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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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TWO YEARS AGO, journalist Anand Giridharadas took the stage at the TED Conference and told the attendant techno-solutionists that they were, in fact, part of the problem. Literally, that’s what he said. Here, I’ll quote him directly:


If you live near a Whole Foods, if no one in your family serves in the military, if you’re paid by the year, not the hour, if most people you know finished college, if no one you know uses meth, if you married once and remain married, if you’re not one of 65 million Americans with a criminal record — if any or all of these things describe you, then accept the possibility that actually, you may not know what’s going on and you may be part of the problem.
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What if I know a wealthy crack head from Princeton and have a cousin who served in Iraq, but also shop at Whole Foods and don't know anyone without a college degree?


edit - wait the 3-4 veterans in my family all have college degrees and live in the urban north east and are democrats i'm so confused

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What if I know wealthy crack head from Princeton and have cousin who served Iraq, but also shop at Whole Foods and don't know anyone without a college degree?


I don't know the answer to that.

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Most important question of the day: Is HW actually sick, or could he just not bear to watch this shit?


The former but I think the latter factored in. If I had pneumonia and was 92 I wouldn't attend that shit either. W didn't vote for Trump.


He was a hard pill to swallow after Reagan for liberals, both are the ire of progressives for good reason but they are a much different cut than Trump and his factions. HW is the same man who publicly resigned from the NRA in 1995. Trump is the same man who suggested Hilary should by wary of gun rights activists if she were to get elected. I would not be shocked in private that HW or W actually would of preferred HRC in office.


I won't make the case that W or his father are worthy of respect or appreciation at all as presidents but they are a class act compared to the new POTUS.



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What's actually there is just as scary as what they removed, e.g.

A Trump Administration will empower our law enforcement officers to do their jobs and keep our streets free of crime and violence. The Trump Administration will be a law and order administration. President Trump will honor our men and women in uniform and will support their mission of protecting the public. The dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong. The Trump Administration will end it.

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What if I know wealthy crack head from Princeton and have cousin who served Iraq, but also shop at Whole Foods and don't know anyone without a college degree?


I don't know the answer to that.



I think this actually describes most Americans.


Yes this is a divided and increasingly class based country. You go to a rural part of middle American and compare it to a hip urban neighborhood and it seems like both exist in vacuums of each other. That said there's no clear-cut, black and white dividing line. Most people overlap both "worlds" and straddle such divides.


I know there are things to drawn from the state of things but personally the whole intellectual soapbox think pieces that "we (liberal/non flyover state/elites/etc) asked for Trump" on it are getting tiresome.

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What's actually there is just as scary as what they removed, e.g.

A Trump Administration will empower our law enforcement officers to do their jobs and keep our streets free of crime and violence. The Trump Administration will be a law and order administration. President Trump will honor our men and women in uniform and will support their mission of protecting the public. The dangerous anti-police atmosphere in America is wrong. The Trump Administration will end it.



Our country needs more law enforcement, more community engagement, and more effective policing.

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i just realized its literally, objectively whiter




The only problem with the comparison is that it's unclear if they were taken at the same time.

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If you live near a Whole Foods, if no one in your family serves in the military, if you’re paid by the year, not the hour, if most people you know finished college, if no one you know uses meth, if you married once and remain married, if you’re not one of 65 million Americans with a criminal record — if any or all of these things describe you, then accept the possibility that actually, you may not know what’s going on and you may be part of the problem.



the middle blame the poor who blame the middle



Good one! First 242 I ever heard. :)


bruh get digging, Front 242 are great


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Trump wanted tanks, missiles, and other military vehicles in the parade but the Pentagon nixed it.



“They were legit thinking Red Square/North Korea-style parade,” a member of Trump’s transition team told The Huffington Post.




He got a flyby he wanted nonetheless, first since Truman's 1949 inauguration. 

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It's 2017 and now I'm rooting for the CIA.


That guy should have kept wailing on Richard Spencer. Either way, that video put a smile on my face. 


Edit: I got back from the protest in Boston a little while ago. It's kind of encouraging to be in a large group of people with functioning bullshit detectors. There was one heckler in the crowd early on, sheepishly saying things like, "your side lost", "move to mexico", etc. As soon as I heard this I positioned myself behind him and noticed his backpack was fully open. He got into a shitfit with a couple people and got boxed out of the crowd. I let him know his backpack was open and he refused to make eye contact. He just looked into it all forlorn and in a defeated voice said, "yeah... nice chants guys." Lol I'm pretty sure someone jacked his laptop or something while he was being a prick. 

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