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EDM (aka Jodey Kendrick) - EDM iii


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Yeah, sounds dope. Hate to admit but after the initially excitement of EDM i, it kinda lost its grip quite soon maybe due to the nearly exhausting amount of similar fast paced stuff that was released around the same time or so (Ruby My Dear, Heorge, Rognvald, Vytear etc etc). Don't get me wrong I still like it and it has some serious good tunes, but this is more like the Jodey I love. Some parts on iii remind me of his earlier stuff, although can't come up with any of his previous releases which would have exactly similar stuff so imo at the same time this brings something new to the table. Funny, just finished listening through the whole JK discography yesterday and this makes a great addition to it.


And yes, it was super cool to hear from you Jodey! :smile:

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