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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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wowser she's vicious


apparently he is a brave soldier:



Donald Trump claimed he was a “brave soldier” for avoiding STDs during his single years in the late ’90s.

“It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider,” Trump said in the interview when Howard Stern asked how he handled making sure he wasn’t contracting STDs from the women he was sleeping with.



I'm surprised Stern has pretty much avoided being grouped in with Trump, or any fallout bc of it, Billy Bush lost his job.  I guess it helps Stern has cultivated the image of a obnoxious douche for 35 years, and seems immune to bad press mostly, plus he's on satellite radio now, which is a pay service, but were these recordings from his old syndicated FM and E! TV show broadcasts?



he used to catch shit about it all the time. but he was a shock jock from the start and basically a comedian. often his guests were leading the way and the comments were all on the air.. not a "secret tape" .. also he's not doing entertainment news on network TV with a large female audience.  stern can be a total douche but the collection of characters and weirdos he cultivates can sometimes be really entertaining. the stories some people will tell and the just crazy things some of these people have been through.. i used to listen now and then when he was on broadcast radio. i heard him interview gilbert godfried for 3 hours. it's still one of the funniest things i've heard and probably the funniest thing i've heard on the radio.  the stories he told about the "three men and a baby" movie.. (he did one of the voices of a baby for the movies) were ridiculous.. then the lady he was telling the story about (director's assistant) called into the show.. it was surreal. but stern sticks to the "lesbians equal ratings" formula too often and it's quite low ball all the objectification obsessions and insider actor sex history talk.  but arty lang telling drug addict stories can be entertaining now and then. haven't listened in years though. 


billy bush on whatever that show he was on.. hollywood gossip news. just awful. not surprising he got canned... what female actor is going to want to talk to him?  that was some creepy stuff he did "how about  a hug for the donald?"



Billy Bush was a host on The Today Show when he got fired, (he was on Access Hollywood when the tape was recorded) but yeah I listened to Stern for probly 20 years off and on, his E show was pretty popular amongst my friends, it was basically rebroadcasts of his radio show edited for TV.  He still has the same studio from the 90s, that's why I didn't know what broadcasts they are using to incriminate Trump.

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Yeah, some of the stuff coming out that was on Stern's show kinda perplexes me, just that it's a 'big deal' supposedly. Reprehensible, disgusting, maybe...gross, sure... but actually outright undeniably wrong in a moral or legal sense? I dunno. It's been on record, publicly available, for years, a decade or more, so maybe this is media hype? Some of it does lean more towards setting up a habit than being individually shocking...but afaik nothing Trump said on tape in public truly admits illegal sexual acts like the Billy Bush tape does. Just kinda blabbing here...

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lol, I know that guy thinks this is damning video evidence, but that Foval guy has to be the nicest dirty tricks political operator I've ever seen. encouraging people show up to political rally's and have them say things (or simply have t-shirts on) does not make them responsible for getting punched in the face from Trump supporters. if this is the limit of the Clinton dark-arts operation it's pretty lame.

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How many times is it going to break that the DNC rigged things against Bernie? OF COURSE THEY DID. And they're going to get away with it too. Because that's how it works in America.

Oh wait, no I'm sorry. They made up for it by firing the head of the DNC... who very quickly got a job with Hillary. Gees. I wonder if she did Hillary a favor on something.


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Oh boy.




I've seen a few articles recently trying to give some perspective into what these angry trump voters are thinking. They are angry because America has left them behind without their old job. Well, tough shit. Adapt. Me and an entire generation of college graduates have had to do it. If they can't bother to read about how their candidate's policies would actually fuck them over, they are probably not very good at planning for their futures and are low enough on the food chain to not be taken seriously.


i dunno if this is the best attitude to take. i think it makes more sense to educate people about how their jobs were taken away from them and who is responsible. no, it's not just bill and nafta. it's people like trump who think that $$ is god and will do literally anything to make more of it, including getting shit made by exploiting people in poor countries. that's just a small slice of the big picture, basically what i'm getting at is to explain how late capitalism has favoured greed and this has been enabled mostly by republicans as well as many (probably most) democrats.



Agreed, but it's not quite so simple.  I think this does as good a job as anything I've read so far explaining the divide we're seeing:




It starts off a bit rough with the movie analogies, but he really provides insight that is lacking from most sources about who these people are that will be voting for Trump in a few weeks.  It helps humanize them, and even if they are making a terrible decision it helps to show perspective that's been missing in other things I've read.  Worth the read, IMO.


A big takeaway is that going into rural America and "explaining" why they're wrong about the Clintons and NAFTA is just about the least helpful thing to do right now.  Trump supporters are sick and tired of being told they're uninformed/misinformed.  And at this point, in this election cycle, I think it's too late for that.  And as for telling them to adapt, good luck.  While many recent college grads have done an admirable job at making the best of a shit economy, it's a lot easier for a young, ambitious, and educated 20-something than for aging baby boomers with deep roots in their community, and who have spent decades at their (now non-existent) blue-collar jobs.


If Hillary wins, it will be a huge mistake for her to continue to ignore the "deplorables."  It's understandable during a campaign, as she has no chance of winning most of these people over at this point, but if she doesn't make any concessions who knows what monster she'll be running against in 2020.  And politics aside, these people deserve a chance for success, just like everyone else.  And if there truly is no chance for them in rural America, maybe once things have calmed down after the election cooler heads will prevail and we can actually have a national conversation about this.  Ahhh, who am I kidding?

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The Cracked article was a surprisingly good read, thanks, that'd be the last place I'd expect a viewpoint like that. It's becoming pretty clear whatever happens to the West in the next few years, modern liberalism needs to hold poor white voices as important as minorities if it's going to hold any ground. My only quibble with this article and a few others like it I have read can be summed up with the last paragraph:



It feels good to dismiss people, to mock them, to write them off as deplorables. But you might as well take time to try to understand them, because I'm telling you, they'll still be around long after Trump is gone.


The author is absolutely right, but this also needs to be a two way street. I know the language they used in the article to describe the "city elites" is done jokingly, but many people genuinely subscribe to that worldview, as they mention. If we're ever going to bridge the increasing divide, both sides need to listen to each other and stop buying in to the rhetoric flying around at the moment.



And if there truly is no chance for them in rural America, maybe once things have calmed down after the election cooler heads will prevail and we can actually have a national conversation about this.  Ahhh, who am I kidding?


Yeah, or that. Bottoms up.

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It's not only rural americans on the Trump train believe me. My daughters friend's moms (roughly mid 40's/ early 50's) are all educated and making 6 figures. The 3 I know, are all aboard for Trump and you can't tell them different. And they're not alone where I live. That big place called the suburbs.

I know the polls make it look like Clinton's a shoe in, but I'll believe that on Nov. 9th.

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Yeah, whenever out venture out into the suburbs of New York or Philadelphia, I see quite a few Trump bumper stickers and lawn signs. Hardly the downtrodden l working class out there.

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Yeah, whenever out venture out into the suburbs of New York or Philadelphia, I see quite a few Trump bumper stickers and lawn signs. Hardly the downtrodden l working class out there.


What I have found strange, I drove through Grosse Pointe last week. A mighty affluent community outside Detroit. I expected a Trump sign bonanza but found the opposite. A ton of Hillary signs. Very odd for a traditionally Republican stronghold. I have seen maybe 2 Hillary signs in my community. Merica.

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All of the wealthy, suburban and city-dwelling Trump supporters are a whole 'nother egg to crack.  They have clearly done well for themselves in Obama's America, whether they want to admit it or not.   Sure, their health care costs may have gone up (though for most of us with white collar jobs it hasn't been that bad) and wages haven't risen much, but from my perspective it seems like they're generally better off than they were in '08.  As a bonus, they still have their guns and most of them haven't even been killed by ISIS yet.  Compared to what's described in the Cracked and Medium articles, their situation is much less dire.


And since Clinton isn't proposing anything all that drastically different, on one hand I have a hard time seeing the reason for their hatred for her.  On the other, though, I think most of them are dyed-in-the-wool republicans and simply will always vote for the party.  If Trump was running against Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Schumer, or any other "establishment" democrat (ie The Devil), their stance would be the same and he'd still get their vote.  The fact that it's Hillary (along with her baggage) only makes it easier for them to justify it to themselves.  Not that this validates their choice in a rational way, and until someone writes a 10,000 word essay on what they're thinking I guess they'll continue to be a mystery to me.


That said, I worry less about these folks than I do about the ones that are actually suffering.  Sure they're cranky, but they're not desperate.  And just like when Obama won, if Clinton wins they'll complain but they won't revolt.  They'll keep their good jobs with nice salaries and continue to buy a new Lexus every 3 years.  And they'll vote for the republican ticket again in 2020 (and 2018).


I know the polls make it look like Clinton's a shoe in, but I'll believe that on Nov. 9th.


I'm with you there.  

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