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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Couldn't tell whose voice that was towards the end of the Chicago brawl video, but they sounded like Mr. Garrison from South Park. Couldn't even tell what gender they were, but flol anyway.

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There seems to be some sort of pro-Israel movement also within the Christian fundamentalists here in Finland. The public Christian TV channel keeps broadcasting Israeli news for example. I don't know if it's just something they are copying from the Evangelicals in the US or what's going on, but it's not just an American thing definitely. There's also this older anti-Semitic branch of Christian nutters that are spouting the usual stuff about Jewish conspiracies and whatnot.


Evangelicalism itself isn't American uniquely, I just think the US has more people and is a major world power so it's centered here. The thing about evangelicals is they are aggressive in converting people and spreading their religion, so you have evangelicals all over the world: South America, Africa, Asia, etc. Even if countries already have older protestant or catholic communities they still try to recruit new followers. Hell, the really fundamental evangelicals even consider other Christians sects as being just "as bad" as non-believers. I recall being at a sci-fi bookstore in New Mexico and talking to this awkward but friendly employee there, teenage kid, and slowly figured out he was a kid of a evangelical missionary. He was really vague about it, I actually thought he was talking about some kind of international study abroad program, but right before I kind of hurried myself out he was talking about travelling to Greece was hard because there were so many "lost souls/unsaved/devilish" people. I assummed he meant secular citizens...turns out he meant Orthodox adherents. I still laugh of the absurdity of the thought.


As for the obsession of Evangelical Christians with Israel's affairs and it's lobby in the US government, I think the turning point in that was the late 60s/early 70s. There was the whole Jews for Jesus movement and then as the decades went by I can only assume with the Iranian revolution, the cold war ending, the Gulf War, and Islamic terrorism becoming more and more of a concern it just solidified itself as a tenant of US politics over the decades. Before 1956 though the US and Israel did not have strong relations, mostly just economic support for them during their austerity years. We were too busy dealing with the USSR's influence in the Arab world and also the UK and France were the biggest Israeli allies from 1947 to 1956, especially militarily. In fact it wasn't until the mid-60s, when LBJ decided to shift to a subtle alliance with Israel, that the US began exporting arms to Israel, but it was gradual until the Yon Kippur war in 1973. By then our alliance was firm.

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Voicing your dislike of trump makes you thoughtful and unique.


what is it with this bullshit FROM BOTH SIDES, whatever happen to free speech and free thought, everything now is welcomed with bullshit 1984 tactics like the one you use sheathe, this bullying of ideas, its a disgrace, if its not people saying what you just said, its anti-trump assholes causing riots in trump rallies. So what now, we dont like an idea we have to be a aggressive asshole and act likea bunch of fucking babies, how about growing up and engage ideas you dont like head on like a fucking man.

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This is the root of the problem, imo. We're tripping over ourselves to find a fence to get behind either side of and start yelling at each other. Not exempting myself from this at all. I just can't tell whether this is just human nature, a recent development, or a perennial American thing.

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Do you think you can convince a trump supporter and an anti-trump supporter to work together, boycott this election and find a solution to fix this broken system? i dont think so, its what we all want but time and time again we fall for personality cults, false narratives and media manipulation, its sad


Now this election is all about trump, a true reality show, its a shame really but hey american culture kardashians vh1 :derp:



I just think it's about as obvious as a thread in afx sub...

i would say pro-trump and anti-trump sentiment both online and IRL is 50-50 so they are both equally unoriginal :shrug:
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american culture kardashians vh1 :derp:




before anyone triggers: of course this type of behavior is not exclusive to americans or people from this century no dah goes without saying

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Voicing your dislike of trump makes you thoughtful and unique.

I just think it's about as obvious as a thread in afx sub...

When a forest becomes overgrown it is more susceptible to fire. This is a natural, unavoidable event.

You know, maybe I'm just slow, but all of these were kind of vague and oblique. Do you care to spell out what you really mean?

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Quite amusing though. If Cruz gets the GOP-ticket, you're pretty much set with a democratic president. And if Trump gets the ticket, you'll end with a dead GOP (but potentially Trump as president...)

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