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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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All this Jerusalem stuff is just a distraction for whats REALLY going on :





Trump to have physical at Walter Reed, will release records



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The whole Franken thing is annoying because he's resigning while Roy Moore, an actual kiddie diddler, will get elected to the senate. I donated to Doug Jones just so I could feel like I did something about it. 


But honestly, this whole "they go low, we go high" thing just isn't fucking working. It just allows the shittier group of people to walk all over you. 

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The whole Franken thing is annoying because he's resigning while Roy Moore, an actual kiddie diddler, will get elected to the senate. I donated to Doug Jones just so I could feel like I did something about it. 


But honestly, this whole "they go low, we go high" thing just isn't fucking working. It just allows the shittier group of people to walk all over you. 


Last bit, I'd have to disagree, but for an awkward reason. Possibly awkward.


I really don't believe in a "if they can do it, so should we" solution. And second, if the shittier group of people walks over you, you have to wonder why. I'll give you one prediction: it's not because they're lower that they walk all over you, but it's likely because of some other reason. They walk over you, because you're doing something wrong. And the Dems seem to be very poor at self criticism (1/3 of the country deplorables? sure, that'll bring you more votes).


The "we go high" thing you often hear is equally misguided, imo. Especially when you're still losing. If you're losing you're doing something wrong. Plain and simple. If you're a Dem, I believe you'd have some ideas on how to improve life in the US. The facts the Dems are losing is mostly because the story does not convince people. People just don't agree. Or people don't understand or haven't heard your story.


The only tip I could give the Dems is to stop being so inanely principled. If you want to win Alabama, understand the majority of the voters are very principled with respect to being "pro-life". Just fucking tell them you might have different principles (and be f-ing honest about it!), but that you will respect the majority if you'd happen to be elected into office. Tell people where you are, and where you're willing to compromise with the opposing majority.


grrrr i should shutup now. politics is frustrating... :(

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Hmmm the moral high ground thing might be working after all. Rep Trent Franks just got busted too. Twitter rumors of WaPo and CNN working on 20-30 members of Congress being outed.

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reshape the landscape.. it's gonna be like throwing a bunch of shit up in the air and seeing where it lands. 


hope the orange one's pee tape is released soon. 

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pic they used is almost 'accidental renaissance' 


and yeah.. that'd be great to see her get her day in court. 

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The whole Franken thing is annoying because he's resigning while Roy Moore, an actual kiddie diddler, will get elected to the senate. I donated to Doug Jones just so I could feel like I did something about it.


But honestly, this whole "they go low, we go high" thing just isn't fucking working. It just allows the shittier group of people to walk all over you.

Last bit, I'd have to disagree, but for an awkward reason. Possibly awkward.


I really don't believe in a "if they can do it, so should we" solution. And second, if the shittier group of people walks over you, you have to wonder why. I'll give you one prediction: it's not because they're lower that they walk all over you, but it's likely because of some other reason. They walk over you, because you're doing something wrong. And the Dems seem to be very poor at self criticism (1/3 of the country deplorables? sure, that'll bring you more votes).


The "we go high" thing you often hear is equally misguided, imo. Especially when you're still losing. If you're losing you're doing something wrong. Plain and simple. If you're a Dem, I believe you'd have some ideas on how to improve life in the US. The facts the Dems are losing is mostly because the story does not convince people. People just don't agree. Or people don't understand or haven't heard your story.


The only tip I could give the Dems is to stop being so inanely principled. If you want to win Alabama, understand the majority of the voters are very principled with respect to being "pro-life". Just fucking tell them you might have different principles (and be f-ing honest about it!), but that you will respect the majority if you'd happen to be elected into office. Tell people where you are, and where you're willing to compromise with the opposing majority.


grrrr i should shutup now. politics is frustrating... :(

Come on goDel, I know you’re not that naive.

How do you convince people who would rather vote for a pedo than a democrat, simply because the pedo isn’t a democrat?

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While watching Trump talk to the Pearl Harbor survivors and being disgusted(my grandfather was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed), I couldn’t help but notice Trump would actually be happy in a nursing home.

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Before taking office, Mr. Trump told top aides to think of each presidential day as an episode in a television show in which he vanquishes rivals. People close to him estimate that Mr. Trump spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a television, sometimes with the volume muted, marinating in the no-holds-barred wars of cable news and eager to fire back.

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I hate read that article.


My three favorite anecdotes:


Occasionally, the president solicits affirmation before hitting the “tweet” button. In June, according to a longtime adviser, he excitedly called friends to say he had the perfect tweet to neutralize the Russia investigation. He would call it a “witch hunt.” They were unimpressed.

“I do not watch much television,” he insisted. “I know they like to say — people that don’t know me — they like to say I watch television. People with fake sources — you know, fake reporters, fake sources. But I don’t get to watch much television, primarily because of documents. I’m reading documents a lot.”

Mr. Trump has always relished gossiping over plates of well-done steak, salad slathered with Roquefort dressing and bacon crumbles, tureens of gravy and massive slices of dessert with extra ice cream.

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One of my ways of keeping my finger on the pulse of what the idiots in this country think is looking at the MDE reddit page. They posted a podcast from our old friend Awepittance, which came out around the time Trump was elected. I came to the conclusion that Awepittance is a pretty good dude, and I shouldn't have ever made fun of him, ya know? 

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