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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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it seems like almost every single cabinet member has a conflict of interest.  we're in for a fucked up 4 years.


Or they are complete dipshit good ole' boy. The UN ambassador and Sec. of Defense nominees a couple I wasn't too bothered with. Haley is not super experienced but she's a daughter of immigrants, has military deployment experience, governing experience and seems moderate. James Mattis has insane supporters but he'd be an adequate and experienced secretary of Defense and one that would keep Trump in line.

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I still can't believe you guys elected that guy. I'm still fucking baffled.



while at the same time, Exxon boss becomes new Secretary of State


who seems to have strong ties to Putin.


Confirmation might actually prevent this one. McCain is already voicing concern and this guy will likely squirm or flake out on any questions beyond oil/gas and international trade.


Alex Jones denying a conspiracy theory?


he who smelt it dealt it



whoever denied it supplied it

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Strange "coincidence" that over here, the political party that's been blamed most for the 2008 financial crisis in Ireland, has made moves to bring back the ex Prime Minister, as adviser, the very guy who resigned over financial scandals and who when he was minister for Finance claimed he never had a bank account. 


Its like Brexit/Trump effect is giving permission for stupidity, globally.


In the 12th century Japan they actually had a term for when the long established ruling-class status quo was shaken by the pissed off masses :

"The World Turned Upside Down" which led to 200+years of civil war and a lot of cool fucking martial arts.

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not having trust in the system is so passé.

everybody knows you have to out-capitalist the capitalists if you want to be someone.

start with an instagram account, work from there.

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