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"Baby you can drive my car"

Nice catch bitchroast!


Yep, the lyrics have changed


Are there any other changes to your Memories that you Remember?


I called my Mom and Brother


They're both huge fans of The Beatles


What We Remember:)




"Baby you can drive my car


Someday you're gonna be a star


Baby you can drive my car


And baby I Love You"




Anyone agree with these lyrics?




Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

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'A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality'


'Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they’ve performed the first experiment that proves it.'


Back in 1961, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist Eugene Wigner outlined a thought experiment that demonstrated one of the lesser-known paradoxes of quantum mechanics. The experiment shows how the strange nature of the universe allows two observers—say, Wigner and Wigner’s friend—to experience different realities.


Since then, physicists have used the “Wigner’s Friend” thought experiment to explore the nature of measurement and to argue over whether objective facts can exist. That’s important because scientists carry out experiments to establish objective facts. But if they experience different realities, the argument goes, how can they agree on what these facts might be?


That’s provided some entertaining fodder for after-dinner conversation, but Wigner’s thought experiment has never been more than that—just a thought experiment.  

















Last year, however, physicists noticed that recent advances in quantum technologies have made it possible to reproduce the Wigner’s Friend test in a real experiment. In other words, it ought to be possible to create different realities and compare them in the lab to find out whether they can be reconciled.


And today, Massimiliano Proietti at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and a few colleagues say they have performed this experiment for the first time: they have created different realities and compared them. Their conclusion is that Wigner was correct—these realities can be made irreconcilable so that it is impossible to agree on objective facts about an experiment.


Wigner’s original thought experiment is straightforward in principle. It begins with a single polarized photon that, when measured, can have either a horizontal polarization or a vertical polarization. But before the measurement, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, the photon exists in both polarization states at the same time—a so-called superposition.


Wigner imagined a friend in a different lab measuring the state of this photon and storing the result, while Wigner observed from afar.


Wigner has no information about his friend’s measurement and so is forced to assume that the photon and the measurement of it are in a superposition of all possible outcomes of the experiment.


Wigner can even perform an experiment to determine whether this superposition exists or not. This is a kind of interference experiment showing that the photon and the measurement are indeed in a superposition.


From Wigner’s point of view, this is a “fact”—the superposition exists. And this fact suggests that a measurement cannot have taken place.


But this is in stark contrast to the point of view of the friend, who has indeed measured the photon’s polarization and recorded it. The friend can even call Wigner and say the measurement has been done (provided the outcome is not revealed).


So the two realities are at odds with each other. “This calls into question the objective status of the facts established by the two observers,” say Proietti and co.


That’s the theory, but last year Caslav Brukner, at the University of Vienna in Austria, came up with a way to re-create the Wigner’s Friend experiment in the lab by means of techniques involving the entanglement of many particles at the same time.


The breakthrough that Proietti and co have made is to carry this out. “In a state-of-the-art 6-photon experiment, we realize this extended Wigner’s friend scenario,” they say.


They use these six entangled photons to create two alternate realities—one representing Wigner and one representing Wigner’s friend. Wigner’s friend measures the polarization of a photon and stores the result. Wigner then performs an interference measurement to determine if the measurement and the photon are in a superposition.


The experiment produces an unambiguous result. It turns out that both realities can coexist even though they produce irreconcilable outcomes, just as Wigner predicted.


That raises some fascinating questions that are forcing physicists to reconsider the nature of reality.


The idea that observers can ultimately reconcile their measurements of some kind of fundamental reality is based on several assumptions. The first is that universal facts actually exist and that observers can agree on them.


But there are other assumptions too. One is that observers have the freedom to make whatever observations they want. And another is that the choices one observer makes do not influence the choices other observers make—an assumption that physicists call locality.


If there is an objective reality that everyone can agree on, then these assumptions all hold.


But Proietti and co’s result suggests that objective reality does not exist. In other words, the experiment suggests that one or more of the assumptions—the idea that there is a reality we can agree on, the idea that we have freedom of choice, or the idea of locality—must be wrong.


Of course, there is another way out for those hanging on to the conventional view of reality. This is that there is some other loophole that the experimenters have overlooked. Indeed, physicists have tried to close loopholes in similar experiments for years, although they concede that it may never be possible to close them all.


Nevertheless, the work has important implications for the work of scientists. “The scientific method relies on facts, established through repeated measurements and agreed upon universally, independently of who observed them,” say Proietti and co. And yet in the same paper, they undermine this idea, perhaps fatally.


The next step is to go further: to construct experiments creating increasingly bizarre alternate realities that cannot be reconciled. Where this will take us is anybody’s guess. But Wigner, and his friend, would surely not be surprised.


Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1902.05080 : Experimental Rejection of Observer-Independence in the Quantum World


March 12, 2019



Retconned thread:



Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

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'Physicists reverse time using quantum computer'


March 13, 2019, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology




Credit: @tsarcyanide/MIPT


Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology teamed up with colleagues from the U.S. and Switzerland and returned the state of a quantum computer a fraction of a second into the past. They also calculated the probability that an electron in empty interstellar space will spontaneously travel back into its recent past. The study is published in Scientific Reports.


"This is one in a series of papers on the possibility of violating the second law of thermodynamics. That law is closely related to the notion of the arrow of time that posits the one-way direction of time from the past to the future," said the study's lead author Gordey Lesovik, who heads the Laboratory of the Physics of Quantum Information Technology at MIPT.


"We began by describing a so-called local perpetual motion machine of the second kind. Then, in December, we published a paper that discusses the violation of the second law via a device called a Maxwell's demon," Lesovik said. "The most recent paper approaches the same problem from a third angle: We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time."



What makes the future different from the past


Most laws of physics make no distinction between the future and the past. For example, let an equation describe the collision and rebound of two identical billiard balls. If a close-up of that event is recorded with a camera and played in reverse, it can still be represented by the same equation. Moreover, it is not possible to distinguish from the recording if it has been doctored. Both versions look plausible. It would appear that the billiard balls defy the intuitive sense of time.


However, imagine recording a cue ball breaking the pyramid, the billiard balls scattering in all directions. In that case, it is easy to distinguish the real-life scenario from reverse playback. What makes the latter look so absurd is our intuitive understanding of the second law of thermodynamics—an isolated system either remains static or evolves toward a state of chaos rather than order.


Most other laws of physics do not prevent rolling billiard balls from assembling into a pyramid, infused tea from flowing back into the tea bag, or a volcano from "erupting" in reverse. But these phenomena are not observed, because they would require an isolated system to assume a more ordered state without any outside intervention, which runs contrary to the second law. The nature of that law has not been explained in full detail, but researchers have made great headway in understanding the basic principles behind it.



Spontaneous time reversal


Quantum physicists from MIPT decided to check if time could spontaneously reverse itself at least for an individual particle and for a tiny fraction of a second. That is, instead of colliding billiard balls, they examined a solitary electron in empty interstellar space.


"Suppose the electron is localized when we begin observing it. This means that we're pretty sure about its position in space. The laws of quantum mechanics prevent us from knowing it with absolute precision, but we can outline a small region where the electron is localized," says study co-author Andrey Lebedev from MIPT and ETH Zurich.


The physicist explains that the evolution of the electron state is governed by Schrödinger's equation. Although it makes no distinction between the future and the past, the region of space containing the electron will spread out very quickly. That is, the system tends to become more chaotic. The uncertainty of the electron's position is growing. This is analogous to the increasing disorder in a large-scale system—such as a billiard table—due to the second law of thermodynamics.



The four stages of the actual experiment on a quantum computer mirror the stages of the thought experiment involving an electron in space and the imaginary analogy with billiard balls. Each of the three systems initially evolves from order toward chaos, but then a perfectly timed external disturbance reverses this process.

Credit: @tsarcyanide/MIPT


"However, Schrödinger's equation is reversible," adds Valerii Vinokur, a co-author of the paper, from the Argonne National Laboratory, U.S. "Mathematically, it means that under a certain transformation called complex conjugation, the equation will describe a 'smeared' electron localizing back into a small region of space over the same time period." Although this phenomenon is not observed in nature, it could theoretically happen due to a random fluctuation in the cosmic microwave background permeating the universe.


The team set out to calculate the probability to observe an electron "smeared out" over a fraction of a second spontaneously localizing into its recent past. It turned out that even across the entire lifetime of the universe—13.7 billion years—observing 10 billion freshly localized electrons every second, the reverse evolution of the particle's state would only happen once. And even then, the electron would travel no more than a mere one ten-billionth of a second into the past.


Large-scale phenomena involving billiard balls and volcanoes obviously unfold on much greater timescales and feature an astounding number of electrons and other particles. This explains why we do not observe old people growing younger or an ink blot separating from the paper.



Reversing time on demand


The researchers then attempted to reverse time in a four-stage experiment. Instead of an electron, they observed the state of a quantum computer made of two and later three basic elements called superconducting qubits.


  • Stage 1: Order. Each qubit is initialized in the ground state, denoted as zero. This highly ordered configuration corresponds to an electron localized in a small region, or a rack of billiard balls before the break.
  • Stage 2: Degradation. The order is lost. Just like the electron is smeared out over an increasingly large region of space, or the rack is broken on the pool table, the state of the qubits becomes an ever more complex changing pattern of zeros and ones. This is achieved by briefly launching the evolution program on the quantum computer. Actually, a similar degradation would occur by itself due to interactions with the environment. However, the controlled program of autonomous evolution will enable the last stage of the experiment.
  • Stage 3: Time reversal. A special program modifies the state of the quantum computer in such a way that it would then evolve "backwards," from chaos toward order. This operation is akin to the random microwave background fluctuation in the case of the electron, but this time, it is deliberately induced. An obviously far-fetched analogy for the billiards example would be someone giving the table a perfectly calculated kick.
  • Stage 4: Regeneration. The evolution program from the second stage is launched again. Provided that the "kick" has been delivered successfully, the program does not result in more chaos but rather rewinds the state of the qubits back into the past, the way a smeared electron would be localized or the billiard balls would retrace their trajectories in reverse playback, eventually forming a triangle.


The researchers found that in 85 percent of the cases, the two-qubit quantum computer returned back into the initial state. When three qubits were involved, more errors happened, resulting in a roughly 50 percent success rate. According to the authors, these errors are due to imperfections in the actual quantum computer. As more sophisticated devices are designed, the error rate is expected to drop.


Interestingly, the time reversal algorithm itself could prove useful for making quantum computers more precise. "Our algorithm could be updated and used to test programs written for quantum computers and eliminate noise and errors," Lebedev explained.


1x1.gif Explore further: Quantum Maxwell's demon 'teleports' entropy out of a qubit


More information: Scientific Reports (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-40765-6


Journal reference: Scientific Reports

img-dot.gif img-dot.gif

Provided by: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology img-dot.gif img-dot.gif


Jedimaca posted link, Thanks:)



Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)


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To get super nerdy, has anyone else noticed the similarities of the concept with the wave function collapse? It's some serious shit in quantum mechanics apparently. Basically there are quantum states, and they're like a Schrodinger's cat - we don't know what they could be as long as we don't observe them (weird shit, I know, I can't even wrap my head around that). But as soon as someone tries to measure a quantum state, it collapses, and it's pretty much what we see in the video.


I wonder if it's intentional or just... "Oh, wave function collapse, cool, that collapse word sounds fun, let's collapse shit at some point in the vid" lol


funny you should mention that - richard gave an explanation in this 2014 interview of how the aphex twin logo is supposed to work:


“It's a sigil. You think of something that you want to happen, then you turn it into something that looks like a magic symbol, and then you put it out in the world, and it works,” James said. “It does … But if you tell anyone what the symbol means, then it will stop working. I’ve got a new [sigil] that’s been in development for ages but it’s not looking right yet.”


i guess you're talking about the idea that once something is 'observed' or 'discovered' (e.g. cat in the box) that it changes state, and the reality of it becomes fixed in its nature.


maybe the new video is supposed to show the aphex logo 'collapsing' into its true, understood state? is the world finally ready for the real meaning after 26 years??





:aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:



:aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

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after collapse


Abundance, Joy and Happiness:)






:aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

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after collapse

Abundance, Joy and Happiness:)


:aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:

Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

I definitely thought of you when I first heard this. You and the user whose avatar is a pencil-drawn Richard with crooked eyes.
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Ah! Kansas



America's Central Park


Linger a while


This commercial and jingle was always playing on the radio & tv growing up in the 80's/90's


We lived in the country outside Neodesha, Kansas


in SE Kansas


The television and radio stations were out of SW Missouri and NE Oklahoma


I guess the ad was geared towards them and Arkansas


but we saw and heard it all the Time


Soundtrack to my youth, Ha:)


brought back tona memories & onion eyes:)


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)



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Dank Thank:)


I remember being around 6 thinking what was before anything


then what was before that


then before that


and kept going


then before that


Was it blank?


Nothing, not even a color?


Still working that out:)


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

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Ah! Kansas



America's Central Park


Linger a while


This commercial and jingle was always playing on the radio & tv growing up in the 80's/90's


We lived in the country outside Neodesha, Kansas


in SE Kansas


The television and radio stations were out of SW Missouri and NE Oklahoma


I guess the ad was geared towards them and Arkansas


but we saw and heard it all the Time


Soundtrack to my youth, Ha:)


brought back tona memories & onion eyes:)


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)


what a strange ad campaign, 'America's Central Park' song is nice enough tho :)

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Guy stopped me and asked me for change at Kings Cross this morning when I was on the 7am quickmarch to work. Pulled out my headphones to see what he wanted, told him i didn't have any and carried on walking.

Ten-fifteen minutes later I was walking up Caledonian Rd and the same guy came walking towards me.

Took me about 5 seconds to realise he'd caught a bus and was now walking back down his change hustling route, but in that 5 seconds I was experiencing some intense glitch in the matrix shit.


Don't dismiss seeing a glitch in the matrix:)


My friend and I experienced a similar situation years ago


I've been Thinking about that Time recently


unexplainable but fascinating!


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

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I typed in Matrix


on watmm search


I Really enjoyed reading and relating to this


Awesome post Lane Visitor:) !!!


No joke- don't read this if your mind is prone to freak out and obsess about theories/meanings/existence/quantum physics/matrix type shit etc. Warning's been given.
I'm in a jobless, depressive funk for a year in my early mid 20's.. living with a friend/roommate who had very bad reactions to loads of meds he was given, and we're both just sloths ordering pizza, sitting on the couch.. wasting time like the lyrics from Longview. Bad sci fi movies, super-obscure music, and researching weird shit on the internet takes place of going out on weekends, hanging out, meeting people and doing the things i had done before the funk... I meet this late middle aged new age/buddhist guy at a bookstore who i look up to as a mentor and father figure, as growing up in a single family home with no siblings made it hard for me have a male figure role model in my life. we become friends. he takes me under his wing. i see him as a spiritual guru. a coach, and a friend who offered so much more solace, wisdom, and grounded-ness than i had felt in a while. he slowly becomes a little overpowering and very inquisitive of my life, but i trust him and confide in him. in one of my 3 am late night noodling, i stumble upon an article on Wikipedia about a theory called "solipsism"....
It's the basic premise that our own mind is the only mind that we can truly prove exists. I search more about the theory and its implications of this newly realized truth that I myself never quite truly contemplated the fact that there just could be a possibility that the entire world and minds around me are simply an illusion/construct of my sub conscious. I become fascinated with this insanely mindblowing and reality-shaking idea of the absolute opposite of how I've been perceiving reality since day one, and then it hits me.. like deep in the bones. I become scared shitless. Beyond shitless. Paralyzed. Hypnotized. Completely lost within the pondering of this new perspective. It can't be. It won't be. But now I can't not think of it. What is this? Do people know about this?... Wait, are there actually other people? W..... T....            F.
I sleep on it and wake up completely shifted of mindset, I remember the article I read the night before and I'm just sickened and.. kind of fascinated at the same time. What the fuck is going on? How can there be this theory that's supposedly completely internally consistent in terms of logic, that would mean that life is an illusion? Why had i never pondered this before and how can I now stop thinking about this if either answer is likely to be true based on logic? I mean logic is science. Are there other people out there that think this shit? That believe this? Wtf is going on? But if this is true, then it means I created the theory itself, so there aren't other people that believe it. Just me. 
I can't take the weirdness and mindfuckery any longer. Oh , I know. That one guy who I look up to.. who seems wise. He knows all about this kind of stuff. Surely, in his middle way, Buddhist, pragmatic, open-heated fashion, he'd easily and simply quash that theory and tell me it's ridiculous or haha yeah i remember thinking about that when i was a kid, or even just- you never know man, doesn't matter just live your life. No. I ask him if he's ever heard of the theory. He's never heard of the word "solipsism", but when i tell him what it means, that it's the idea that the only thing that can be proved to exist is one's own mind. I'm on the other line, walking through my complex, planning to have tried to go or a jog to better my lifestyle and work on leaving the slump im in, but of course, im just walking nervously, digestive system feeling out of whack, dry mouth and hot in my head... waiting for his reply.  And he simply responds:
"Oh yeah man. That's true. Your mind is the only thing that exists."
....... heh. I respond laughing quietly, voice almost cracked at this point, just muttering like a helpless wreck, like im 10 yrs old and i just got told that im going to die in a year. "Well, you mean,.. like, symbolically right? like the world as we know it, is an illusion right? Not like it's actually not there?... eerright? you mean like from a buddhist perspective, like the material realm is an illusion and that we're all part of a big collective consciousness and that our bodies and the physical realm are merely the ways we view reality?"
"No man, for real, nothing at all exists outside of your mind. Youre consciousness is the only thing that exists.. In fact, the entire universe is just your imagination... Here, I'm gonna send you this article (he says nonchalantly) that will just totally blow your mind for real." 
I hang up the phone and walk home in a daze, in a state ive never felt before as if everything was crumbling around me. im falling apart. is this the mega flagship version/source of that weird feeling that i get every time i would get tooo high and think about scary shit? Is this that dread that i feel deep within me sometimes, that not-knowing, strange foreign feeling that something is uncertain? Is this thing here now that is taking my mind away from me into this new scary world, is this what those other things actually were trying to tell me about the "nature of reality", but in slow back-road ways, in my own language, slowly and safely over time? and then this happened and it accelerated my apparently already- innate knowledge that i am in fact the creator of this entire universe, and that for some reason i needed to know it right now, right here? I set myself up a long time ago in the primal ether of my deep locked unconscious for a game to play, where i would one day find out that i , just me, only i- was the master of this entire design that i call "the world around me", and that it's now time to see the truth? have i broken the illusion that i set up for myself? and why did i even create an illusion in the first place? oh, to have fun, because if it's only me, then im bored and lonely and need to "create" other minds and pretend they exist and then create an intelligent way for me to forget i created those minds a long time ago, so that i could think that they are all other minds just like mine? and then i would have a purpose.. yes. and the ultimate purpose - to finally one day "remember" and realize that i was the creator after all?
is this just another batshit theory that we'll never be able to prove true or untrue and so it's not even relevant, and that the world around me probably exists, because I actually have no reason to believe otherwise, and that all signs are actually pointing to the probability that other minds do exist, and that it would be absurd and simply a waste of time, energy and mental stress to think otherwise, just because it's "logically possible." It's also logically possible that this whole time, the sun was man-made from evil beings from another realm, but who fucking cares of it does it's job, and if it is deemed by common sense and rationale to be made by nature? why go against my original intuition, trust and everyday belief just because something is logically possible? If we don't know, we don't know. but it seems natural that i was programmed from the start to believe that the world around me exists, maybe not entirely the way i see, but there seem to be other minds that i don't have conscious control over, and why create these bizarre formations of theories that i somehow do have control unconsciously? why not just call that "other people"? and wouldn't that reality have more to do with a collective unconscious, than it being "me"? this all seems sci-fi to think in these scenarios- the answer is usually the simplest- occam's razor - it's not that complicated - everything does exist, but fuuuck me.. occam's razor can also be used to prove solipsism true. one mind is simpler than many? but fuck that because that still means i had to create fake versions of these "things" with some kind of unconscious power, and that could be just as daunting and complex.. and well, pointless and ridiculous and... but .. if...
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
for almost three fucking years.
This became my focus, my thoughts, my wonders, my purpose, my fears, my hopes, my dreams, my everything-- to prove or disprove this theory. I needed to know. I had to know. But that wasn't the worst... After about 6 months or so, it started to internalize in my mind. I actually took on the perspective that nothing else but my mind was real. well, kind of.. see you can't quite forget a lot of the things that we naturally inherently feel or do based on the assumption that things are real. but i became somewhat schizo, and just batshit crazy. panic attacks, extreme ups and downs, euphoria, pure dread, on and on  back and forth. everything around me was merely a symbol of subconscious, so i thought. but then sometimes id get lost in the presence of the moments and feel normal with friends, doing things, etc etc, and id blissfully  forget these delusions- that i was "creating" all of this, and then it would hit me. deep in my gut. it would blow my brains out like getting hit my a fucking subway. fuck, i forgot- this is... all.. illusion. these people aren't here.  I'd be in a movie and everything the actors were saying to each other was not actually said because it was part of the script- it didn't come from the screenplay writers scripts that were given to the actors on the set our in LA or wherever they were filming just outside of my home town in other communities, because there ARE no other people. This dialogue is actually parts of my subconscious mind talking to itself. Then wtf is it saying, and what's the message? what the fuck am i saying to.. my self ? what thee... okay... why am i talking to myself?
oh. it's a... the same dialogue i have running in my thoughts about this theory that i think about day in day out.... I look up from my psychotic haze  onto the screen and try to enjoy the movie and say fuck it. Actor 1, in a random line in the movie says "It's not going to happen man". Actor 2 responds: "Fuck yes, it is".
Oh jesus fucking .. what the fuck.. That's me.. That's parts of my subconscious talking to itself. That's subconscious symbolism for my internal debate of "The theory of solipsism is NOT true", and the other voice in me responding as "Yes, it is man". EVERYTHING is a symbol, because, well.. if it's just me here... well, then, what else would these words i hear on a daily basis and these things that play out around me by these (apparently) zombies be talking about and doing? If it's just me here, then it's all about subconscious symbols. Welcome to almost 3 years of mindfuckery, bat shit insane- nearly schizophrenic, out-of-my-mind thought process and perspective. Many times I felt disassociate, surreal and like reality had shifted and I was going to implode into some parallel universe. Sometimes I felt euphoric, like some of the most transcendental feelings of joy and existential peace. But most of the time, I was just crippled with anxiety, trying to solve this "puzzle" of reality. Real or not. A or B. Me and everyone else, or just me. Yes or No. 0 or 1. It became my obsession to figure it out - through forums, books, philosophy, religion, lectures, etc etc.
I got over this, but it wasn't easy. But i did it without meds, without a therapist and without drugs/alcohol. It was the most difficult thing ive ever done. yeah sometimes i freak out here or there, from time to time, but i dont let it bother me as much anymore. i laugh at it most of the time (: who cares really, life and other people seems to be real, so may as well just kind roll with that. it was just a theory, one which can be quite creepy to think about, but one that most people without anxiety/ocd/panic would prob just shrug off after a quick thought, but for us with this kind of anxiety, things like this can be quite a trip. and i had the biggest trip of my life, literally, and i didnt even need to buy any acid or dmt etc. Fuckin woulda been nice to see some cool shit for everything i went through.
One time i was so deep in the panic and fear, that i was about to hook up with this girl who i had been friends with and wanted for so long, and i just looked at her as she was on top of me in the back of my car, and i just freaked the fuck out because i said to myself, wtf- she's not real, so that means im umm.. about to make out with myself. that's pretty creepy- imagine making out and about to hook up with a clone of yourself disguised as your friend lol .. so I said i had to leave and took off home just before we were about to get it on. hah.
yeah anxiety/obsessive thoughts sucks heh ... just an example, and the worst example ive experienced, but i realized that it doesnt matter what it is- my anxiety will manifest in any way it can- and that obsession over that theory just happened to be the winning prize for my anxiety at time. (:


Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

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Without access to the full article, that's pretty useless.

I thought the title of the article was apt




and it looks like the problem is You'








Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)


same Quantum Experiment

'A quantum experiment suggests there’s no such thing as objective reality'


'Physicists have long suspected that quantum mechanics allows two observers to experience different, conflicting realities. Now they’ve performed the first experiment that proves it.'


Back in 1961, the Nobel Prize–winning physicist Eugene Wigner outlined a thought experiment that demonstrated one of the lesser-known paradoxes of quantum mechanics. The experiment shows how the strange nature of the universe allows two observers—say, Wigner and Wigner’s friend—to experience different realities.


Since then, physicists have used the “Wigner’s Friend” thought experiment to explore the nature of measurement and to argue over whether objective facts can exist. That’s important because scientists carry out experiments to establish objective facts. But if they experience different realities, the argument goes, how can they agree on what these facts might be?


That’s provided some entertaining fodder for after-dinner conversation, but Wigner’s thought experiment has never been more than that—just a thought experiment.  



Last year, however, physicists noticed that recent advances in quantum technologies have made it possible to reproduce the Wigner’s Friend test in a real experiment. In other words, it ought to be possible to create different realities and compare them in the lab to find out whether they can be reconciled.


And today, Massimiliano Proietti at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and a few colleagues say they have performed this experiment for the first time: they have created different realities and compared them. Their conclusion is that Wigner was correct—these realities can be made irreconcilable so that it is impossible to agree on objective facts about an experiment.


Wigner’s original thought experiment is straightforward in principle. It begins with a single polarized photon that, when measured, can have either a horizontal polarization or a vertical polarization. But before the measurement, according to the laws of quantum mechanics, the photon exists in both polarization states at the same time—a so-called superposition.


Wigner imagined a friend in a different lab measuring the state of this photon and storing the result, while Wigner observed from afar.


Wigner has no information about his friend’s measurement and so is forced to assume that the photon and the measurement of it are in a superposition of all possible outcomes of the experiment.


Wigner can even perform an experiment to determine whether this superposition exists or not. This is a kind of interference experiment showing that the photon and the measurement are indeed in a superposition.


From Wigner’s point of view, this is a “fact”—the superposition exists. And this fact suggests that a measurement cannot have taken place.


But this is in stark contrast to the point of view of the friend, who has indeed measured the photon’s polarization and recorded it. The friend can even call Wigner and say the measurement has been done (provided the outcome is not revealed).


So the two realities are at odds with each other. “This calls into question the objective status of the facts established by the two observers,” say Proietti and co.


That’s the theory, but last year Caslav Brukner, at the University of Vienna in Austria, came up with a way to re-create the Wigner’s Friend experiment in the lab by means of techniques involving the entanglement of many particles at the same time.


The breakthrough that Proietti and co have made is to carry this out. “In a state-of-the-art 6-photon experiment, we realize this extended Wigner’s friend scenario,” they say.


They use these six entangled photons to create two alternate realities—one representing Wigner and one representing Wigner’s friend. Wigner’s friend measures the polarization of a photon and stores the result. Wigner then performs an interference measurement to determine if the measurement and the photon are in a superposition.


The experiment produces an unambiguous result. It turns out that both realities can coexist even though they produce irreconcilable outcomes, just as Wigner predicted.


That raises some fascinating questions that are forcing physicists to reconsider the nature of reality.


The idea that observers can ultimately reconcile their measurements of some kind of fundamental reality is based on several assumptions. The first is that universal facts actually exist and that observers can agree on them.


But there are other assumptions too. One is that observers have the freedom to make whatever observations they want. And another is that the choices one observer makes do not influence the choices other observers make—an assumption that physicists call locality.


If there is an objective reality that everyone can agree on, then these assumptions all hold.


But Proietti and co’s result suggests that objective reality does not exist. In other words, the experiment suggests that one or more of the assumptions—the idea that there is a reality we can agree on, the idea that we have freedom of choice, or the idea of locality—must be wrong.


Of course, there is another way out for those hanging on to the conventional view of reality. This is that there is some other loophole that the experimenters have overlooked. Indeed, physicists have tried to close loopholes in similar experiments for years, although they concede that it may never be possible to close them all.


Nevertheless, the work has important implications for the work of scientists. “The scientific method relies on facts, established through repeated measurements and agreed upon universally, independently of who observed them,” say Proietti and co. And yet in the same paper, they undermine this idea, perhaps fatally.


The next step is to go further: to construct experiments creating increasingly bizarre alternate realities that cannot be reconciled. Where this will take us is anybody’s guess. But Wigner, and his friend, would surely not be surprised.


Ref: arxiv.org/abs/1902.05080 : Experimental Rejection of Observer-Independence in the Quantum World


March 12, 2019



Retconned thread:



Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)



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Not necessarily clear they're the same experiment, but even still, (I'm no quantum physicist), this is more a question of information and how we process, not a question of memory.

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they're the same experiment, information and how we process memory.


'Your Memories Make You Who You Are'




By Chris Heath, MD


Memories make us who we are. They create our worldview in ways we hardly realize. Like a character made of Legos, we’re built of blocks of memory that all fit together to form our consciousness. How can it be otherwise? How can we say hello to someone or lean in to kiss someone new without evoking memories of previous greetings and kisses? The way it feels to be you— your  hopes expectations, and fears— are all built upon what you’ve experienced before.


It’s common for people to suppose memory is simply remembering what you had for breakfast, or that home run you made in school, or when you had your first kiss. Indeed, it is that, but it’s so much more.


So, if everything is based on past memories, how can we experience anything new?


Types of Memory


Think about riding a bicycle. It comes naturally, even if it’s been 10 years since you were last on a bike; your body just remembers it. Procedural memory is the complex way your body and brain remember how to do things. This is very different than declarative memory, which is the conscious recall of things, like what you had for breakfast—or when you last rode a bike.


Procedural memory is more than just balancing a bike, though. For example, it includes the joy of riding. And part of that joy is created by the association of the feeling of perseverance you had when learning to ride, and the freedom of roaming your neighborhood with your friends once you got the hang of it, and the warmth of your parents’ reaction when you fell off and scraped your knee. And what if you don’t like to ride bikes? This may have something to do with your past experiences. For instance, what if peers mocked you for falling all the time? Perhaps that shame resonates with feelings that you continue to struggle with.


Types of Experience


Just as there are two kinds of memory, there are also two ways that we experience situations in our life. Foremost, there is our conscious experience that is logical and apparent. Beyond this is another level of experience: the way it feels to be you. Psychoanalysts call these two levels of experience content (the logical stuff) and process (the way it feels; a lot of this is unconscious).


Content is the stuff you say to each other; I say, “Let’s go out.” And you might say, “Great, why don’t we go to that new amusement park?” Process is what it’s like to be there together; this is where memory is embodied. For example, I am unconsciously drawn to the depth in your eyes as we speak. Or, without realizing it, I have a positive association discovering something new and novel about you every time we speak, like that you love roller coasters because you adore the feeling of butterflies in your stomach just before you reach the first drop. There’s memory in this, too. For example, I remember the way my first love felt, whether I’m aware of it or not. This is all expressed in the process: it’s in my tone of voice and body language. The majority of communication happens non-verbally.


Process has negatives, too. If I’m with someone who treats me badly, why can’t I leave? Perhaps I rationalize that it would be logistically difficult; that’s content. Process is about the feelings. Maybe I feel like I deserve the treatment I receive or perhaps I think I’ll never find anyone who will treat me better, so I might as well stay. Process may not make sense, but it’s often more powerful than content because it's about emotions.


Using The Past To Improve The Present


Everything we have learned, from how to play with others, how to read, how to resolve conflicts, makes us who we are. Things like who taught us and our experience of the learning are embedded in the memory itself.


Like the fish that doesn’t notice the water around it, our lives are steeped in these memories. It’s the same way with relationships. In every kiss is the excitement of your first kiss and your first love. If you don’t notice it, look for it and let it in. Every present-day experiences of being cared for includes all your experiences of being loved by others, all the way back to adolescence and childhood, no matter what your age. The unconscious is timeless.


Pay attention to what you remember, because it brings meaning to the moment. For example, if you’re enjoying time with a good friend, what makes this interaction, and this friend, special? Is it certain ways they make you feel? Do you find yourself relaxed, excited, appreciated? Apply this to your activities, your profession, the next “first kiss” you have with someone new. Pay attention to what your body is communicating. The better you understand why you are who you are, the more empowered you’ll be to create yourself intentionally.





Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love, Forgive, Heal and have Fun:)

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Yeah since you're not going to quote me correctly, or try to post your own explanation instead of copying and pasting articles, I'm not going to bother.

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Yeah since you're not going to quote me correctly, or try to post your own explanation instead of copying and pasting articles, I'm not going to bother.


lols in spiritual center alignment

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