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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I don't get the steaks joke, but the trump clip has to be fake, right? Cause if it's not, then the guy is a comedy genius.

It really is comedy genius, so ridiculous and so funny.


Also Nebraska, that last Clinton-chant clip, fucking Christ that's so bad. So bad.

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Guest WNS000



Trump really is hilarious. Really talented speaker/entertainer. I sincerely laughed at his jokes about Kasich's eating.

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Trump's out here roastin' motherfuckers


he's also running this (GOP) shit



Yeah, he's obliterating the competition. But I pray to the prophet Mohammed, Jesus, Yahweh, Thor, Buddah, Zeus, and the rest of gang that this sociopath doesn't get elected. I'd rather vote Hilary and hate myself than see that soylent orange spray-tanned animal get in office and expedite the deterioration of this country.


I'd be the first to subscribe to his podcast though.

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Yeah, it's going to be Trump vs Clinton. I've said from the beginning I really didn't think Trump would even get the Republican nomination, and if they pull the contested convention shit he still may not, but it's sure looking like they may let him have it. At this point, the Republican party elites don't have much choice. Hell, no one that's been in the running on the R side for a while would've had much shot against Clinton anyway, if Trump steps up to the bat, he'll be a good scapegoat. They're already planning for post-election reconstruction, they'll prop up Trump as a demon and say he divided the party from their roots, now we have to deal with 4 more years of LIBERAL agenda blah blah, they're already laying the groundwork for 2020 (re: Paul Ryan's apology that he used to hate poor people because he was bad at math which is a lie because he's good at math, he just said he hates poor people because that's what it took to be Republican from 2010-2016).

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Guest WNS000


Yeah, he's obliterating the competition. But I pray to the prophet Mohammed, Jesus, Yahweh, Thor, Buddah, Zeus, and the rest of gang that this sociopath doesn't get elected. I'd rather vote Hilary and hate myself than see that soylent orange spray-tanned animal get in office and expedite the deterioration of this country.


I'd be the first to subscribe to his podcast though.




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Trump is a sociopath, but I also get the impression Hillary is a sociopath. I mean, we don't even know WHAT she believes. She's held several positions on so many issues.

The way she acts is so robotic, and reminds me of Mitt Romney. Thankfully I'm not in a swing state (conservative state of Texas... yuck) so I'm not forced to vote for her and hate myself if she wins or loses.

One thing is for sure, Hillary is a centrist, or center-right in her politics (according to her actions, not her words). She's going to be a somewhat more conservative version of Obama. (Obama imho is a centrist in the US, and center-right on a global scale)

Hillary very obviously doesn't care for the social issues, they are only there for her to 'take advantage of' such as her initial anti-gay marriage stance.

This election has made it PAINFULLY clear that the system is more than just a little rigged, and that the DNC aren't above pulling bullshit like changing polling times ONLY IN BROOKLYN to make it harder for Bernie to win. I bet he'd have an additional 100 pledged delegates if the DNC hadn't been pulling bullshit after bullshit this election. Also never realized how overall CONSERVATIVE the country is. The democratic party I now consider center in their politics ( barely liberal ).

I wish Elizabeth Warren had run instead of Bernie. I feel like she would have had a better chance. She's also younger.

Edited by Brisbot
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can't forget the fact that 30% of Americans like Trump. I know a LOT of trump supporters, and I'm sure only 1 isn't a racist. In front of me too as they just assume other white people around them dislike black people since they're pretty 'safe' with that view in Texas. I am not over-exaggerating. I have sat on the sidelines of 2 friend's family discussions about how black people take advantage of the white man, with more colorful vocabulary, and not much nuance.

Edited by Brisbot
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omfg one more thing. I feel back for you guys up north, you have to be dragged down by us southerners electing asshats like Trump (and Hillary as her biggest constituency is in the south).

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Heard many people saying they'd rather see Warren going for president. I personally feel she'd be more effective as part of the administration than as president. I'd rather see warren going after the banks and the financial system than doing a conference after every tragic event and/or foreign issue and the likes.


Thing about Hillary is that it might be more important who her vp would be and who'd else would be in her administration (as i agree its currently near impossible to see where she stands on issues. although i do think i trust her a little more than the regular hater). With Warren and perhaps even an Bernie in her administration I believe a lot of the haters on the left would rethink whether they'd vote for her.


Although I don't think she'll pick a leftist as vp at this point in time. As the almost sure dem candidate, her main target is drawing away votes from the reps by being a better alternative to drumpf. Bernie as vp would be a serious gamble. Warren similarly. But i wouldnt count it out either. She followed obama into the white house, so i don't think she wouldnt shy away from asking bernie.


Her vp-pick wont be a bernie or warren, but someone with rep-appeal, imo. And i don't believe this would say much about her political views, but more about how much she wants to be the next prez. And i think it's pretty likely bernie and warren will be asked to join her in the administration.

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She might as well ask rubio/(centrist/moderate rep??) for vp/running mate (no idea how this would work btw) AND make an early agreement publicly to als have someone like bernie/warren in her kabinet.


She has to be completely transparant about her motivations for doing so, btw. More than she has been up to this point. Lots of people dont really trust her. So i think this might be her biggest issue. Aside from being a woman and all that. As i do think people vote way more sexist than they'd like to admit.

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can't forget the fact that 30% of Americans like Trump. I know a LOT of trump supporters, and I'm sure only 1 isn't a racist. In front of me too as they just assume other white people around them dislike black people since they're pretty 'safe' with that view in Texas. I am not over-exaggerating. I have sat on the sidelines of 2 friend's family discussions about how black people take advantage of the white man, with more colorful vocabulary, and not much nuance.

Calling most Trump supporters racist is incredibly closed minded and misguided.

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