 


Waiting for it to ship.

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I got a Volca Sample. I have been struggling for a long time with having a decent drums workflow in my jams, hopefully this will at least fix part of the problem. I already spent a couple of blissful hours jamming with the stock sounds. I am loving the idea of being able to easily take it with me as well.


The other part of the problem I hope will be fixed by finally taking the time and setting up some drum samples and hooking up my MPK Mini. On the weekend I had the opportunity to try playing it with Addictive Drums and it actually did not sound half bad.


Finally bit the bullet and bought a copy of Pianoteq Stage, holy shit, wish I'd done it ages ago. Ridiculously gorgeous sounding and I'm between jobs at the minute so have some time on my hands... going to get up tomorrow and play keys all day :nyan:


Can't stress enough how great it sounds, especially after coming from various shit free piano VSTs; like going from a £20 Argos guitar with rusty strings to a Lowden. Only thing is I'm now GASing hard for some weighted keys...


All in good time innit


Edit: my (admittedly fairly untrained) ear is blown away by Stage, which is the cheap option, I can only imagine what the more expensive versions sound like, fuckinell


Good on you! So far I am using the piano/keys sounds on my Korg MicroX, which seem fairly fine for nuanced playing. However I am using a MicroKey, which means no weighted keys and only a really limited velocity response - I really should upgrade to something a bit more professional.


Last year I got a chance to play on a Steinway upright, spent a good couple of months GASing for a fully weighted keyboard back then...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Chesney

OH FUCK! You avatar is perfect for your post too.



I have been having so much fun with the Lyra 8 and already preodered that insane pipe thing. This is also a must. I am in love with Vlad!

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^ serious wow :wub:


real wonky beats, guess thats down to the live loops, which is nice

Don't know much about the company - any predictions on price? Are these usually limited runs/need to preorder?

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Guest Chesney

Usually small runs but the LYRA 8 took off pretty much for a small one man band so they ramped up productivity with a manufacturer in Poland. The guy who makes this stuff is so rad, watch the Soma Pipe videos, utter bonkers, who would release a project like that? I'm glad that he has the balls to though.

Pulsar estimated at 1200-1500 euros

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Usually small runs but the LYRA 8 took off pretty much for a small one man band so they ramped up productivity with a manufacturer in Poland. The guy who makes this stuff is so rad, watch the Soma Pipe videos, utter bonkers, who would release a project like that? I'm glad that he has the balls to though.

Pulsar estimated at 1200-1500 euros


dang...here's hoping it magically reduces in price


defo out of my budget...but would almost consider selling loads of bits to fund it...someday


but sure, still looks very much a prototype...best wait and see what becomes of it :mu-ziq:

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Usually small runs but the LYRA 8 took off pretty much for a small one man band so they ramped up productivity with a manufacturer in Poland. The guy who makes this stuff is so rad, watch the Soma Pipe videos, utter bonkers, who would release a project like that? I'm glad that he has the balls to though.

Pulsar estimated at 1200-1500 euros



Goddamnit. This is why I try not to open this thread.

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I have no fucking clue why, but even with my wall of modular, i've been craving a small volca to fuck around with. I'm even thinking Volca keys. Something I can hook up to Tidal Cycles. Maybe Micro Brute.

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