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Live-coding / TidalCycles experiments


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Fellows WATMMers,


I've just started exploring TidalCycles and it might be the best thing ever to happen to my music (that's sheer enthusiasm hehe), I'm having fun again composing and that's fucking amazing :D 


I'd love to have 45/60minutes of material by the end of the year and to start playing live again / select best bits for an EP/LP/whatever.


I'll post jams and experiments here. Here's my 2nd jam ever using TC, likely to be reworked later. 



Hope you'll like it!

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Thank you ! :D

My guts are telling me to play live first and then to record studio versions of the best bits, so a new full LP by mid 2020 is what I aim for.

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I'm so glad / proud you guys are liking that one.


TC's a proper game changer for me : I haven't felt that enthusiast about music making (and my own stuff) for a decade or so, so your extremely positive feedback is highly appreciated, really.

I must say I'm quite stunned myself by this bit, as I didn't know I could produce something similar. Somehow it came to life before my ears and eyes without much deliberate control on my side, quite organically really. I feel like I've collaborated with the music, and I desperately needed that. To my own ears, it sounds definitely like me, but in a totally unexpected way.

It all feels absolutely amazing ;)


Squee: drums are made with DrumSpillage 2 (my own patches), synth is u-he Bazille (doing its gorgeous modular FM thingie) into Valhalla Vintage Verb.


Thanks again gentlemen.

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Fellows WATMMers,


I've just started exploring TidalCycles and it might be the best thing ever to happen to my music (that's sheer enthusiasm hehe), I'm having fun again composing and that's fucking amazing :D 


I'd love to have 45/60minutes of material by the end of the year and to start playing live again / select best bits for an EP/LP/whatever.


I'll post jams and experiments here. Here's my 2nd jam ever using TC, likely to be reworked later. 



Hope you'll like it!

Love the control over the bassline, and how it interacts so well with the drums. Just three sounds, but it doesn't get boring! 


Perhaps could do with adding some extra percussion elements / FX sounds to take it to the next level :catsalute: 

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Thank you !!!

I'm positive I'll rework it someday, certainly adding some sparse elements here and there : a sub-bass to counteract when the arp climbs up an octave, maybe some pads or rhythmic FM/addictive stabs (think Mark Fell, Gabor Lazar...) and a few perks maybe. Still, I want to keep it as minimal as possible.

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Thank you so much, really. Didn't have much time to jam lately, but I haven't felt that motivated / enthusiast about writing music for the last 10/15 years... so yeah, can't wait ;)

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  • 1 year later...

Excellent sounds and fun patterns! Jux and iter both look interesting, not tried either. Is it straightforward to use jux with synthesis rather than samples?

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Many / most (?) audio functions can alter MIDI sequences as well. Here, for instance :

d1 . jux (iter 4) $ s "bd(3,8<0 2>)"

can be modified into (using the drum mapping you've set for ETR_002 jam.) :

d1 . jux (iter 4) $ n "c5(3,8,<0 2>)" # s "midi" # midichan 4

And it can be quite fun :

d1 . degradeBy "0 0.5!15" . jux (iter 16) $ n "[c5(3,8<0 2>) , b4(<1 2>,4,<2 1>) , e5*16?]" # s "midi" # midichan 4

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9 hours ago, Nil said:

d1 . degradeBy "0 0.5!15" . jux (iter 16) $ n "[c5(3,8<0 2>) , b4(<1 2>,4,<2 1>) , e5*16?]" # s "midi" # midichan 4

This looks horrible. And I used to program in Perl where s/([a-z]+?)[^\d]$/$1-$0/ is perfectly valid and easy to understand code.

Like the track, though.

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Hehe thanks pal. Don’t underestimate my inability to code elegantly though, don’t blame it on Tidal ;D

@sTeh B L you can totally use Tidal and FL together, that’s Kindohm set-up (he’s a live-coding wizard and fantastic computer mudician). He shares a lot on info via YT. Feel free to PM me if you need any info.

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  • 1 month later...

I want 240219 TidalAcid#2 (Live) on my mp3 player. That opening gripped me immediately. My audio player can play FLAC too, so hopefully, you post some high-quality downloads of your tracks at some point.

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