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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Donald Trump officially recognizes Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights

Which Putin likes, because logic dictates they can keep Crimea as well...


More empowering an ally than anything else, literally a political distraction for Trump and election PR for Netanyahu, who himself is knee deep in legal trouble. Heard a former State Dept. member, a W cabinet member I think, point out that this is really dumb and shortsided on the US part - we've gone from negotiating with an ally to enabling them with literally no concessions or trade-offs. It's going beyond screwing over Palestine, we're screwing over ourselves in terms of clout.


The parallels are similar with Russia - very few sovereign countries will recognize this move, as few have done so with Crimea or S. Ossetia

Edited by joshuatx
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Proxy war, anyone? 





“Russia has to get out,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, where he met with Guaido’s wife, Fabiana Rosales. Asked how he would make Russian forces leave, Trump said: “We’ll see. All options are open.”



Russia and China have backed President Nicolas Maduro, while the United States and most Western countries support opposition leader Juan Guaido. In January, he invoked the constitution to assume the country’s interim presidency, arguing Maduro’s 2018 re-election was illegitimate.


Open-ended Don's acting tough because he's sitting next to an attractive woman he probably thinks he can bang. Everyone knows his mickey d's riddled mind is constantly in the gutter when it comes to younger women...

Edited by zero
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Proxy war, anyone? 





“Russia has to get out,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, where he met with Guaido’s wife, Fabiana Rosales. Asked how he would make Russian forces leave, Trump said: “We’ll see. All options are open.”



Russia and China have backed President Nicolas Maduro, while the United States and most Western countries support opposition leader Juan Guaido. In January, he invoked the constitution to assume the country’s interim presidency, arguing Maduro’s 2018 re-election was illegitimate.


Open-ended Don's acting tough because he's sitting next to an attractive woman he probably thinks he can bang. Everyone knows his mickey d's riddled mind is constantly in the gutter when it comes to younger women...




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so, i'm hoping we at least get some new laws and regulations about what's legal and what isn't.. 



won't matter though. orange man will keep on doing whatever he wants and the 'publican brotherhood will continue to be too scared of him to take him down. Ruskies are gonna fuck with the 2020 election and we're gonna get this thread to 2000+ pages before it's all over with...


That makes me wonder, if Trump gets another term, then will this thread become the longest continually bumped thread in watmm history? Probably going to last 8-10 years.

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so, i'm hoping we at least get some new laws and regulations about what's legal and what isn't.. 



won't matter though. orange man will keep on doing whatever he wants and the 'publican brotherhood will continue to be too scared of him to take him down. Ruskies are gonna fuck with the 2020 election and we're gonna get this thread to 2000+ pages before it's all over with...


That makes me wonder, if Trump gets another term, then will this thread become the longest continually bumped thread in watmm history? Probably going to last 8-10 years.


Don't forget the Stupid FWP thread, which has already had an 8-year run now. But one could argue that there's overlap between the two..

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ooo has it been continually bumped since its inception (if you can even remember it) or has it ever completely died just to be resurrected?

You just know this thread will never die while Trumps in office.

Edited by Brisbot
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Shocking News Flash!!! Trump is a liar!!!




Just like a short man wearing heels, he also lied about how tall his building is:



Trump made other reported exaggerations, including saying that his Virginia vineyard had 2,000 acres, when it really has about 1,200, and that Trump Tower has 68 stories when it really has 58.

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Lol the libs are out of control. They need to do some soul searching, meaning stop producing garbage media content and get off the air for a while.


I swear, it’s like a city whose basketball team is down 0-3 in the playoffs and still thinks they can win.


The thing about trump is he has zero convictions about anything, so he could head some of the best cross the aisle bipartisan lawmaking of our time, but the libtards and cuckservatives are too busy flaunting their collective 93 IQ points on cspam.


Divide and conquer, to pick a side at all is a mistake in the first place.


Trump is the president our brain dead nation deserves.


Hopefully Yang can get into office in 2020.

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Trump is the president our brain dead nation deserves.


Hopefully Yang can get into office in 2020.



trump is a symptom really. he's the outgrowth of. the puss working its way to the surface from a deeply infected body.  i think we deserve better. it's not the people that broke it as much as the money and the greed and the criminal class of people in congress.



yang.. i hear about that guy from lefties and righties.. usually i just make a yang type of dick joke. 

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Honestly, I don’t see how the elite liberal intellectuals on here can’t see how pitiful it is to keep acting like trump is gonna get impeached. I know, deep down, very few of you believe it will happen, but the anti trump rhetoric is just too delicious for you to pass up.


It’s like, the lowest possible level of gratification, endlessly grandstanding on social media about how bad trump is.


That’s why he is such a great American president: he is a perfectly archetypal villain to the mind of a 12 year old in social studies, which is about the political bandwidth of your average centrist liberal.


There are just so many more meaningful discussions to be had, but pretty much all anyone does is post memes of trump staring into the sun, or montages of his worsening dimentia.


We have a fascist nazi for a president! Help us!

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Trump is the president our brain dead nation deserves.


Hopefully Yang can get into office in 2020.


trump is a symptom really. he's the outgrowth of. the puss working its way to the surface from a deeply infected body. i think we deserve better. it's not the people that broke it as much as the money and the greed and the criminal class of people in congress.



yang.. i hear about that guy from lefties and righties.. usually i just make a yang type of dick joke.

Yang: “the exact opposite of trump is an Asian guy who likes math”

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Trump is the president our brain dead nation deserves.


Hopefully Yang can get into office in 2020.


trump is a symptom really. he's the outgrowth of. the puss working its way to the surface from a deeply infected body. i think we deserve better. it's not the people that broke it as much as the money and the greed and the criminal class of people in congress.



yang.. i hear about that guy from lefties and righties.. usually i just make a yang type of dick joke.

Yang: “the exact opposite of trump is an Asian guy who likes math”




yeah.. he's appealing for a lot of reasons. smart. problem solver. pragmatic. it'll be interesting to see where the people put their votes in the primaries.. less interesting what the media does. 

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after hearing Yang try and talk about his UBI plan, I really don't think 'he likes math' is a useful argument for him



i like painting but i'm not good at it. 

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after hearing Yang try and talk about his UBI plan, I really don't think 'he likes math' is a useful argument for him

I don’t really have a dog in the fight since I’m in truth a political nihilist, but it’s sad to see centrists dismiss Yang without any concrete reasoning. Basically your standard ad hominem.


Besides, UBI is just his platform. He isn’t going to actually do it. It’s a fake solution to a real problem, just like Trump’s wall, but where the wall was meant to stoke tribalism worldwide (help tip the scales on brexit, etc.), UBI is meant to illuminate the impending obsolescence of the majority of American jobs, plus the tole those jobs are taking on mental health (namely retail and trucking).

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after hearing Yang try and talk about his UBI plan, I really don't think 'he likes math' is a useful argument for him

I don’t really have a dog in the fight since I’m in truth a political nihilist, but it’s sad to see centrists dismiss Yang without any concrete reasoning. Basically your standard ad hominem.


Besides, UBI is just his platform. He isn’t going to actually do it. It’s a fake solution to a real problem, just like Trump’s wall, but where the wall was meant to stoke tribalism worldwide (help tip the scales on brexit, etc.), UBI is meant to illuminate the impending obsolescence of the majority of American jobs, plus the tole those jobs are taking on mental health (namely retail and trucking).



do you care that trump fired the AG who wouldnt protect him from the mueller investigation and nominated barr, who wrote about issues with the mueller investigation? then the mueller report said it looked like there probably was obstruction of justice, and seemed to recommend congress take it up, and the AG said nah? that's fine?


reminds me of when trump asked comey to stop investigating flynn, and comey said no, and trump fired comey. then flynn plead guilty. kind of seems like obstruction of justice. 


btw the intel community told the trump admin flynn was compromised by russia and the trump admin declined to let him go as nat sec advisor for weeks, until the press got too bad.


he lied to the fbi about talking to the russian gov about lifting sanctions.


these are facts.

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Honestly, I don’t see how the elite liberal intellectuals on here can’t see how pitiful it is to keep acting like trump is gonna get impeached. I know, deep down, very few of you believe it will happen, but the anti trump rhetoric is just too delicious for you to pass up.

It’s like, the lowest possible level of gratification, endlessly grandstanding on social media about how bad trump is.

That’s why he is such a great American president: he is a perfectly archetypal villain to the mind of a 12 year old in social studies, which is about the political bandwidth of your average centrist liberal.

There are just so many more meaningful discussions to be had, but pretty much all anyone does is post memes of trump staring into the sun, or montages of his worsening dimentia.

We have a fascist nazi for a president! Help us!

The thing about the Trump-situation is that it's a yuge Shakespearean tragedy. It's mindcrack. Regardless of him being impeached. It's Game of Thrones. It's comedy. It's tragedy. It's ridiculous.


"There are just so many more meaningful discussions to be had, but pretty much all anyone does is post memes of trump staring into the sun, or montages of his worsening dimentia."


Please don't jump into the same rabbit hole as you blame others are doing. Yeah, there's memes. But there's also plenty other stuff being posted. Using hyperbole to make your point is exactly the type of behavior which seems to squeeze your tits. Don't be part of it.

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