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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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That article is fucking silly. Sorry, it's just an opinion piece, and not one based in much reality that isn't distorted.


i'm hoping cenk uygur knows something both of us don't

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Well, if you need hope, why not believe that? Sure. It's more likely it's not enough, however.


Also, if headlines and buzz matter, Trump has already won the next two presidential elections.

but it's just how it works in us media and just general popular discourse in us from what i gather. if sander won massachusetts yesterday the whole picture would be entirely different. instead of "he couldn't even win the white and liberal mass, so it's pretty much over for him" it would be "sanders is fighting on" or "despite her achievents hillary can't shake sanders off". this kinda stuff fuels internet debates and feeds the discourse.

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that reads like very wishful thinking:



Realistically, his path forward is damn damn difficult.

Take a look at this map of 2008 Obama vs. Clinton - Obama is in purple.

Clinton in 2016 is outperforming Obama in 2008 - not only did Obama not win TX in resounding fashion, but he didn't win MA or NV either (both lost VT, but Clinton won NH in 08). And yet in the end, Obama still won a victory even with Clinton winning NY, CA, FL, OH, and MI.

The delegate math is extremely unfavorable to Sanders. At the time of this writing, Clinton is ~+200 on Sanders and is still being calculated. With proportional allocation in all Democrat primaries/caucuses, Sanders can't simply tie Clinton - he has to win and win big to gain delegates to narrow the gap.

Going forward, Sanders has to win big to bridge that gap. If we assume proportional allocation based on % of the popular vote, getthis chart illustrating what margin is necessary for Sanders to win with to catch Clinton. We see that even if Sanders beats Clinton with +5 in every following state, he would STILL lose the delegate count, even before factoring in superdelegates.

He would have to win each contest by +7 in order to surpass Clinton's massive lead.

Looking at the big states coming up, his RCP average in FL is +25 Clinton, in MI is +20 Clinton. That's one hell of an uphill battle.

Here's the kicker - simply tying in MI and FL raises the rest of the states to requiring a +8-8.5 margin for Sanders to eclipse Clinton's lead. It appears that he's all but guaranteed to lose Louisiana and Mississippi big (87 delegates), if the rest of the South was any indication, which means he has to win by equally big margins in Kansas, Nebraska, and Maine (83 delegates) just to keep pace.

As you can see, the math isn't impossible, but it would take a shift in polls by a massive amount to simply tie, let alone win the nomination.



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fixed.. don't have to use the [youtubehd] tags anymore olo ;)



Edited by maitake
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Why's that Adi?


Quick google search found some quotes of his about legalizing to inhibit cartel profits, and he seems to support medical MJ and state's right to legalize.. Can't find anything on his stance federally but i'm willing to bet like anything else he will support whatever makes him popular. lol

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I mean, everyone would be A LOT more chill, and the guy screaming about being violent etc etc would be a lot less appealing. I was only being half serious.

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Oh okay, that's what I thought you meant. Wasn't trying to retort with factoids or whatever, it just sparked my curiosity about his stance.


edit: and I agree. Some conservatives I meet here in Virginia are just really, really high strung and could probably use a doobie or 3000

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Some conservatives I meet here in Virginia are just really, really high strung and could probably use a doobie or 3000

If I watched FOX News as my sole news channel and listened to Rush Limbaugh AM talk radio as my only radio station and think Jesus hates everyone who isn't a heterosexual white male, I probably would be too.


I bet that kush ain't the only thing they need tho.


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That's because Bernie is a sane, rational human being. Trump is not. Memes are a form of ridicule in his case.

The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.

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My first election that I am eligible to vote for! And I have to choose from.....this fucking mess. I don't like any of em, and any people I did like dropped out long ago.

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My first election that I am eligible to vote for! And I have to choose from.....this fucking mess. I don't like any of em, and any people I did like dropped out long ago.


If you're not in a swing state, write-in vote is the answer. If you are, as a non-American, I urge you to hold your nose and vote for the Democratic nominee regardless.

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