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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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not going to happen. (the impeachment) although the screams for impeachment will be continuous, i'm sure. he's should have been pre-impeached ten times already, but nevertheless won the presidency. with or without russian help, i'm guessing. (comey did way more damage, and the race between clinton and trump shouldnt have been so close in the first place. just by looking at the amount of money both campaigns could spend)


assuming a scandal emerges - either this getting worse or something else altogether - the moderate GOP will move along with Dems...


but even then i am convinced he has to be undeniably tied to someone being murdered or something in which innocent children were harmed before his fanatic followers actually turn on him. delusional followers will not be easily swayed even if a fair impeachment would occur, they'd point and call foul and have conspiracies to back it up



oh god the comments on that video. you're all well and truly fucked over there.

YouTube vids always get idiotic comments from people with zero attention span. While I doubt the transparency of CNN, the fanaticism coming from these Trumplets is the likes I've never seen before with a president-elect here. Demagoguery on a Roman Empire scale. These maniacs are completely devoid of logic.



it's a RT news upload as well - that speaks volumes on who is commenting on it

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that might, but I'm seeing a scenario where there's so much bullshit flying around on a daily basis, that even when some truthful damaging thing explodes into the media (worse than the trump kissing women incidents), nothing much will happen outside of the usual outrage. i wonder what should happen to impeach trump? posting drunken youtubes where he threatens meryl streep to use nukes on her house?

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This is what the stress of being president can do, can you imagine the state of Trump after a couple of weeks?




It's going to be insane, the excess neck flab he tucks into his shirt will explode. 


Meh. Guardiola aged more after managing Barcelona for a few seasons





Which is strange, as you'd think having thousands of deaths on your conscience would take more of its toll on a man than racking your brain trying to figure out how to best to unlock Espanyol's tight defence away from home etc.

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Sessions want to be tougher on weed so he can incarcerate more minorities, and this demon will be confirmed by our corrupt senate 


the white nationalist coup has begun


I pray to the gods for the leaks of the dirt Putin has on trump to be released so we can send this antichrist and his band of demons back to hell 

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President Word Salad




press conference transcript. it's really weird to read trumps spoken words. 


and this





A Financial Times investigation has found evidence that one Trump venture has multiple ties to an alleged international money laundering network. Title deeds, bank records and correspondence show that a Kazakh family accused of laundering hundreds of millions of stolen dollars bought luxury apartments in a Manhattan tower part-owned by Mr Trump and embarked on major business ventures with one of the tycoon’s partners.


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Just watched Obama's final address. Can't believe we have to put up with 4 years of Trump's babbling idiocy compared to Obama's clarity.


His opening address should just be him screaming "Yuuuuge!" at the top of his lungs.

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President Word Salad




press conference transcript. it's really weird to read trumps spoken words. 


and this





A Financial Times investigation has found evidence that one Trump venture has multiple ties to an alleged international money laundering network. Title deeds, bank records and correspondence show that a Kazakh family accused of laundering hundreds of millions of stolen dollars bought luxury apartments in a Manhattan tower part-owned by Mr Trump and embarked on major business ventures with one of the tycoon’s partners.






tremendous!  word salad. 

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I don't know why no one ever asks Obama about him hiring the architects of the financial crisis instead of prosecuting them, as one of the first things he did. Or ask him, in passing; heh, how's Chelsea keeping up?

it's frustrating i know. but my understanding is there weren't prosecutions because the cases that they broke laws were just too weak. wearing my obama apologist hat here, so i'll say the laws were decades in the making and not really obama's fault. put simply: the laws sucked.


they tried to improve them (frank-dodd). i wouldn't say he hired the architects but he definitely brought on people who were over sympathetic to the wrong perspective. 


but man, you gotta scale your problems. the obama admin has its warts, but i really think they are of a different order of magnitude than what we're facing now. and tricking people into thinking things were comparable, when they weren't, is how these clowns got us into this potential shitshow.

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I don't know why no one ever asks Obama about him hiring the architects of the financial crisis instead of prosecuting them, as one of the first things he did. Or ask him, in passing; heh, how's Chelsea keeping up?

it's frustrating i know. but my understanding is there weren't prosecutions because the cases that they broke laws were just too weak. wearing my obama apologist hat here, so i'll say the laws were decades in the making and not really obama's fault. put simply: the laws sucked.


they tried to improve them (frank-dodd). i wouldn't say he hired the architects but he definitely brought on people who were over sympathetic to the wrong perspective. 


but man, you gotta scale your problems. the obama admin has its warts, but i really think they are of a different order of magnitude than what we're facing now. and tricking people into thinking things were comparable, when they weren't, is how these clowns got us into this potential shitshow.




i have my issues w/the obama administration but more so with the lack of awareness of the democrats those first two years.  the democrats thought too much about reaching across the aisle and being nice and all this shit instead of just hammering home all their policies while they had the majority in congress. 


when bush was in office the republicans just rammed everything threw that they wanted. the dems are often too thoughtful for their own good. they take the high road too often.. though they do politic w/the best of them at times and there's just as many scoundrels in office. they really know when to shit the bed. 


drones + civilian deaths, kill programs, jailing whistleblowers.. these are things that bugged me a lot. i know w/the drones and kill programs these are weighed against all kinds of justifications and "no one knows what the president knows" and i know that obama campaigned and believed in not getting all tangled up in a new war.. but gotdamn.. we're still afghanistan. he almost closed gitmo.. it's almost empty.. not quite.. and trump will likely try to fill it and do all the rendition shit again.. 


idk.. wtf.  we're fucked. the world is going to become one order of magnitude nastier if trump delivers on promises to torture (a crime still, ya know) and the world follows suit. 

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i had been wondering why trump seemed to be trying to lose while simultaneously putting up a fight


A lot of people that know him, including Howard Stern, say he was trying to drum up publicity for a new show on NBC, and the whole campaign just took on a life of its own.  He couldn't step down at that point without being humiliated, but stuck it out bc he still thought he would lose, start his Trump TV network, produce the Russian version of The Apprentice, and just become a thorn in the side of the liberal politicians.  He got more than he bargained for obviously, as it kind of dawned on him at his meeting with Obama that being POTUS is a 24/7 job, and he actually had to show up every day.  I think we'll see a concerted effort to bring this man down with countless lawsuits and scandals both real and fabricated, even dwarfing the conservative effort to smear the Clintons when they took office.

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I don't know why no one ever asks Obama about him hiring the architects of the financial crisis instead of prosecuting them, as one of the first things he did. Or ask him, in passing; heh, how's Chelsea keeping up?

it's frustrating i know. but my understanding is there weren't prosecutions because the cases that they broke laws were just too weak. wearing my obama apologist hat here, so i'll say the laws were decades in the making and not really obama's fault. put simply: the laws sucked.


they tried to improve them (frank-dodd). i wouldn't say he hired the architects but he definitely brought on people who were over sympathetic to the wrong perspective. 


but man, you gotta scale your problems. the obama admin has its warts, but i really think they are of a different order of magnitude than what we're facing now. and tricking people into thinking things were comparable, when they weren't, is how these clowns got us into this potential shitshow.



i have my issues w/the obama administration but more so with the lack of awareness of the democrats those first two years.  the democrats thought too much about reaching across the aisle and being nice and all this shit instead of just hammering home all their policies while they had the majority in congress. 


when bush was in office the republicans just rammed everything threw that they wanted. the dems are often too thoughtful for their own good. they take the high road too often.. though they do politic w/the best of them at times and there's just as many scoundrels in office. they really know when to shit the bed. 


There are valid criticisms of the Democratic party to be made but it comes down to this: they fall short of good goals whereas the GOP simply avoids making any at all. Moderates / pragmatists / seasoned officials - corrupt or not - are the ones who manage to keep things from going to all hell by hammering out budgets, bipartisan laws, etc. That imperfect and flawed but necessary state of things is exactly what Trump supporters naively want to "drain the swamp" of without considering any real consequence or alternative.


I know a few liberals so disillusioned that they see Trump as a means of setting fire to it all (metaphorically) to this corrupt status quo. I disagree - Trump isn't going to bring in a fast clean burn if we let him loose, he's going to set a tire fire we're going to have to wrestle with far longer than 4 years.

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All i need to know about Trump is his use of the English language.


....that alone says everything


What he says is another universe of insanity

Yeah, he isn't even able to construct a syntactically correct sentence.

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