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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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I read half an article le this morning about someone from the Sanders camp leaking internal emails and giving all sorts of information about how 'it's not the fault of the campaign managers, Sanders is just pushing too far despite everyone telling him not to.' At work, can't find it, but it looked worthy of discussing here if anyone comes across the info.

was probably this:


It quoted the same information as the one I saw...this is an interesting read though. The campaign managers are partly covering their asses, which I guess is necessary since that is essentially a full time career for some of them, but the leaking of internal communications seems shitty, particularly while the campaign is still technically going on. They don't need to make a big stink about how they've known and been saying Sanders is done for, everyone with half a brain knows that and has known for a month or more. Sanders being too pig-headed about things was both what got him where he is and what turned the campaign into a movement and not a real march towards the presidency. You just can't run shit the way they did, not anymore. You have to play by the rules to some extent, and that's a part of what kept him from getting the nomination. Interesting what he's turning the 'campaign' towards now though that it's essentially over...I hadn't heard about the shit with Barney Frank. Fucking career politicians are such a uniquely bitchy sort of human.

Not read the article, but just want to add a couple of cents about why it is a good thing for sanders to keep going. He needs to keep going not to become the democratic (or third party) candidate, but to increase the mandate behind the "Sanders-agenda".


At this point he's basically become some kind of superpac. He can still increase his political power without having an actual shot at running the white house. He can play the political game using the faulty system.


This might be one of the few ways to keep Clinton on the left/progressive side of the spectrum. And my guess is Clinton might actually agree with this, because she will end up somewhere in the political middle. Because politics. And while the gop is in chaos on the looney extreme on the far right, Sanders can play an essential role to keep Hillary in some rational middle ground.

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Yeah, that's a good way of viewing the 'campaign' now. Clinton is at least considering staying very left, given many of the people on her VP short list (Warren, Franken, etc...) so we'll see if the hyper-partisan climate just keeps ramping up through the election. If so, we might see some real third party growth in the next 4 years...and that is whats most exciting to me.


sent using magic space waves

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Or if he was Stuart smalley throughout the presidency

I actually saw an article when his name first popped up that Clinton could be considering him in part because of his wit and comfort with spotlight, as a bit of a 'smart snarky attack dog' to hit back towards the Trump silliness. That was of course just speculation, but supposedly Franken has a rather good record in the few years he's been in public service.



And gosh darn it, people like him.

Edited by auxien
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I can't tell whether Hillary's twitter feed is actually her or not. Is it?
It's hilarious that Trump's account is without a doubt the man himself. It's a bunch of trolling and chin stroking.

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It will be great when political historians in the future will have to wade through twitter for source material.


Chapter 17: the twitter feuds and sick burns

Edited by ignatius
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