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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Plausible take, def agree about Kelley and Mattis jumping ship. The administration is literally just non-establishment loyalists, cronies, and former Fox New staff at this point. Hell even Chris Christie declined a job offer. Pence's top aide declined one as well. 


Either way 2019 is going to fucking surreal. To quote Brooks of the NYT the Mueller probe is a grocery store: so far we've seen a few specific sections of one or two aisles of a giant grocery store, and that grocery is the extent and full scope of Trump's crimes.


I can't say exciting or satisfying to describe the inevitable indictments to come, the whole grand debacle is just too goddamn embarrassing and pathetic. A friend of mine said she thinks Mueller is a good lawyer because he's slow and methodical, and that's partly to do a good job and, more alarmingly, partly to maintain stability in this country because it'd be catastrophic to arrest and remove everyone at fault from power at once. It's that bad.

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too late to edit:

"By getting the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, " should be "by getting the troops out AGAINST the explicit advice of the people responsible in defence. Trump acting on his own and refusing to listen to the advice of those responsible *will* be an essential part of this scenario.


anyways... ;-p

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@joshua: yes and also remember that if the GOP think they'll lose 2020 with TRump, they'll *have* to get rid of him in 2019! ASAP! If they want to have a shot at winning 2020, it's either sticking with Trump or dropping him 'yesterday'. They *have* to move really quick if they don't believe in Trump making it to 2020.

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^ white rural America has been the the most consistently subsidized demographic for decades, if not centuries


Texas school districts have been that way as well, via the "Robin Hood" program that was enacted as a patch for the public education funding issues the state ran into 1990s. Since most funding is via local property taxes the idea was for wealthy school districts to share funding with poor inner city districts and poor rural ones.


In reality it means liberal cities like Austin have to give away over 50% of their school budget to rural conservative districts, which are free to spend it on football stadiums and water parks. All while the GOP-majority refuses to reform the system and keeps cutting state-level spending and diverts funding to charter schools and voucher programs that, again, mostly target urban school districts.

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Status Report: we have no Defense Secretary, no Attorney General, no Chief of Staff. The stock market is tanking. The government is shutting down. And Trump is a habitual liar and unindicted co-conspirator on multiple felonies committed to help him win an election that he just barely won.







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So, seeing the Mattis and (!) Kelly situation, here's my personal conspiracy plot.


Mattis and Kelly are moving to create a scenario where the GOP are able to impeach Trump without losing face. Ok, so how is that going to work?


My argument would be that they'd lose face if they would impeach him on the basis of anything related to the Mueller investigation. And I'd argue the events surrounding Mattis (and Kelly) leaving creates conditions where the GOP *could* impeach Trump with a minimal amount of losing face. Minimal is the key word here perhaps. Because they've created conditions independent from the Mueller investigation where they could argue that Trump is putting American safety at risk. By getting the troops out of Syria and Afghanistan, the GOP could make the case that Trump is acting against US interest. I've got a sneaking suspicion this is essentially what is going on at this moment. Perhaps against the backdrop that the Mueller investigation (and all the others) have plenty of proof of illegal stuff going on. So by moving to impeach TRump on current foreign policy, they're also creating space to go after Trump, post impeachment. Which makes this a two step rocket.

1. get him out of office on foreign policy/national security issues

2. get him in court because all the other stuff

This might just be what's happening.




This is a complete shit show, clown car of a government.

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^ white rural America has been the the most consistently subsidized demographic for decades, if not centuries


Texas school districts have been that way as well, via the "Robin Hood" program that was enacted as a patch for the public education funding issues the state ran into 1990s. Since most funding is via local property taxes the idea was for wealthy school districts to share funding with poor inner city districts and poor rural ones.


In reality it means liberal cities like Austin have to give away over 50% of their school budget to rural conservative districts, which are free to spend it on football stadiums and water parks. All while the GOP-majority refuses to reform the system and keeps cutting state-level spending and diverts funding to charter schools and voucher programs that, again, mostly target urban school districts.


Plus if you're a farm owner (and there are not many, agribusiness is big business) in the US, you get mad subsidies. You get money to not grow shit, you get money for taking care of your fields properly, etc. If people actually knew how much money farms got, they wouldn't talk about socialism anymore.



Status Report: we have no Defense Secretary, no Attorney General, no Chief of Staff. The stock market is tanking. The government is shutting down. And Trump is a habitual liar and unindicted co-conspirator on multiple felonies committed to help him win an election that he just barely won.










Was installing this nutjob the Russian plan all along, sow instability in the US (political, social, economical, and otherwise)?


Or just a happy side effect?


There's a book called "USSA" or something like that where the Russians have installed a sleeper agent as the chairman of the Federal Reserve and he causes an economic crisis leading to a situation where the pesky Russians almost get away with taking over the US (and they would have gotten away with it to, if it weren't for those meddling kids). Wish I could remember the title, it was fine for a bit of pulp fiction. Anyway - very similar scenario to what's being played out now.

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Status Report: we have no Defense Secretary, no Attorney General, no Chief of Staff. The stock market is tanking. The government is shutting down. And Trump is a habitual liar and unindicted co-conspirator on multiple felonies committed to help him win an election that he just barely won.









And still, red hat MAGA supporters don't care. I predict donnie goes on the redneck tour circuit soon to rally the troops, feeds them the snake oil they need...gets the polling numbers back to 40% so the GOP backs down. 

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Remember that secrete meeting between orangutan and his handler (Poutine) in a room with only them and the translators?  Need to arrange a similar meeting, only this time with Jackson and no translators.

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he got pissy about Mattis being applauded for repudiating his foreign/military policy stance in his resignation letter so he had him replaced 2 months early.


what a biiiitch.

Edited by usagi
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